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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The Spider Thread

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How about waking up to this in the corner of your ceiling.


Holyfuckingshit. I would run screaming out of the house and drive very very very very very far away.

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holy crap... I had something simiilar when I moved into a new place, but the babies werent as big. I took a can of silver paint and sprayed it on those bastards...

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You guys are great. So much LOL in this thread. I have lived out in the country all my life. Only time I freak out is if there is actually one ON me. Otherwise I rather enjoy smashing them.

What I don't get is why all my dogs ROLL on them. They toy around with them and paw at them for a few minutes. But ultimately smash their faces in them and roll over on them. It is hilarious, but quiet confusing.

Side note to PETA: Reason why I love to kill spiders is because a black widow bit me on the neck. SumBitch it ruined my week.

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You guys are great. So much LOL in this thread. I have lived out in the country all my life. Only time I freak out is if there is actually one ON me. Otherwise I rather enjoy smashing them.

What I don't get is why all my dogs ROLL on them. They toy around with them and paw at them for a few minutes. But ultimately smash their faces in them and roll over on them. It is hilarious, but quiet confusing.

Side note to PETA: I squish spiders to make my self a new jacket with their skin. I figure I should only need about another 12 000 spiders to finish it off.

that's really what you meant right?

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I've had so many big spiders somehow get in my house this past week. 3 HUGE ones in a few hours. I know, I know, bigger spiders are usually hunters and not poisonous, but one was on my clothes in my bedroom (just sneaking up the hamper) and one was nearly up my neck. I was outside earlier and saw an approx 8 foot high and 5 foot wide web, sucker was huge. An Easton stick took care of that.

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 ANKO- that just happened to me. I'm sitting on my couch, getting up to help my wife move some stuff around and I see a wolf spider. Ok, that's not unusual and won't freak me out by itself, right? But something is HATCHING off that spider and the I see DOZENS of the little motherfuckers coming to life! I see it and have no idea what's going on- my wife comes over and freaks out, I start gassing the pieces of shit with spider-death spray and gas myself in the process. I end up beating them all to death and then running out of my house coughing my ass off. I'm lucky I don't have to go to the ER for another breathing treatment, though I still can't catch my breath. 

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Not my favorites, but they are one of the most benificial elements in the food chain. That said, you are always within 3 feet of a spider.


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The spider season that never ends, Part II, kicked back up last month and was a super huge PITA. It culminated in a spider running up my arm 5 days ago, well that was officially enough. I went to Home Depot and asked an employee what would work best for my problem. Well, what I got is apparently legit because I haven't seen one since.

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Black Widows are out again. Bastards and there fugly webs. Side note: Arachnophobia was on other night. Glad I don't have a barn or damp basement.

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1 week and a half ago, I found a rather large daddy long legs in my hockey gloves when I was dressing for practice. I nearly pissed myself and went tomahawk on it. But I've been shaking all my equipment out before and after I play to be sure... :wacko:

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Yuck.. about a month ago I was sitting across from a teammate when I heard him squeal and toss his glove.. He had a spider half the size of a puck crawl out of his glove. I think if that had happened to me I would have had to go buy all new gear and burn my hockey bag. As far as our house, I'm convinced Little Miss Muffett lived here before us and just forgot to leave a change of address.

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