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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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7 months of waiting over in just over 12 hours

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As some of you may know, I ordered Eagle Paragons LAST APRIL. I got them totaly tricked out in nylon, custom name, embrodiery, etc. But as some of you may also know, Eagle has decided not to make the Paragon glove at all. The factory says they cannot make the gloves up to the standard of Eagle. So 6 months later they tell me that I will be getting x80s instead, made to the same specs. So I got a call from epuck yesterday telling me that TOMMAROW OCTOBER 15TH I will be getting my new gloves. They are suppose to have goatskin palms and split fingers, but will they? Who knows. I will have pictures up tommarow... thats if they come in, of course.

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How does the factory say they can't make the gloves up to Eagle's standards, when Eagle IS the factory?

They decided not to make the model, not just the specific glove he ordered.

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How does the factory say they can't make the gloves up to Eagle's standards, when Eagle IS the factory?

They decided not to make the model, not just the specific glove he ordered.

You're missing the point. Eagle owns their own glove factory. So how can the factory claim they can't make the Paragon gloves up to Eagle's standards when Eagle and the factory are one in the same?

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possibly because they themselves can't meet their own high standards?

How stupid do you have to be to design a glove you can't make? So much for fine Canadian craftsmanship.

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Ross is very meticulous when it comes to his product. It most likely did not come out the way they expected. That speaks volumes for me.

I can understand that, but you have to take production into mind when designing a product.

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