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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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getting arch pain in new one95

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I've been skating on graf 609's for about 6 years, they fit me like a glove, but I've decided to upgrade...I tried on a set of one95's, in D, they felt OK, I waited to buy them, I went back, they had C and E, I tried on the C, they felt better than the D's, more snug, but not tight...I thought great, I left them on in the store for about 15-20 minutes and walked around/stood up, no pains, so I bought them, got them heat molded, and off I went

today was my first chance to try them...and I don't know if this is normal, but I have the most god awful pain in my arches...I didn't experience this in the store at all ...I kept having to take breaks, cause it hurt so bad

I am really worried I made a mistake buying them C's, and that I should of went with D's...either that or my arch is not proper for these skates...even though in the store, it wasn't obvious

can anyone comment? is this pain going to go away after a few skates, and is normal part of the break in?

if not, should I be trying the superfeet or any other suggestions for me?

this sucks, a lot

not to mention I feel and look like someone who's never ever skated before, the pitch is a lot more neutral and the blade feels huge on the ice, having a hard time doing anything, and just feel super awkward

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1) try Superfeet insoles for the arches


2) get the blades profiled to a forward pitch; to more closely resmble the pitch of the Graf holders.

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should I just get the yellows or get the custom greys?

I am not clear which one would be more likely to help me in this given situation

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+1 for superfeet. I do not have big arches and it took about 5 skates w/ the Yellow superfeet for the pain to go away, and it has not com back. I've never tried the grey ones.

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I'll pick some up today before pickup


as long as there's hope, I'd hate to have to sell my new skates for a loss :(

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The yellow ones are about $40...may be worth trying that first.

Custom insoles will work significantly better if you have an usually small or large arch.

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Yeah i would try loosening around the middle part of your boot, if that works they might just be too narrow for you and you will have to compensate for that.

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so I just got back from a session of hockey

they feel about a gizillion times better, I did not buy the yellow's, did not have enough time, but I kept them loose, and they felt superb

I am getting a bite of a bite though towards the top of my foot, so I might undo the top lace next session and try it that way

they feel amazing, I felt a lot better on them already

if anyone asks me what it's like to go from graf's to a bauer, with no pitch change, or anything, I'll say you almost have to learn to skate again

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Just my .5: if you decide to use superfeet they'll most likely alter the position your foot sits in the skate (most definitely will do it for the heel since superfeet has some internal lift built in comparing to completely flat stock insoles), so you IF you go down that path you might want to rebake your skates.

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If you keep experiencing the arch pain you might want to try getting that area punched out a little bit. I did that in my CCMs and it helped.

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Im not sure why anyone would go from a Graf 609 that "fit like a glove" to a pair of Bauer One95s in a narrow "C" width?

If the 609's fit you in a "D" width, why would you get the narrower width in a skate with less volume and heel instep depth? I highly doubt insoles will alleviate the pain because it seems like that you do not have enough depth in the skate and you're cranking down on your laces to get the heel into the skate properly, hence the arch pain.

I think your best bet is to go back to the 609s and to try and sell the One95s if you can to recoup some of your $$$ and go from there. I dont think Superfeet or punching out a skate is going to help you since they most likely do not fit you at all. You'll still experience lacebite pain and the arch pain will come back IMO. I've had ZERO issues since I went to the Graf G70s. How would you characterize your foot type?

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Im not sure why anyone would go from a Graf 609 that "fit like a glove" to a pair of Bauer One95s in a narrow "C" width?

If the 609's fit you in a "D" width, why would you get the narrower width in a skate with less volume and heel instep depth? I highly doubt insoles will alleviate the pain because it seems like that you do not have enough depth in the skate and you're cranking down on your laces to get the heel into the skate properly, hence the arch pain.

I think your best bet is to go back to the 609s and to try and sell the One95s if you can to recoup some of your $$$ and go from there. I dont think Superfeet or punching out a skate is going to help you since they most likely do not fit you at all. You'll still experience lacebite pain and the arch pain will come back IMO. I've had ZERO issues since I went to the Graf G70s. How would you characterize your foot type?

I am not sure if my 609 are narrow or regular width, I don't see it inscribed anywhere on the boot, would it be listed anywhere...and the reason for the change was just the want to try something new and get a higher performance boot...totally aware that it might not work out, and I'd have to sell them used and lose a bit of money and buy a high end graf...I just wanted to try something diff, that's all

I tried on the one95's in D and C, and the C fit me better...I am not an expert at what boot, fits how, or what characteristics each one has, nor do I really care enough to learn it... I just know that when I put my foot in the one95's, C width, they felt great, even after 10 minutes of walking around in the store, the guy at the store didn't advise me against buying them, he just said I might want to try a D, which I had tried, and found the C to be better...I am not claiming to be an expert, I am def a newb, but I am going by what fits me well...it's weird, in the store, no pain, on the ice, major pains, the more I think about it, the more I think I over tightened them, and it would explain why the pain might of gone away 2nd time when I left them a tad loose

leaving the laces a bit loose, took a lot of the pain away, and my foot was still not moving around anywhere in the boot, it's not like I had heel lift or anything, it was still secure, just not as tight, I might just be too used to tightening them like I do with the graf's

regarding selling the one95, it's an option, they already feel 100 times better on the 2nd skate, but if the pain re-arises, I'll get it done, and go with some G70's, which from my understanding, are a simular fit, but just shallower

are you saying that theres no way the one95's are ever going to fit me properly because 609's do??

regarding my foot type, I am not sure, I'd say its average width, and flatter arch, def not a regular arch, if I had the camera, I'd take some pics, but it's not available now

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Are you saying the G70 is shallower than the 609 or One95?

