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Shoulder Pads in the NHL

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Fine, I'll make it simpler.

80% of players use Jofa.

10% of players use Bauer.

6% of players use Sherwood.

3% of players use Easton.

1% of players use shoulder pads from their Midget/Jr. A days which could include Douglas, Jones, Koho, Itech, or any other really old brand.

*Note, none of this is based on fact but is instead based on the fact that I'm on Vicodin and really don't give a crap.

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Fine, I'll make it simpler.

80% of players use Jofa.

10% of players use Bauer.

6% of players use Sherwood.

3% of players use Easton.

1% of players use shoulder pads from their Midget/Jr. A days which could include Douglas, Jones, Koho, Itech, or any other really old brand.

*Note, none of this is based on fact but is instead based on the fact that I'm on Vicodin and really don't give a crap.

even people operating under the influence of a controlled substance know to leave at least 1% to 'misc.'

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Fine, I'll make it simpler.

80% of players use Jofa.**

10% of players use Bauer.

6% of players use Sherwood.

3% of players use Easton.

1% of players use shoulder pads from their Midget/Jr. A days which could include Douglas, Jones, Koho, Itech, or any other really old brand.

*Note, none of this is based on fact but is instead based on the fact that I'm on Vicodin and really don't give a crap.

**Includes RBK shoulder pads of Jofa design.

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even people operating under the influence of a controlled substance know to leave at least 1% to 'misc.'

Pretty sure I covered that with 'any other really old brand'.

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Pretty sure I covered that with 'any other really old brand'.

that fell under the 1% using equipment from amateur career.

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First gen rbk protective which is the same as the jofa stuff is still out there though

...and also made in China...lol

EDIT: the pro stuff is still made in Sweden though.

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they still produce it in sweden, but for pros only

rbk retail versions are low quality chineese crap

Yeah, because it's CHinese made makes it crap, that's right

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Yeah, because it's CHinese made makes it crap, that's right

Well, from a lot of peoples experience, the New Reebok stuff, the first line where the top end stuff is made in China...is crap. Or, to be politically correct, of a different level of quality. Not better or worse, just different. :rolleyes:

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Well, from a lot of peoples experience, the New Reebok stuff, the first line where the top end stuff is made in China...is crap. Or, to be politically correct, of a different level of quality. Not better or worse, just different. :huh:

I can see how that would automatically turn off consumers. As with any product, if its bad quality, consumers would take their business to competitors. That doesn't mean that the other products of that unfortunate company are bad however...

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exactly what I wanted to say...it's the DESIGN...I don't care about them being made in China...what interests me more is, what will happen to the pro style RBKs/Jofas...??? Will RBK produce them now (in China ;-)...will we then be able to buy RBK pro stuff easier than Jofas or are pros all going Warrior..? Will there be a sellout on Jofa pads in Sweden now (I HOPE!!!!)...

But it's so sad to see them going down...I still have Jofa shins and elbows at my parents house...they are 30 years old...I really grew up with Jofa :(

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