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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I Think Everyone Needs To Watch These Two Videos

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I saw the first one about a year or so ago. However, the second video was brought to my attention, and I am in shock. Completely speechless. I feel everyone needs to watch this and pass it on to someone else to watch. It'll change your life.

WARNING - extremely graphic and may not be suitable for some. However, these were both aired on television.

Mods, if this is too much, feel free to take it down.

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Guilty of doing that sometimes myself, but only at traffic lights...

Ebondo... thanks for reminding us the importance of road safety...

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never seen either both very good video's will be sending it to my friends, i like how they show the brutal reality of what happens hopefully most of my friends aren't squeamish :P i just don't like in the second video someone says "we will catch you" coz i just know someone will take that as a challenge no matter how stupid it is

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I drive between 25 and 30k miles a year. It is absolutely amazing how many people that drive that are distracted either by texting or talking on the phone, doing makeup, reading mail, reading a newspaper, etc.. It is truly stunning.

Even though I'm only 26, I can spot these idiots a mile away. I've just learned that its almost as important to pay attention to those driving around you as it is to your own driving. I also learned at a competitive driving course I took on how to look way ahead when going above 50mph as it increases reaction time and your ability to expect things that are coming.

When you are driving, so many people look at the road. The road isn't going anywhere. You should be looking straight out, as far as maybe 15 to 20 car lengths ahead of you when you are at speed to give yourself time to compensate. Use your peripheral vision and ANTICIPATE.

Quick story, I have a 16 year old cousin, I'm an only child and she lives close so she is like a little sister to me. Got her license, out driving around, one day I'm near her high school and they have an early dismissal so I see her driving down the road coming towards me from about a 1/4 mile away (she has a specific model with a very distinctive color and grille that I picked out from down the road) and her 14 year old brother is in the front seat and some idiot friend of hers is hanging out the rear window gesturing at the car behind him. As I'm staring I see her on her phone as he's doing this. She never sees me as I pass her.

I flip a quick U turn, turn around, until I catch her about a mile later at a stop sign. I pull up beside her, pin her car in, get out, walk over to the car and shes still on the phone but now has eyes like an owls because she knows shes busted. I calmly take her car keys out of the ignition, place them into my pocket, pick her cell phone up and throw it as hard as I can into the ground so it breaks into a thousand pieces. I tell her and her brother to get into my car, her two friends I tell to have a nice time walking home.

That was 4 months ago. Thank goodness my aunt and uncle are great people and she just got her car back Monday. Rules now are only relatives in the car, phone is to be turned off and placed in the trunk before she drives anywhere. I hope this scared the sense into her to be a responsible driver before something like the above two videos happens to her.

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I tend to hand my phone to my GF and tell her to read and text what I say.

I used to get rides to practice with a kid who would drive and text the whole way (on the damn long island express way none the less). I never got a ride with him again.

Anyway those videos are disturbing as hell.

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I tend to hand my phone to my GF and tell her to read and text what I say.

I used to get rides to practice with a kid who would drive and text the whole way (on the damn long island express way none the less). I never got a ride with him again.

Anyway those videos are disturbing as hell.

That works, as long as you're not pulling a Tiger Woods.

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I actually think the effect is worse than driving drunk. Recently we lost a close family friend ( and my father's best friend) to texting while driving. He swerved off an hit a tree. It is just so unneccesary.

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I flip a quick U turn, turn around, until I catch her about a mile later at a stop sign. I pull up beside her, pin her car in, get out, walk over to the car and shes still on the phone but now has eyes like an owls because she knows shes busted. I calmly take her car keys out of the ignition, place them into my pocket, pick her cell phone up and throw it as hard as I can into the ground so it breaks into a thousand pieces. I tell her and her brother to get into my car, her two friends I tell to have a nice time walking home.

I take it you either live out in the country where an abandoned car at an intersection wouldn't cause issues, or someplace that accepts irrational behavior like Mexico or the Moon.

I tried to send a text once while driving. I replied to a text with the word "Yes" and in the time to type the 3 letters I had gone into another lane. I will not be doing that ever again.

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I take it you either live out in the country where an abandoned car at an intersection wouldn't cause issues, or someplace that accepts irrational behavior like Mexico or the Moon.

Don't forget about the city of Detroit. There is no shortage of irrational behavior around there.

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