The One95 and most other Bauer skates follow a classic "L" shape and can be a tough fit for someone with a high instep or arch.

The 609 and G70 are both very deep skates, much more so than the One95. The G70 and 609 are most likely the same in fit and depth. I do think the G70 has a more "medium" heel though.

Where are you getting your information from?

A Graf 609 in a "D" width is deeper and wider than a Bauer One95 in a "D" width. So that is why I'm confused as to why you'd go down to a "C" width in a skate that is already narrower and more shallow than the Graf 609, 709, G9, G70s.

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Are you saying the G70 is shallower than the 609 or One95?

The One95 and most other Bauer skates follow a classic "L" shape and can be a tough fit for someone with a high instep or arch.

The 609 and G70 are both very deep skates, much more so than the One95. The G70 and 609 are most likely the same in fit and depth. I do think the G70 has a more "medium" heel though.

Where are you getting your information from?

A Graf 609 in a "D" width is deeper and wider than a Bauer One95 in a "D" width. So that is why I'm confused as to why you'd go down to a "C" width in a skate that is already narrower and more shallow than the Graf 609, 709, G9, G70s.

my understanding is that the g70 is shallower than the 609, at least that's what I'm told at the LHS...I've never compared the one95 and the g70 in terms of depth, BUT my 609 actually is too deep, it's flexing at the 2nd/3rd lace, and it's popping out...I wish I had a camera, but it's never bothered me...I am surprised you're saying the g70 and the 609 are the same depth, because I was always told, that's one of the thing that makes them different....the g70 is shallower

*edit, ya, you're right, I just checked the graf website, and it's listed as deep, so I must be getting poor information from my LHS

I just went and tried the pencil test with the one95, and I fail it, but just barely, and about 6 eyelids down. when my foot starts curving

is there a way to check if my 609's are narrow or regular?

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I emailed myself a pic of the bend in the 609's...this kind of indicates that it's a bit too deep, correct?

it's not perfect, but it should give you an idea,


so tell me, is there hope for the one95's? lol

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I emailed myself a pic of the bend in the 609's...this kind of indicates that it's a bit too deep, correct?

it's not perfect, but it should give you an idea,


so tell me, is there hope for the one95's? lol

That doesn't mean too deep at all, try the pencil test on the 609 and see.. I'm pretty sure that creasing is a thing that happens on the classic "C" shaped skates over a period of time and meaning its getting soft. thats why most skates have the "L" shaped skate so that it can prevent it from creasing and getting soft too quickly. Someone can correct me on that lol

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Wont be the first or last time a LHS employee gave you bad information

I learned my lesson. If I'm failing the pencil test, I'm not going to bother to spend the money on a top dollar skate. If I'm going to spend $500, I want skates that fit.

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so I tried the pencil test on the 609, passed, not much room, but passed

the one95, it's touching, 6 eyelids down or so, but not much

I don't get it, shouldn't the 609 be a deep boot and the one95 be a shallow boot? shouldn't the difference in the pencil test really show?

the only reason I can see is because the 609 is really worn down

what are the negative effects of having a boot too shallow for my foot?

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so I tried the pencil test on the 609, passed, not much room, but passed

the one95, it's touching, 6 eyelids down or so, but not much

I don't get it, shouldn't the 609 be a deep boot and the one95 be a shallow boot? shouldn't the difference in the pencil test really show?

the only reason I can see is because the 609 is really worn down

what are the effects of having a boot too shallow for my foot?

Lace bite, arch pain, cold feet, lack of support..list can go on and on

6 eyelets down? I would imagine that is right where you'll get lace bite issues too or arch issues. My Vapors failed 6 eyelets down as well

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Lace bite, arch pain, cold feet, lack of support..list can go on and on

6 eyelets down? I would imagine that is right where you'll get lace bite issues too or arch issues. My Vapors failed 6 eyelets down as well

I hope you're wrong, so hope you're wrong :(

so for my next pair of skates, what do I look for when buying? is there a checklist I follow?

I always just thought, try it on, if it fits and you can tolorate it for 10-15 min with no pain, you're good :(

clearly, I am wrong

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Why spend top dollar on a skate to "tolerate" it? I would have quit playing long ago

I wear the Graf G70 Ultras. Not the super duper cool X60 black limited editions or the spiffy new Total One's but they fit well and are very, very comfortable. I'm not longer having arch pain 15 min into the game or having my ankles bleed due to lace bite at my 6th eyelet.

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Why spend top dollar on a skate to "tolerate" it? I would have quit playing long ago

I wear the Graf G70 Ultras. Not the super duper cool X60 black limited editions or the spiffy new Total One's but they fit well and are very, very comfortable. I'm not longer having arch pain 15 min into the game or having my ankles bleed due to lace bite at my 6th eyelet.

I wanted to try something new, see if the hype is as good as people say it is...I don't mind change/risk, and no one had told me about the boot shallowness, or even the pencil test, I found that out after you brought up boot depth

I might end up with the g70's, we'll see, I am gonna do a handful more skates, and then decide if I sell or keep

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Try on a lot of skates. I think the CCM U+ variants have a lot of depth as well.

The Graf G70s worked out well for me though.

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