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equipment for beer league

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I'm currently playing in a beer league with no contact but am thinking about getting some higher end equipment just for more protection. Which piece of equipment would you think is most important to upgrade and to which one? I'm looking for something that is more protective but won't break the bank. The following is a list of my current equipment.

Helmet: RBK 6k with Bauer 4500 mask

Shoulders: Mission Fuel 70

Elbows: Easton ST4

Pants: NBH Vapor XVI

Shins: NHB Vapor XVI

Skates: Vapor X:40


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How long have you been playing in this league?

If its for a while you probably remember a time where you took a shot off the shins or fell and hit your rear or elbow and we're like "Man I wish I had better XXXXXXXX"

I'd go with that one

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I've been playing for about a year or so and just want an overhaul of my entire set of equipment minus helmet and skates.

I think I'm most concerned about is pants that have better butt padding and shoulders that are more protective in the chest and abdominal area. As for shin guards, I want something that actually protects my calves.

I don't need the most protective like the One95's, Vapor XXXX, or other high end stuff...just something more protective than my current gear

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It all depends on what you want to spend and the level of competition. I play in a LAA league, two divisions away from AAA. I have mid level shins, high end gloves and helmet, high end skates and I don't wear shoulders or elbows.

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I don't wear shoulders or elbows.

How are you still alive?

I have no idea how he's still walking around. I've taken elbows, spears, and pucks to the chest and been really happy I was wearing the pads. Must just be a lucky guy!!!

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If your looking for new shins with some calf protection, I love my warrior hitman shins. I'm in the same boat as you and I'm using

8k helmet

hitman shoulder pads - might remove shoulder cap since it's just beer league

jofa elbow with bicep removed

hitman shins

I feel like I have more than enough protection with this set up.

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I'd say you are more than set with your helmet, skates, and shoulders. Elbows, if they fit properly are good too. That leaves pants and shins. I'd say both could stand to be upgraded but since they are lower to the ice and take more abuse, upgrade the shins first. The most important thing is to take care of the equipment you buy and replace it when it starts to get old. I was rather attached to my old shins and elbows, which were top of the line but after three years, the foams were compressed and warped and much of the cushioning of the pad was gone. It took a few hard falls on my elbows and knees to realize that it was time to replace.

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XXXX shins are on sale all over the place from $60-70 if you are looking for new shins. They have a removable calf pad that is very protective.

I could see no shoulders but no elbows? That's insanity.

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ok, while you may think it's no checking, it's the accidental collisions that get you when you least expect it. From my perspective, get the best helmet that fits you... after all, it's the same or less $$ for a decent OPS and I think your head is a bit more valuable.... or maybe not.

The rest can be gathered over time. There are many opportunities to buy high end gear on budget prices locally and online. Fit is really important to make the gear comfortable and everyone is different so what works for one will not for others. Watch the sales, buy the high end and if it doesn't feel right, flip it on ebay or PIAS until you get what's right for you.

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It all depends on what you want to spend and the level of competition. I play in a LAA league, two divisions away from AAA. I have mid level shins, high end gloves and helmet, high end skates and I don't wear shoulders or elbows.

I have gone without shoulders but I can't imagine playing without elbows.

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I would look for last year's (or even the year previous if you can find some) models which are probably on sale. You can get high end protection without spending alot of money.

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I've been playing for about a year or so and just want an overhaul of my entire set of equipment minus helmet and skates.

I think I'm most concerned about is pants that have better butt padding and shoulders that are more protective in the chest and abdominal area. As for shin guards, I want something that actually protects my calves.

I don't need the most protective like the One95's, Vapor XXXX, or other high end stuff...just something more protective than my current gear

It seems like you are keen to upgrade so get the best stuff you can afford. As you gain more experience playing you will probably want lighter equipment vs. more protective for non-contact beer league. Some of the best guys I play with use mid range gear because it is lighter and more flexible than some of the pro gear. This may be especially true if you are a forward and not blocking shots on a regular basis.

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bauer one75 great pants try em. Also highly rec bauer 4 roll gloves Also I dont wear shoulders but always wear elbow. This is coming from a Beer league, drop in enthusiast.

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What's the reason for not playing with shoulder pads asides from more mobility? Arn't you afraid of flying pucks and sticks hitting you?

