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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Charissa Thompson

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Re: Miro Satan.

I'm sure there are countless examples of this sort of thing, but Miro really needs to spend at least one day on the Devils roster before he retires. Those jerseys would be golden.

And Mike Commodore. Come on buddy, throw the geeks a bone and pick up number 64 next year. That would be another prized jersey.

There is at least one good thing you can say about Jordin Tootoo. His jersey number 22 is right on.

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I am a fan of Christine Simpson. She knows her stuff and in her day was hotter than Thompson or Sterner (in my opinion). She still looks great considering she could be the mother of half of the players.

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Re: Miro Satan.

I'm sure there are countless examples of this sort of thing, but Miro really needs to spend at least one day on the Devils roster before he retires. Those jerseys would be golden.

And Mike Commodore. Come on buddy, throw the geeks a bone and pick up number 64 next year. That would be another prized jersey.

There is at least one good thing you can say about Jordin Tootoo. His jersey number 22 is right on.

As my buddy pointed out...John Erskine wears 4. Think about it for a second...it's mildly amusing.

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The guy who does the interviews on Islanders telecasts (Rob Carlin) after a few soft tosses asked Coach Scott Gordon a follow up question and the guy looked at him and walked off. It would seem that if they asked tougher questions that might happen more often and you would not be able to fill the airtime. BS move as it is, it would be a concern of the media.

I saw that one, it was a not just a hard question.

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And Mike Commodore. Come on buddy, throw the geeks a bone and pick up number 64 next year. That would be another prized jersey.

HAHA, I've always thought that. Glad to see I'm not the only one who's a bit twisted.

I saw that one, it was a not just a hard question.

For those who didn't catch it, what was asked, and why was it so troubling to him?

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For those who didn't catch it, what was asked, and why was it so troubling to him?

It was something like "Are you ever going to get the powerplay working?" Not those exact words, but it was phrased very aggressively and wasn't appropriate at all.

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It was something like "Are you ever going to get the powerplay working?" Not those exact words, but it was phrased very aggressively and wasn't appropriate at all.

Shit! That's incredibly ballsy. As inappropriate is it was, you gotta hand it to the guy to even have to stones to ask it on live TV. It's not like you are approaching Reg Dunlop in a bar about the PP.

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The question asked was with reference to the Islanders having lost so many 3rd period leads this year. The question was something to the extent of how do you plan to change the fact that the Isles have been outscored 82-39 in the 3rd period this year. Yes tough question after losing another 3rd period lead, but it was a fair question.

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The question asked was with reference to the Islanders having lost so many 3rd period leads this year. The question was something to the extent of how do you plan to change the fact that the Isles have been outscored 82-39 in the 3rd period this year. Yes tough question after losing another 3rd period lead, but it was a fair question.

That's what it was, but it was still worded very aggressively and not at all appropriate for a quickie post game bit for the local broadcast. There's a middle ground between a softball question and using the coach as a pinata, especially when you're part of the home team broadcast. The way the question was asked implies that the reporter in question has an axe to grind with the coach.

Better ways to ask would have been:

"why does the team struggle so much in the third period?"

"how do you fix the third period woes?"


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