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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sambo Rambo 18


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Probably Pro stock anything, depends on what you are looking for in a stick.

Or easton st/s17 on closeout.

Probably Pro stock anything, depends on what you are looking for in a stick.

Or easton st/s17 on closeout.

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If you're looking for something outside an OPS, I think that the best stick for your price range would probably be a one 95 shaft with a blade.

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S17 is an awesome stick. I love mine, you can get em' cheap now.

I know someone who helps out with a Junior A team and i got a S17 from one of the players but sadly the bottom of the blade was cracked so i did use it for one practice and i thought it was great minus the broken blade.

Thanks for the ideas everyone

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My "excuse" was that my perfectly perfect older sticks were too old and thus...limiting my potential. In all reality my old sticks have treated me to numerous scoring titles :facepalm:

Made sense to me...

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