Mobility and light weight are the reasons not to wear them. I play defence (non-contact) and I have a pair of really old Jofa shoulder pads, the only thing I'm really concerned about is protection from being rubbed into the boards. I'm not that worried about being hit by a puck or a stick, I can usually get out of the way. Shots that I block usually hit my shins or thighs. I use vapor 4 shins and vapor 4 pants or RBK 5k pants and they are fine for my needs.

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I don't wear shoulders or elbows.

How are you still alive?

I have no idea how he's still walking around. I've taken elbows, spears, and pucks to the chest and been really happy I was wearing the pads. Must just be a lucky guy!!!

in the beer leagues here a lot of guys dont wear shoulders and elbows

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Ugh, no shoulder pads on defence? My hat off to your gigantic balls.

I wear waaaay too much equipment for my level of play, but I figure why take the chance?

Anyway, I generally buy whatever fits well, and it usually happens that the stuff I like is the most expensive. My girlfriend hates it because I rarely look at the price when deciding on what I like:

"Wow, these are the most comfortable gloves I've ever worn."

"How much"

"Uh, $200."


However, my helmet and skates were the most expensive, which, if I think about it, makes sense. I'll probably always buy top of the line (or close-out top of the line) for those.

Only thing I would upgrade at the moment are my pants, I've fallen on my ass a couple of times and not enjoyed that, and a zipper on them has broken.

I think when I bought all my stuff for the first time it was maybe a step-up from the bottom, but again, I wasn't really paying attention to the price. Tried it on, didn't fit, next, fits, done.

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I don't wear shoulders or elbows.

How are you still alive?

I have no idea how he's still walking around. I've taken elbows, spears, and pucks to the chest and been really happy I was wearing the pads. Must just be a lucky guy!!!

in the beer leagues here a lot of guys dont wear shoulders and elbows

Our league requires full equipment including shoulders and elbows. I wear some old Sher-wood 5030s and those are pretty much useless.

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I don't wear shoulders or elbows.

How are you still alive?

I have no idea how he's still walking around. I've taken elbows, spears, and pucks to the chest and been really happy I was wearing the pads. Must just be a lucky guy!!!

in the beer leagues here a lot of guys dont wear shoulders and elbows

Our league requires full equipment including shoulders and elbows. I wear some old Sher-wood 5030s and those are pretty much useless.

im guessing our league has no rules on that.

People play in both adult leagues with no shoulder pads, no elbows, no mouth guards, and some even wear the old jofa gretzky helmet with no cage.

im surprised more dont get hurt. I dont care who you are, a slap-shot to the upper body would hurt like hell.

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I don't wear shoulders or elbows.

How are you still alive?

I have no idea how he's still walking around. I've taken elbows, spears, and pucks to the chest and been really happy I was wearing the pads. Must just be a lucky guy!!!

in the beer leagues here a lot of guys dont wear shoulders and elbows

Our league requires full equipment including shoulders and elbows. I wear some old Sher-wood 5030s and those are pretty much useless.

im guessing our league has no rules on that.

People play in both adult leagues with no shoulder pads, no elbows, no mouth guards, and some even wear the old jofa gretzky helmet with no cage.

im surprised more dont get hurt. I dont care who you are, a slap-shot to the upper body would hurt like hell.

I used to wear an old Gretzky bucket in the summer here. After the concussion I got at work that's still giving me trouble five months later, no way can I ever do that again.

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I used to wear an old Gretzky bucket in the summer here. After the concussion I got at work that's still giving me trouble five months later, no way can I ever do that again.

damn thats horrible :(

im surprised more people dont get hurt playing beer league while not wearing equipment that is needed.

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I used to wear an old Gretzky bucket in the summer here. After the concussion I got at work that's still giving me trouble five months later, no way can I ever do that again.

damn thats horrible :(

im surprised more people dont get hurt playing beer league while not wearing equipment that is needed.

as long as it's a reasonable no check league you're fine. The problem is when you play meatheads.

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I used to wear an old Gretzky bucket in the summer here. After the concussion I got at work that's still giving me trouble five months later, no way can I ever do that again.

damn thats horrible :(

im surprised more people dont get hurt playing beer league while not wearing equipment that is needed.

as long as it's a reasonable no check league you're fine. The problem is when you play meatheads.

our adult leagues are non check, but you often see some wanna be hotshots who take cheap shots and do stupid stuff.

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