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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nylon Sande 980s

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Well after 18 weeks and 4 days from the day I ordered them, they are finally here. They are white with red cuff roll, red graphics, and red piping. They look pretty sick IMO. But they forgot to put my name on them. :( Oh well. It's not the end of the world...

Anyways, I don't have my digital camera with me right now, but I should have pics later tonight if anyone wants to see them.

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No. It was only $5, and I paid much less than retail anyways. Full retail with all the add-ons I got plus shipping should have been around $180 or so, and I realize that is way too much for a glove, and I got them for $145.

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3 weeks? More like 3 months with that company. They screwed up my colors and mispelled my name, and I said screw it

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Not to put my name on... Takes a week to get there, a few days to put the name on, and a week to ship back. I'm not gonna do it anyways...

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Really nice gloves. Does the white nylon mark easyer then the regular leather or less??

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I like those. That's the BU scheme.

Yeah, I'm suprised that they actually do look nice. Its just a matter of time before they get scuffed up. Let us know how you like them, I'm curious.

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If they get scuffed up, jay just gave me some advice that it won't hurt the gloves to throw them in the washer. I think they might look ok scuffed up though. I'll see.

I use them this Saturday twice and Sunday once for anyone waiting to know how they are.

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Really nice gloves.  Does the white nylon mark easyer then the regular leather or less??
Less I think, if anything. Definitely not more.

And yes, they do have the trigger finger.

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Is this too cartoonish? I can keep going if you want. I use PSP and I don't really know how to make them not cartoonish looking, unless once/ if I finish them I can use a filter to soften the colors or something. I'm not sure.

I only did one patch but if you want I can do the whole glove(s).

EDIT: I got an idea to try to use darker blue to imitate the shadow or whatver that is on the glove.... I hope this is helping but if not atleast I tried! :D I think they look alot better once the picture loads and IE shrinks it for ya.


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Really nice gloves.  Does the white nylon mark easyer then the regular leather or less??
Less I think, if anything. Definitely not more.

And yes, they do have the trigger finger.

Sorry, but you'll soon find out white nylon gets scuffed/marked WAY more than leather or synthetic leather. You will find that they are freakin puck/tape/dirt/dust/stain MAGNETS. It's the only thing I don't like about both pair of my mission nylon gloves is that the white nylon gets dirty fast.

I have yet to find anything that really gets the stains out of white nylon. I've tried shout/detergent/etc but nothing really gets it out. Only drawback of nylon (white anyway).

PS those gloves look GREAT

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Here's a blue and red one for whomever wanted it.


For the photoshop users out there... Image -> Adjust -> Hue/Saturation is your best friend for this kind of stuff.

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I have yet to find anything that really gets the stains out of white nylon. I've tried shout/detergent/etc but nothing really gets it out. Only drawback of nylon (white anyway).

PS those gloves look GREAT

I had pretty good luck with shout removing some of the stains from my old Jofa elbows. It didn't get them new looking but it sure made them look a lot better then before I washed them.

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