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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Crazymonkey sticks

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based off their description, sounds like they are trying to ride wave of the x60 marketing. wonder if they feel anything like the x60. so who's volunteering to bite the bullet and check one of these out for us?

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so who's volunteering to bite the bullet and check one of these out for us?

Not until they add the patterns to the blade chart :lol: ZT40?

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so who's volunteering to bite the bullet and check one of these out for us?

Not until they add the patterns to the blade chart :lol: ZT40?

I would assume Zetterberg

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Seems like a smart move by HM. You see "house brand" fishing rods, golf clubs, etc. etc. in the composite sporting goods market. I don't know about Hockey sticks, but when it comes to fishing rods there are only a handfull of factories that produce the vast majority of blanks. Private label contracts are a good way to make a factory profitable. If someone can find out which factory is producing them that should be a good tip off to quality.

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Seems like a smart move by HM. You see "house brand" fishing rods, golf clubs, etc. etc. in the composite sporting goods market. I don't know about Hockey sticks, but when it comes to fishing rods there are only a handfull of factories that produce the vast majority of blanks. Private label contracts are a good way to make a factory profitable. If someone can find out which factory is producing them that should be a good tip off to quality.

Smart move; yes.

Late to the party; yes. HockeyGiant did this 8 years ago with the GEAR sticks at a lower price point and CREATED the sub $100US retail OPS, mind you, a more entry level product than what HM seems to be offering.

More info to come; the factory the stick is being made in is top notch.

And Perani's with the Inno's and Winnwell (somewhat)

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SubliTWILL - How do you know what's going on - are you close to the industry or just this company?

If they want to get big in the UK, tell them they can send me a stick, jersey etc and i'll happily show it off for them in my league ;)

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No light flex option is a dealbreaker for me as well. I guess they probably figure that the majority of people buy 85 flex so they're just playing it safe.

The stick looks sweet. It's too bad they don't have a 75 flex, or else I would try one of these out.

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Mission M-1 was made by Aldila, so no.

I have no doubts that stick is a very good performer. True Temper has made some great products for other companies for awhile.

They've also made some very poorly performing sticks as well.

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If you're going to throw that out you might as well cite examples...

Any number of the old sherwood composite sticks.

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Mission M-1 was made by Aldila, so no.

I have no doubts that stick is a very good performer. True Temper has made some great products for other companies for awhile.

The same True Temper and Aldila that make golf shafts? For what it's worth Aldila makes some of the best graphite shafts in golf.

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Any number of the old sherwood composite sticks? You might want to be sure of that... Also, keep in mind that they (TT) only made the shafts on those sticks.

Also, the same could be said about Bauer, CCM (although TT does make 2 great retail sticks for them now, not including a comp goal stick), Reebok (TT makes a pro model stick for them), and TPS, just to name a few. Might as well call a spade a spade.

I'm not saying that they all suck, simply that some were dogs. We used to get sher-wood shafts where the composite layers would de-laminate at the butt end, like the old Vector 110s did. The eclipse and force flex were the worst if I recall correctly.

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The same True Temper and Aldila that make golf shafts? For what it's worth Aldila makes some of the best graphite shafts in golf.

Yeh, my Mission Fuel sticks & my King Cobra driver both have the same Alidila logo on the shafts!

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