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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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That's one ugly shoe

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I have the same problem Cobra, I'd kill for a pair in all black.

Krev, as far as more input, I don't know if it's just me running faster or the fact that the shoe compresses so much more but after jogging for a week in these shoes my calves are really really sore. I've never had that happen in my Addidas runners, but I can't call it a bad thing. Feels like they're working harder than they used to. And jogging is all about working.

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Well after calling them ugly I finally got a pair today... yeah go figure hehehe. They're actually nicer than what they looked like on the net. I'll be using them tomorrow on the threadmill and see how they perform. The ones I got are black with the yellow sole. It's the only color they had at Sportchek

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Well, I bit the bullet and bought and used them Friday night. Jogged for the first time in about three weeks and the legs felt much better Saturday and Sunday than they had in days following a jog over the last couple of months. We'll see how tonight's jog goes but I think they work as advertised.

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Did another couple of miles last night and some time on the elliptical. There is a hint of muscle soreness around the shins but nothing like before. I'm sold on these shoes and would recommend them.

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Excellent, thanks chippa. Looks like I'm making a trip to the store next week.

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Did another couple of miles last night and some time on the elliptical. There is a hint of muscle soreness around the shins but nothing like before. I'm sold on these shoes and would recommend them.

So it's not just me , then? My legs have felt increasingly sore since buying these shoes. Not in a bad way, in a my-legs-are-working-more way. Is that how you feel too Chippa?

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had them for a little bit over a month now....most comfortable shoes i have ever owned....only bad thing is how thin the mesh is on them i already have a small whole in the mesh on each shoe

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Had the Instapump Fury back in the day. Definately qualifies as an ugly Reebok.

Wow, those are terrifically ugly. They look like a nuclear accident on your foot. Did they glow in the dark?

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Shin splints aren't something that's solely based on a person's weight. It could be several things including foot anatomy, running stride/strike characteristics, and shoe fit. Even if you have a well balanced stride, if you're wearing a shoe that's wrong for you in some way, shin splints could result. I'm no expert, but I've dealt with shin splints off and on for the last year or so when I first tried starting up a running program for myself.

My solution thus far is actually the Vibram FiveFingers. Running "barefoot" actually corrected my stride from a heavy heel strike to a balanced mid-foot strike instead. The ball of my foot is the first part to impact the ground, followed by the rest of the foot. For the time being this is working well enough for me. I still have some shin pain, but hopefully as I get more miles it will slowly go away. Many runners swear by them, but they're not for everyone. It takes a LOT of conscientious effort to not over train in them.

If the ZigTech works for some people, great. But like the VFF's, I suspect they're not going to work for everyone. And don't expect that they'll be the ultimate solution to shin splints. Chances are you have some running mechanics to work on, or perhaps the shoe isn't the right fit for you.

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