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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I learned to skate when I was young, byut never played organized hockey. Played pick up when I was 17-18, but then stopped when I went to College. Started playing again in about 99-2000. I'm 28 now.

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i started when i was 12 and i'm 15 now. for the guys who've played 13 years, what level are you playing now?

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Used to shoot around in the garage when I was 10 or 11. I didn't really start playing hockey until about the age of 16 (first organized league). I'm definitely not a natural athlete but I busted ass and practiced and started playing in travel tournaments when I was 19. I just turned 27 last week.

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I have been playing organized hockey since I was 7. I started pretty late, but have been roller blading and playing street hockey since I was 4.

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I taught myself the basics of ice skating at age 20 mainly by watching others, no successful experiences prior. I started hockey at 24, took various adult hockey clinics to try catching up to everyone else. I'm now 29, so I've been playing for 6 years. No ball hockey experience either.

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lets c i learned to skate when i was 4 but than stopped till i was 8 than i started to skate again when i was 8 i took this HIP(hockey instructional program) first organized league was 2 months before i turned 9 now im 14

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i learn to skate at 3 but been playing roller hockey in the street with friend only till 8 yr and then played organised hockey(house league) now started to take it more seriously at 13yr old(travel league) and now i'm 14 yr old and a half

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