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Composite Freak

Anyone gone from Graf to Bauer one95 skates?

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Sorry if this is in the wrong section. Not sure if it should be in skates or not?

I did a search and found opinions on both but I am curious if anyone has gone specifically from Graf Skates to Bauer one95?

I wanted Graf's for so long that when I finally got them, I think I have been closed minded to other brands. I am in the need for new skates and really like the weight and look of the one95's but I am a little concerned about how they lie, fit, etc.

My Graf G35's fit well (a little small thanks to the store but that's another story). I am great on my edges and skate well.

Would I notice a big difference with the one95's? Should I be looking at something else?

I just want a top quality high performance skate but am a little concerned about throwing down the money and then finding out that they are way, way different than the Grafs.


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Not exactly, but pretty close to what you are asking. I recently (last week) went from G3's to One75's. This is also my first pair of Bauer's, I've always skated on CCM, then the Graf's. I also wanted Graf's for a long time, but didn't really find them to be the perfect fit, my fault, not the skates.

I absolutely love the fit of the boot on the One75's, but I'm still adjusting to the different blades. I felt totally comfortable right out of the box with the G3's that had Cobra runners on them. The Bauer Tuuk's felt like I couldn't turn and I was on my heels. I just had the blades profiled with an aggressive toe down pitch and they feel better, but there is still way too much steel touching the ice so turns are not as tight yet. I also still feel a little on my heels, I'm going to put a pair of Superfeet Yellow in them next. I know all about the heel lifts, and I might have to go that route eventually but for now I'm just trying the free fixes to see if I can get some improvement.

As far as the boot, the Bauers are very stiff and the inside padding is much stiffer as well. They also weigh about 90 grams less than the Graf's which is a big difference. Bottom line is, you may like the fit of the One95's but the blades will be very different than the Grafs'. I'm sure you can get the same feeling on Tuuk's as you get with Cobra's, but it's just a matter of finding what works for you. It might be profiling, heel lifts, or a combination of the 2. I still have not found it.

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Thanks chief,

That is exactly the feedback I was looking for. I believe that is what I am concerned about the most because I know the Graf's sit forward and I have read in all of JR's threads in the reviews section about how he has added lifts.

I am thinking I will definitely have to do that.

Is that something I ask the dealer to do for me?

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I just switched from 703's to One95's. I feel pretty well acclimated to the One95's after about three skates, with only minor hot spots when I first get on the ice. The biggest difference i noticed right away was the more neutral pitch compared to the Grafs, but I got over that after my first game. I also love the stiffer boot, but that's strictly PP.

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Thanks ntwusc,

I know more than a few people keep mentioning the stiffer boot so I guess it will be trial and error for me.

I skate very well in the Graf's and don't really have a problem with them, but I don't want to get too brand loyal and close my mind off to another skate that I may prefer.

I really like the light weight of the one95. I guess worst case scenario if I feel it is back on the heels too much is I will get the place I go for my skate sharpening to put a lift in the heel.

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I wore Graf for about 6-7 years, starting with 502's, 703's, and finally 705's. I had no trouble with them in terms of fit or performance, but when my 705's got too banged up, I opted to go to something lighter. I tried on XXXX's, U+, and 9k's before landing upon the One95's, which fit like a glove. I never had any blister or pain problems with the Grafs, and same with the One95's. I couldn't be any happier with the switch. If you're looking to make the switch as well, you'll more than likely have to go down half a size from what you wear in Graf.

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Lot of you guys seem to be coming from Graf's which that have way less depth, width, and volume than the One95. The g3, 703, and 502, are all skates with shallow depth and less volume and width. Did any of you notice that? When I tried on a pair of 10D One95's it felt like there was a lot of room (I wear 10 in graf) but 10C is much better, volume/width wise. However, it seems like that added depth of the one95 means I need to go down half a size, as lee92 pointed out.

Lee, did you think your fit in the One95 got more tighter after baking?

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The dealer put me in the wrong size Graf from the start and I trusted them.

Being new to the brand, I kept listening to them saying that they are more snug and just need to be worked in and baked. I had them baked over and over but they continued to hurt my feet.

Well, I eventually smartened up and went to another dealer, didn't tell them I had Graf, and they sized me at a full size larger and said anything smaller would hurt.

The original store wouldn't take mine back because they were too banged up (after they kept telling me to use them).

Anyways, I adapted and just accept playing with small skates and hurt feet. I think of myself as Paul Coffey without the speed and talent.

So I am figuring on feeling a big difference no matter what I go with.

In that regards, I think the stiffer boot in the one95 will not be as noticable to me because I am currently used to a skate that squeezes the life out of my feet anyways.

Thanks for all the opinions guys. You are all convincing me to give the one95's a shot. I really like the look and feel of them in the store.

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Lot of you guys seem to be coming from Graf's which that have way less depth, width, and volume than the One95. The g3, 703, and 502, are all skates with shallow depth and less volume and width. Did any of you notice that? When I tried on a pair of 10D One95's it felt like there was a lot of room (I wear 10 in graf) but 10C is much better, volume/width wise. However, it seems like that added depth of the one95 means I need to go down half a size, as lee92 pointed out.

Lee, did you think your fit in the One95 got more tighter after baking?

When I made the switch from the G3's I tried on both the One95's and the One75's. For me, the One75's fit better probably because they are a shallower fit than the 95's. If you can, try the One75's, I did and I'm very happy. I was also thinking that a D width would be right for me, but I ended up going a 1/2 size smaller and a EE width (8EE). In truth, my Graf's were too long and narrow (size 8.5R). I should be in a wide width G3, but too late now...

