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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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the unit

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Anyone like this show? I am in love with it. I've boughten all the seasons and so far iam up to disk 5 of the last season (4). WHat do you guys think of the show? Also, is there any other series i should watch that is at all like this one? I dont know what i'll do with myself when iam done. I live in the middle of nowhere so all i do i watch seasons of stuff. Maybe this can be a "what tv series you should watch" thread.

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Just started watching it a few weeks ago as it now comes on weekday afternoons on spiketv. Think I'm gonna have to buy the seasons because I'm hooked on it...

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It also too me almost a good full season to get past the fact of President Palmer! (dennis haysbert/ Jonas Blane)..


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I was a big fan of the earlier seasons, didn't like where Mack's character was going, or the added people later on.

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It also too me almost a good full season to get past the fact of President Palmer! (dennis haysbert/ Jonas Blane)..


And 20 years to get past Pedro Cerrano.

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And 20 years to get past Pedro Cerrano.

You know, i couldnt pin point where Palmer came from. Now that you mentioned it. It's more Pedro then Palmer ..

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I ended up getting flashpoint. Its ok, its just annoying cause they always try to negotiate and stuff instead of just wasting everyone like in the unit.

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Flashpoint is good. All Toronto, it's fantastic. And most of the cast is Canadian too.

"Hats.... for bats..... gracias!'

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