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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate size Question

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What is the typical difference between skate sizes length-wise? If I were to go one full size down in a Bauer skate how much length would I take away? 1/4-1/2 an inch?

I was fitted in a skate that has turned out to be too big after break-in. I was between sizes & he didn't want to put me in the smaller skate, now I'm thinking I may actually be able to step down a full size. Being conservative I'd estimate that I have at least a 1/2 an inch of space between my toes & the toe cap. If I slide my toes up to a still comfortable spot towards the toe cap I can slide a pencil down behind my heel and move it fore & aft a bit.

I'm really tempted to try out the Easton SE16, but I'm stuck online with those (only white in my size, a little flashy considering I'm a shitty skater). Same sort of sizing for those compared to Bauer? If I go smaller in the Bauer I have a hunch that the toe cap seam is going to irritate me.

Current skate is a Bauer Flexlite 4.0 size 3.5EE.

**EDIT** I also haven't been able to sort out some arch discomfort in the Flexlites. I don't know if it's just because the skate is too big and my arch isn't lining up in the boot correctly. I'm a little stumped on that one, I'll be in agony when doing skating drills then I feel fine when I'm actually playing. I'll take some foot pics if needed.

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You might be better off going half a size down from your current skate if you are finding that much room after breaking them in. If your skates are the correct size, you should be able to brush the toe cap while standing. Also, when trying on skates, you should tap your heel back to make sure that your heel is as deep into the heel-pocket as possible.

As far as having pain in your arch, you may want to consider getting a specific hockey skate footbed such as the superfeet. Hope this helps

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I kicked my heel back as far as I could trying them on and my toes didn't touch the toe cap at all. When the ankle foam broke in they went from a little big to what I'm dealing with now. I asked about ordering the size 3 & got a "they'll be to small" from the guy based on my foot measurements via the measuring device.

So far Yellow Superfeet have been worthless for me. I'm going to try Blue Superfeet to get some volume back in the skates.

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The black superfeet are usually the ones you would want. Find the size that cradles your heel nicely then cut them down to the same size as the current insoles. The other thing you might want to try are sidas (graf) insoles, they are much lower volume then the blacks.

I bought a pair of graf 709's and i thought they where the only skate that fit my wide, thick, foot. None of the LHS n my area had Eastons to try on so i never even gave them a second thought. The grafs are fairly comfortable but i wanted a lighter skate, and frankly i am an Easton whore and my skates are the only piece of equipment that wasn't Easton. I decided to take a chance when i saw the se16's half off on HM and after reading how they fit (wide forefoot, medium volume, narrow heel). I played my first game in them yesterday and there was a slight amount of pain, but not really that much. Hopefully it will lessen once the skates break in a little bit more. I had to put in my sidas insoles from my grafs in order for them to give me proper arch support. I also tried a pair of superfeet blacks and they took away too much volume.

Hockey monkey as black se16's in 3.5 W

pretty damn cheap too... I wish my foot was that small.

Hope that helps!

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I saw that & wish I could take advantge of that deal! I'm afraid I'll just be stuck with two pairs of skates that are too big :lol:

I'd be stuck w/ the white version in a 3W...I like black skates. I don't think I can talk myself into them.

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Orange&Black Posted Today, 02:25 PM

I saw that & wish I could take advantge of that deal! I'm afraid I'll just be stuck with two pairs of skates that are too big

I'd be stuck w/ the white version in a 3W...I like black skates. I don't think I can talk myself into them.

Different models of skates fit differently - I believe the Easton skates generally fit .5 sizes up from a Flexlite. Meaning if you're a 3 in a Flexlite then you'd be 3.5 in Easton and the 3 Easton would likely be too small. If the 3.5 Flexlite's are a half size too big then the 3.5 Easton's may be just right.

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What is the typical difference between skate sizes length-wise? If I were to go one full size down in a Bauer skate how much length would I take away? 1/4-1/2 an inch?

I was fitted in a skate that has turned out to be too big after break-in. I was between sizes & he didn't want to put me in the smaller skate, now I'm thinking I may actually be able to step down a full size. Being conservative I'd estimate that I have at least a 1/2 an inch of space between my toes & the toe cap. If I slide my toes up to a still comfortable spot towards the toe cap I can slide a pencil down behind my heel and move it fore & aft a bit.