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I went from skating on Graf 727's for 10 yrs to One95's a month ago. Performance wise + one95, comfort + graf's. I skate with the top eye lit undone on the one95s to create the same ankle flex as the one95's. The one95's take longer to break in that the grafs. Once they are broke in, they fit like a glove. I think you would be happy with the one95's.

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I went from skating on Graf 727's for 10 yrs to One95's a month ago. Performance wise + one95, comfort + graf's. I skate with the top eye lit undone on the one95s to create the same ankle flex as the one95's. The one95's take longer to break in that the grafs. Once they are broke in, they fit like a glove. I think you would be happy with the one95's.

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Going from the forward pitch in a Graf skate to the more back on your heels pitch in a Bauer skate is one of the toughest things to adjust to when changing over. I've done it once and it toke several games before I could manoever correctily again but I managed to readjust. For some guys the adjustment just doesn't happen and they need to recontour the blade to a more forward pitch like the Grafs. This is one of the main issues when changing brands so be prepared to shell out for a recontour if you flip to something different.

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Going from the forward pitch in a Graf skate to the more back on your heels pitch in a Bauer skate is one of the toughest things to adjust to when changing over. I've done it once and it toke several games before I could manoever correctily again but I managed to readjust. For some guys the adjustment just doesn't happen and they need to recontour the blade to a more forward pitch like the Grafs. This is one of the main issues when changing brands so be prepared to shell out for a recontour if you flip to something different.

I always get my skates profiled, so I didn't notice a different.

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Well, I did it.

Thanks everyone for your input. I haven't skated on them yet but I will give my opinion on specifically going from the Graf to the one95 for others in the future that are curious.

My plan is to use the one95's for a while and after I am accustomed to skating on Bauer again, probably go with the TotalOne.

My plan is not a very financially responsible one, but as long as none of you tell my wife, we should all be okay.

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My plan is not a very financially responsible one, but as long as none of you tell my wife, we should all be okay.

My silence can be purchased for a reasonable fee. B)

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I don't even talk to my wife about my hockey or my hockey equipment anymore. Just avoids hassles.

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I don't even talk to my wife about my hockey or my hockey equipment anymore. Just avoids hassles.

I dont know if i'm fortunate or not, the amount my wife spends on shoes and purses keeps her pretty quiet about hockey purchases.

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My wife doesn't really care actually because it's my money. As long as I pay the bills, what does she care what I pay for equipment for me or my 3 kids.

I think she figures it's best not to ask since I have a couple of dozen composite sticks sitting around at any time.

Unfortunately for me, I convinced my daughter that she just HAD to have Graf's when I got mine. Now that I have changed to one95's, I know she is going to wonder why I got myself a new brand after convincing her she just had to have the other one.

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I just did that yesterday and this thread combined with a good deal at my LHS made me make the jump to the One95. As stated in the Good Deal Thread, they were on sale at 450$, down from 700$ at my LHS. Went in yesterday and the guy took my foot measurement and didn't seem to think they would fit me and suggested X:50 or X:60's instead. I insisted because I had worn the Supreme One55 in goal skates and wanted to try them on. Ended up fitting really well, so much better than my Supra 625. There was a slight pressure point at the ankles but nothing like the problems I'm having with my Grafs.

Got them baked and once the whole process of heat molding was done, all I can say is wow!! I never had a skate fit me so well, ever!!. I should mentionned that it is my first top of the line skate ever too lol so that probably has something to do with it. Also, just compearing both skates afterwards at home I could easily see where the One95 helped in the fit. The heel lock is wider and allowed for my heel to just lock in perfectly. Anyway, went a full 2 sizes down from my shoe size and the fit all around is just great. Now I have to wait till Friday to try them out on the ice.. These will be some excruciatingly long days to wait till stick and puck time Friday night... Ah well

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I have worn my new one95's a few times now, once for a game and then a couple of times in coaching.

They have been baked twice but I am getting a really sore spot on the inside of both ankles, right below the ankle bone. The left one was so bad it was bleeding.

That being said, these are much higher performing skates than my Graf G35's were. As I mentioned, I am a skating instructor and feel I am very good on my edges but these just dig in the ice and feel like there is no concern for going too far on the edges.

It took a while on the ice to get used to them, as they are completely different skating stance and responsiveness than the Graf's and of course they are stiffer. But once I got used to that I can tell they are just a better high performance skate in every way.

I am looking forward to pushing them and my skating even further than I could with the G35's.

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Trying getting that area punched out Composite Freak. When I tried one One95's, I was getting the same pain under my left ankle.

Woah woah, are you saying you want to fight me? I'll punch you out buddy...


Seriously though, I had it punched out the second time they were baked. There was already the issue on my ankle though so I'm not sure if the skates are better now, because it just keeps rubbing at that red spot.

Did the pain area get better for you after you punched them out?

If I was a smart man, I would go back to my Graf's to let the blister go away and then start wearing the one95's again to see if the issue is fixed.

I am not a smart man.

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Actually, get some medical tape and wrap it around your ankles where the blisters are. Just make sure you put some gauze under the tape so not to rip your skin off when you pull the tape off. Then put your socks over it and it should help reduce the friction until your blisters are healed. I did that with my goalie skates and it worked well. I was able to keep on playing two games a week while the blisters healed.

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