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Reebok edge socks

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Thats sweet! too bad I cant find flyers third (orange) ! any ideas anyone? also is there a way to get ohl socks?

Do you mean Flyers orange in the Edge Socks or just Flyers Orange socks anywhere?

If you're looking for them anywhere, try hockeyjerseysdirect.com

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flyers edge, thanks thoe!

keep an eye on hockeymonkey.com, your other option is ebay. I've picked up a few different pairs of off the wall AHL edge sock from there.

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absolutely love them. I have 3 pairs. Black, Maroon and Royal. Will be getting more eventually.

Very durable, they stay dry and fit very well.

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+1 on eBay, alot of people snap up LOADS of AHL socks for dirt cheap at team equipment sales.

As far Edge socks go, I will never, ever go back to cotton. Stay dry, flexfit, nice and tight, I love the feel of them. I have some Habs Pros and some Habs retails, both are exceptional.

Most Pro Stock Edge socks do not have the velcro strips, so you will have to get them put on if you want them (extremely cheap, like 5 bucks at a drycleaners).

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Has anyone tried the junior size retail Edge socks? I'm 5'8" and from what people are saying here I'd be swimming in the adult size, just not sure if the juniors will be too small.

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Has anyone tried the junior size retail Edge socks? I'm 5'8" and from what people are saying here I'd be swimming in the adult size, just not sure if the juniors will be too small.

I'm 5'8"-5'9" and use the junior size edge socks with my 14" shins. they fit great. Nice and tight and not at all too small. Plus I think they are a little cheaper! Definitely go with the juniors.

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Our team just got Kobe socks, I guess they're the same thing as the Reebok ones, and I like them. They feel like you're not even wearing socks really, so I had to tape them up like usual anyways. They feel strange but once I get used to them I'm sure they'll be fine.

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I'm 5'8"-5'9" and use the junior size edge socks with my 14" shins. they fit great. Nice and tight and not at all too small. Plus I think they are a little cheaper! Definitely go with the juniors.

Thanks, that's very helpful! Guess I'll give them a shot :)

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Has anyone tried the junior size retail Edge socks? I'm 5'8" and from what people are saying here I'd be swimming in the adult size, just not sure if the juniors will be too small.

I'm 5'7" and have the senior retail and they fit just fine. They're even a tad tight, but length wise they're ok.

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im about "6,0 what size do you recommend i get

As far as retail, senior. I don't have any experience with pro-stock.

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senior retails are a bit loose for me and are nto stretchy either.. i have a pair of pro stocks nad those fit nice and snug as they are stretchy and they are a lot thicker.. think of replica jerseys vs pro jerseys.. same kinda thing.. the retail edge socks are a thinner polyester kinda like the replica jerseys..and the pro stock socks are like the shiny nike jerseys of past.

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I bought a pair of RBK Edge socks in Adult size and played with them. I'm 5'6'' btw. They fit fine. Yes there's some slack but it's really not an issue at all.

It's not like it's terribly too long. It's just long enough.

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I'm 5'11 with a size 15" shin. Just got these senior retails through the other day. They fit real good, the only downside being the velcro: it's a bit fiddly and annoying. Don't know why Reebok decided to put the velcro attachment one just the one side? Anyway, never going back to normal socks after using these...


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Mine have held up amazingly well after a year of skating twice a week or so. I'm another guy who won't go back to the older kind of socks. I'm 6'1, the XL pro stock ones I have are a little loose. My large retails are great. i like them a little snug over my shins to help keep them in place.

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i'm 6'1 and use the Large Pro Stock Edge socks. I love them, I feel like i get a lot more air flow through them then I ever did with the regular knit socks. And they've held up pretty well also.

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I picked up a pair of retail, all black, edge socks. I like these socks mainly because of the fact, like the other mesh socks I've owned, they don't soak up water and what not. Otherwise they're not too special, but the price isn't too outrageous, about $25, so double that of a pair of normal socks. I noticed some of the people said they are pretty roomy and long. I had no issues with the roominess or length at all, in fact I found them to be about perfect! I'm about 6'1"+ and <180 lbs. I wear Jofa 9090 shin guards(maybe the bulkiest shins they've made), but at the same time don't have tree trunks for legs either. Overall a pretty solid sock, but it is... just a sock. Hope this helps y'all.

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I have a large RBK Edge socks and I'm pretty damn satisfied with them.

They're much lighter than wool socks,but mine have ripped a bit on a knee area...

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Yeah, why did they only put velcro on one side when most shorts/compression gear have the ability to hook up the velcro on both the front and back?

They were made to be worn with the 9k pant.

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Yeah, why did they only put velcro on one side when most shorts/compression gear have the ability to hook up the velcro on both the front and back?

The back side still attaches to the velcro strip on the underwear.

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firstar makes them as well and i like them better.. they seem to be a bit more fitted and has inner vlecros on both front and back... dunno about durability.. i just saw them in store.. but like i said earlier, the pro stocks are the ones that you should get

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