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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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skate with alot of forward flex?

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hey im currently in u pro reloads and i feel like im skating in casts and cant any knee bend. if i tie them loose i feel very wobbly. ive injured both ankles the past few years and there weaker than normal. are there any skates with good forward flex that are still very stiff on the sides? grafs maybe? thanks

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the easton s line is a high cut boot with that negative space tech and the pad lock. i like them, they're verry supportive. however if you want forward flex, you shouldn't lace them up all the way.

ps. the graf 709s (i think) is pretty good. two piece ankle.

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Several Grafs, depends on your foot shape. Would you consider G7? The multi-piece ankle is softer, but specifically designed so you can get a brace in. The forward flex is unlike anything I've tried, but, even without a brace and tied tightly, I don't find the lateral support to be lacking. They are my favorite skate since Daoust 501, and I might even like them better.

whizbang...the 707 (available as a left over or custom order) or G7 have the two-piece ankle.

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oh i cant keep up with the many models of graf. its been a long time since i skated on them. i should have researched it before i posted.

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Hey man,

The best way to get more forward flex but minimize ankle wobble is to lace the skate all the way up but skip the second to top eyelet. This will lower the forward flex point but still keep the top of the boot nice and snug and reduce wobble. I have U+ reloadeds and this is how i lace them and i am able to flex forward enough and I do not get any wobble. I also felt that I could not get enough forward flex when they were laced tight all the way and they felt too loose and wobbly if i skipped the top eyelet. This is the solution that I found and I have had good success with it.

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thanks for the tips guys. i will try the eyelet thing tonight. any examples of braces that work with the grafs? ive never skated or even worn a brace but i think it could be a good option for me

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Hey man,

The best way to get more forward flex but minimize ankle wobble is to lace the skate all the way up but skip the second to top eyelet. This will lower the forward flex point but still keep the top of the boot nice and snug and reduce wobble. I have U+ reloadeds and this is how i lace them and i am able to flex forward enough and I do not get any wobble. I also felt that I could not get enough forward flex when they were laced tight all the way and they felt too loose and wobbly if i skipped the top eyelet. This is the solution that I found and I have had good success with it.

Pretty neat idea. I think I'm going to give it a try next time i skate too. Thanks!

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Pretty neat idea. I think I'm going to give it a try next time i skate too. Thanks!

I promise this really does work. Actually you will see several nhl players doing the same thing. Sidney actually does this (or at least used to) on his RBK 9ks. It works really well man, no loose wobble, super tight up top, but lowers the flex point just enough to let you get your knees bent and reduce that "cast" like feeling of many modern skates. I hope it works for you guys as well.

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I promise this really does work. Actually you will see several nhl players doing the same thing. Sidney actually does this (or at least used to) on his RBK 9ks. It works really well man, no loose wobble, super tight up top, but lowers the flex point just enough to let you get your knees bent and reduce that "cast" like feeling of many modern skates. I hope it works for you guys as well.

hey skated last night and felt pretty good. But i just felt slower? idk i'll try it outa few more times. Maybe i just need to get used to it

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hey im currently in u pro reloads and i feel like im skating in casts and cant any knee bend. if i tie them loose i feel very wobbly. ive injured both ankles the past few years and there weaker than normal. are there any skates with good forward flex that are still very stiff on the sides? grafs maybe? thanks

If nobody has been able to make a custom skate like that for Forsberg, there isn't going to be one at retail. Short of using some type of stiff, elastic laces, I can't see how it would be possible.

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Kor Shift skates might be an option - - I felt I had too much forward flex in my shift 1's I had an extra piece of skate leather inserted on the tongues for better feel and lace bite protection- -and the boot was very stiff carbon frame

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hmmm, perhaps customs, kor, MLX has nice forward flex with good stiffness

There's nothing different about their forward flex than a number of other skates.

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My Nike Qwest 1s had great forward flex with the boot being pretty stiff. I'll probably go back to those (wore 9ks when I broke my ankle) for a little bit after I can skate again.

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What level do you play and how much do you weigh? Maybe you could go to a second or "third" level model instead? I know personally my pride and foot shape are about the only thing keeping me in a top of the line skate. That and my love of new toys.

My ideal skate would be a custom fit 707 or G7 but I wasted money on closeout one95's.

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What level do you play and how much do you weigh? Maybe you could go to a second or "third" level model instead? I know personally my pride and foot shape are about the only thing keeping me in a top of the line skate. That and my love of new toys.

My ideal skate would be a custom fit 707 or G7 but I wasted money on closeout one95's.

i play 5-6 times a week in a JR type level. im scared to go lower end bc i go through two pairs of top end a season anyways. dont know how but im very rough on skates. but im only around 170-175 pounds throughout the season so maybe it could be an option.

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