I'm really tempted to try out the Easton SE16, but I'm stuck online with those (only white in my size, a little flashy considering I'm a shitty skater). Same sort of sizing for those compared to Bauer? If I go smaller in the Bauer I have a hunch that the toe cap seam is going to irritate me.

Current skate is a Bauer Flexlite 4.0 size 3.5EE.

**EDIT** I also haven't been able to sort out some arch discomfort in the Flexlites. I don't know if it's just because the skate is too big and my arch isn't lining up in the boot correctly. I'm a little stumped on that one, I'll be in agony when doing skating drills then I feel fine when I'm actually playing. I'll take some foot pics if needed.

On shoe size, here's a quote from Wikipedia,"The barleycorn is an old English unit that equals to 1/3 inch (8.46 mm). Half sizes are commonly made, resulting in an increment of 1⁄6 inch (4.23 mm). This unit is the base for the English and the U.S. sizing system." So a half size is 1/6". Of course that wouldn't apply if you're comparing 2 different models of skates.

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What is the typical difference between skate sizes length-wise? If I were to go one full size down in a Bauer skate how much length would I take away? 1/4-1/2 an inch?

I was fitted in a skate that has turned out to be too big after break-in. I was between sizes & he didn't want to put me in the smaller skate, now I'm thinking I may actually be able to step down a full size. Being conservative I'd estimate that I have at least a 1/2 an inch of space between my toes & the toe cap. If I slide my toes up to a still comfortable spot towards the toe cap I can slide a pencil down behind my heel and move it fore & aft a bit.

I'm really tempted to try out the Easton SE16, but I'm stuck online with those (only white in my size, a little flashy considering I'm a shitty skater). Same sort of sizing for those compared to Bauer? If I go smaller in the Bauer I have a hunch that the toe cap seam is going to irritate me.

Current skate is a Bauer Flexlite 4.0 size 3.5EE.

**EDIT** I also haven't been able to sort out some arch discomfort in the Flexlites. I don't know if it's just because the skate is too big and my arch isn't lining up in the boot correctly. I'm a little stumped on that one, I'll be in agony when doing skating drills then I feel fine when I'm actually playing. I'll take some foot pics if needed.

Does the skate's arch feel too low or too high? If it's too high, I noticed in my Flexlite 18's that the insole has a bit of its own arch support (it's about 3-4mm thicker near the middle than at the heel and forefoot), so using flatter insoles might help in that case.

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Does the skate's arch feel too low or too high? If it's too high, I noticed in my Flexlite 18's that the insole has a bit of its own arch support (it's about 3-4mm thicker near the middle than at the heel and forefoot), so using flatter insoles might help in that case.

The arch feels too low, there's a little bit of support towards the back of my arch then it seems like it just falls off. Bizarre to say the least. Another thing I forgot to mention is that when I'm just standing my right skate wants to roll to the outside all the time. I don't know if that's a matter of ankle strength, fit, or a combination of the two.

I had placed an order earlier for some 3EE Flexlites, but I just canceled it. I'm not really sure what direction I want to go in.

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Well, I played Open Hockey last night for 2 hours. No skating drills, so no immediate agony for my feet. About 30 minutes in the discomfort started, at about 50 minutes my right foot was killing me, the left just ached.

Left foot: General discomfort in the arch area.

Right foot: Pain started pretty much dead center in my foot. So, center of foot/center of arch. A sort of stabbing pain starts there and radiates to the outer edge of my foot midfoot to just before my toes.

Not fun.

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Question about stretching.

I tried on skates and they felt too big. I then tried on the same skates but a half-size down and the skates felt too small. I like a snug fit but I'm worried that my toes will be too crunched in the smaller size.

Question: will my heel sink into the heel pocket over time, thus giving me a bit more room in the toe area?

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Question about stretching.

I tried on skates and they felt too big. I then tried on the same skates but a half-size down and the skates felt too small. I like a snug fit but I'm worried that my toes will be too crunched in the smaller size.

Question: will my heel sink into the heel pocket over time, thus giving me a bit more room in the toe area?

