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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Laces

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I just want to know a good pair of reliable and overall good laces. The elite hockey company just pulled the "old" waxed laces which I used and came out with a new one which is TOO MUCH WAX! Anyone have any suggestions that would greatly help!



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I just want to know a good pair of reliable and overall good laces. The elite hockey company just pulled the "old" waxed laces which I used and came out with a new one which is TOO MUCH WAX! Anyone have any suggestions that would greatly help!



Graf laces are great, I refuse to use anything else.

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I had to return the Elite waxed laces because they were way, way, WAY too waxy. Just coated in the stuff. Go for the Grafs.

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I had to return the Elite waxed laces because they were way, way, WAY too waxy. Just coated in the stuff. Go for the Grafs.

I'm glad somebody said something. Went to my LHS to return my Elite waxed yellows and told the employee that there was just too much wax on em unlike the last pair I bought and he kinda grinned at me like I was crazy. I will show him this thread. There ya go, Fred!

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I've been having the same problem... got brand new x60s, put the waxed laces in... not only were they already stiff, but my hands couldnt grip the laces cause of the excess wax all over my hands. its been a lovely 3 games, will be picking up graf laces.

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I cant stand elite laces, they are terrible in every way. The waxed ones are basically candles they have so much wax on them. I normally use unwaxed and the elite unwaxed laces are so slick that they will not stay tight even if you double knot them. I have had nothing but bad experiences with Elite laces

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I thought I was the only one that thought that Elite waxed laces were ridiculous with the wax. After I laced them, they look petrified. Guys were like, "what's wrong with your laces?" becuause they just stuck out and didn't move. lol

It's been a while now, but they are a little looser, however not by much.

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Picked up the flat, waxed Gorilla laces. They're waxed minimally, laces are average width. The fabric seems to be woven very dense, so I expect them to last quite a while. The metal tips have managed to work themselves into the ankle area of my skate a couple times, a minor complaint but a literal pain.

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Any difference with Graf and the Bauer Laces? Just curious!

Graf(texstyle) is narrower and waxier than Bauer(sportstape).

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I've actually had some good luck with Elite waxed laces. I haven't experienced the 'too waxy' problem where they stick up like bunny ears.

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Can anyone tell me if both kinds of Elite laces on HM are the new style (i.e. too waxy) or if one group is the older kind?

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Can anyone tell me if both kinds of Elite laces on HM are the new style (i.e. too waxy) or if one group is the older kind?

The Elite waxed I just got from the monkey last week were the way too waxy kind. Impossible to use they were so waxy. Too bad, because they were a very nice shade of pink :(

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Well I know this is pretty late, but I actually just buy the Elite laces and then I rub them off to take some of the wax off. Because when it comes down to it, i think that Elite and Graf probably make the best laces. Well Elite if you can take a bit of the wax off. Because their pretty heavy duty.

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I use texstyle laces usually. Bought pair of waxed elite in my LHS. Actually I didn't find difference in coating. The elite laces have same flexibility like texstyle. May be old kind of elite. IMO

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