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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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A little Help......

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I am going to Orlando from Canada. Am thinking about ordering some stuff through HM or Hockeygiant and having it shipped to where I am staying. I am hesitant though as I do not know a lot about the time share location and if the staff is compitent enough or trustworthy enough to pull this off for me. Any ideas or suggestions?

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Orlando is not very kid friendly.

Unle$$ you have lot$ of $ to $pend, lol. It's kind of a Mickey Mouse area if you ask me.

plus some stuff to do with space, don't remember what though

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plus some stuff to do with space, don't remember what though

I recommend those things. Very cool stuff, and they don't require you to crap gold bricks on demand.

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Very humorous! I meant in terms of hockey stores that I would benefit from buying there instead of up here....

Go visit JR. All the knowledge he has is going to be worth more to you than any piece of gear you can ever purchase.

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Very humorous! I meant in terms of hockey stores that I would benefit from buying there instead of up here....

Go visit JR. All the knowledge he has is going to be worth more to you than any piece of gear you can ever purchase.


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