In most cases they will break in a bit larger, up to 1/4 size at the most.

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The arch feels too low, there's a little bit of support towards the back of my arch then it seems like it just falls off. Bizarre to say the least.

I find that bizarre, too. That's how it feels to me when I wear footwear that has an arch that's too high. My feet have very low arches. Are you sure you don't have low arches? When you're barefoot on a flat floor do you feel like most of your foot is touching the ground or not?

Since your yellow Superfeet are "worthless", try a little experiment by removing the hard plastic on the bottom. That will give you insoles that are even flatter than the original Bauer footbeds. Try that. You have nothing to lose.

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Couple quick pics. Not flat, but low I suppose. I think the Superfeet being worthless is my fault. I don't think they match up w/ my arch too well. I didn't realize you could go up in size to match your arch position. So, that may explain the falling feeling. The stock insoles were worse than the Superfeet for me, they went in the round file.

If I'm going to buy another pair of skates I'd like to get it right this time. Thank you for helping me out, it's appreciated.



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Man those feet are wide! I can see why you're in EE width Flexlites. Those arches are pretty low. Did you try removing the hard plastic shell under the Superfeet to see how that feels?

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LOL! I have small fat feet, it has been a challenge to find something wide enough in JR sizes.

I'll try ripping the plastic off, I don't skate again until Monday though.

I'll bump this when I try them out. Thanks!

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What is the typical difference between skate sizes length-wise? If I were to go one full size down in a Bauer skate how much length would I take away? 1/4-1/2 an inch?

I was fitted in a skate that has turned out to be too big after break-in. I was between sizes & he didn't want to put me in the smaller skate, now I'm thinking I may actually be able to step down a full size. Being conservative I'd estimate that I have at least a 1/2 an inch of space between my toes & the toe cap. If I slide my toes up to a still comfortable spot towards the toe cap I can slide a pencil down behind my heel and move it fore & aft a bit.

I'm really tempted to try out the Easton SE16, but I'm stuck online with those (only white in my size, a little flashy considering I'm a shitty skater). Same sort of sizing for those compared to Bauer? If I go smaller in the Bauer I have a hunch that the toe cap seam is going to irritate me.

Current skate is a Bauer Flexlite 4.0 size 3.5EE.

**EDIT** I also haven't been able to sort out some arch discomfort in the Flexlites. I don't know if it's just because the skate is too big and my arch isn't lining up in the boot correctly. I'm a little stumped on that one, I'll be in agony when doing skating drills then I feel fine when I'm actually playing. I'll take some foot pics if needed.

So all joking aside, your feet will probably grow a full size in the next year, so I wouldn't worry about it. Just drink lots of Milk, eat veggies, and get lots of sleep.

One other thing - you may in future want to avoid EE skates. Generally they are only for people w/ really really really wonky feet, and they will result in you skating sloppily.

Good luck.

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have you looked at Graf skates...? they have varying widths, check something like the 705 or 709 models... they're meant for a wider foot base.

i think what's happening with your right foot, is your skate isn't wide enough for your foot, so it's putting pressure on your arch/mid-foot, and going outwards...

you definitely have LOW arches though, but it doesn't look like it's an ankle problem. just flat feet. getting the arches propped up would put pressure on your ankle ligaments, since it would be new for your ankle.

RBK/CCM are also skates geared more towards a wider footbed.

and the reason for your right skate to want to roll to the outside, is probably because of your right leg/knee... if you look at the pictures you took, your right calf/shin/leg shoots out a lot more to the right than your left does to the left... not sure what you can do to counter that, really.

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I've decided to just go see a good fitter, I'm going to make the trip up to North Jersey to see Joe at Eastern Ice Sports.

My inspiration was getting the 3EE Flexlites today and having my hunch about the toe caps be correct. The seam at the toe cap squeezed the hell out of my feet. My big toes went numb in about 5 minutes & my toes were all scrunched together. Not an improvement, not at all.

I'm probably going to have to take a day off of work for this, but it will be worth it if he can get me into some skates that fit well.

Thank you to everyone that made suggestions. I'll give this a bump when my fitting problems are a thing of the past...I hope.

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