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One95 Tapered Shaft?

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Any one have experience and opinions on the shaft? I am thinking about buying one, but want to hear some input before I do. WHat is the difference between the one95 tapered shaft and the X:60?

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I've used both back to back.

Things that are pretty much the same


shaft geometry

Things that are different

tactile grip zone on the one95

kick (like Chad mentioned)

price ($99 for the one95, $115-125 for the x:60)

I definitely prefer the tapered one95.

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It does indeed seem a little smaller than the OPS. It still manages to feel really sturdy though.

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I found the One95 shaft felt too skinny in my hands where the OPS didn't. I could be crazy but that is how it felt to me.

The tapered One95 shaft is definitely skinnier than the OPS. The standard One95 shaft feels about the same as the OPS to me.

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They're a SMU, but they have warranty stickers and you have a shop receipt, so I'd assume they'd replace them with something (x:60?)

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My Samsonov one95's came with warrenty stickers too, i dont think its the same thing if im not mistaken. We had a debate about this before.

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don't mean to highjack the thread, but since there's a topic about the ONE95 shaft

how does the ONE95 shaft compare to an AK27 shaft?

I'm currently using an AK27 shaft, 100 flex with an Easton Zetterberg blade

I was thinking about trying the ONE95 shaft, but I'm not sure yet...thought I might get some feedback here first.

how do the kick points compare?


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Different kickpoints, much like the OPS.

SO the one95 tapered shaft has a kickpoint similar to the ops? So it would still be similar to the ops in that it delivers a ton of power? What blades are you guys using in these?

Oh, and thank you for all the responses!

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I've used a NBH id, easton se16 and pro stock dolemite blade in a tapered one95 and prefer the se16 for balance reasons. I'm don't take a ton of slapshots, but it seems on par with the one95 OPSes I've used. I really like the way the shaft loads for wristers.

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Where are you guys finding the tapered one95 shafts. I have the reg shaft but i would like to get my hands on the tapered version for fun.

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I prefer my ONE95 tapered shafts to my X:60. It feels a lot smoother and kicks better for me. I use a SE16 blade in both, FWIW. I have never owned, nor have I used a ONE95 OPS, so I can't comment on the similarities. I haven't noticed the shaft being skinnier than any others I have used, but I do like the Tactile Grip and boxy feel of it. I would recommend the ONE95 before the X:60.

I would go to great lengths to stock up on some more 77 flexes. Any leads?

Any info on the possibility of a Bauer ONE95 tapered shaft?

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I use x:60 blades in mine, it's a good combo. I think it might have actually taken over as my main stick.

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SOunds good guys! I appreciate it! I managed to track down a bauer my id P10 blade that I will start out with and then go from there!

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I just picked up a new 77 flex tapered shaft. I usually use 100 flex sticks. Do these play a little stiffer than some other shafts?

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I just picked up a new 77 flex tapered shaft. I usually use 100 flex sticks. Do these play a little stiffer than some other shafts?

Where did you find a 77 flex at? I only see 102 on that website listed on the page before this. Also, these are stick um grip sticks too, right? I have one of the regular One 95's and love it but wish I could find one with grip.

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It had been purchased at Purehockey. I got it in trade. When I looked at their site and they only had 102 flex available. There is a textured grip on part of the shaft but no stickum. Not sure if they're sold out of the other flexes, or what.

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It had been purchased at Purehockey. I got it in trade. When I looked at their site and they only had 102 flex available. There is a textured grip on part of the shaft but no stickum. Not sure if they're sold out of the other flexes, or what.

ok, thanks. I'm looking for a grip version. It doesn't have to be tapered. Does anyone know if the ones that are listed on Hockey Monkey are actually grip?

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