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nhl gatorade squeeze bottle

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anyone notice that all the gatorade bottles used by nhl players recently have the number 02 on it?

i figured they would all have different players numbers on them but they all say 02 - anyone know why?

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Also saw on the Ottawa bench during the Pens series..behind the coaches..they were the bigger retail shaped bottles..but were in the green water bottle plastic. Any info on what those are?

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wex, you talkin about the green bottles that have the tapered top?


Are these Pro series drinks available in Canada?

ugh. it's not a prostock gatorade.

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Yeah, is it a Canada thing? Or something supplied for the coaches to fill with vodka or whatever concoction they desire? lol

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Anyone try Gatorade 01? Is that just an energy drink with Gatorade on the bottle? After seeing that commercial like 1000 times, I think the marketing got to me and I really want to try Gatorade 01.

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^^wex, i havent quite figured it out... i was wondering why they had a different bottle other than it might be intended so they can use supplements or something and have a bottle thats distinct.... or serve to mix more gatorade on the bench (sealing cap so you can shake it).

its probably something really stupid.

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Anyone try Gatorade 01? Is that just an energy drink with Gatorade on the bottle? After seeing that commercial like 1000 times, I think the marketing got to me and I really want to try Gatorade 01.

I tried it last Friday, as I was intrigued.

It's liquid, yet comes in a pouch. It's carb-loaded. You're supposed to drink it 15 min before your activity. I had the fruit punch - wasn't too bad, a bit bitter and thick.

Gatorade 03 is protein-loaded.

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For those of you in the US, you should be able to find the "G Series Pro" (Black Label) at your GNC stores. When I was in Seattle a few weeks ago, I was able to get the "G Series" (Silver Label) at Safeway.

I agree with JR on the taste of the 01 (Fruit Punch).

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I have talked to a few athletic trainers in professional sports. And I currently work in college sports.

The mix used by most teams is usually extremely watered down. Sometimes even cut in half. Of course, if a professional athlete wants full strength he can get it.

But its all marketing, research shows what you ate 8-4 hours before your game is much more important than 15 mins before.

Those bottles are the shizzle though...

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I have talked to a few athletic trainers in professional sports. And I currently work in college sports.

The mix used by most teams is usually extremely watered down. Sometimes even cut in half. Of course, if a professional athlete wants full strength he can get it.

But its all marketing, research shows what you ate 8-4 hours before your game is much more important than 15 mins before.

Those bottles are the shizzle though...


Al though i sometimes drink energy drinks before i play, more for better focus than anything.

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I've been using some of the Hammer Nutrition products for cycling with good results. Haven't tried crossing over to hockey yet but probably will at some point.

The website has some good info on sports nutrition & fueling, though most of it is geared towards endurance type sports. For you guys that play multiple games in the same weekend or same day like a tournament I'd recommend getting ahold of some Recoverite. That stuff is the s--t.


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Also saw on the Ottawa bench during the Pens series..behind the coaches..they were the bigger retail shaped bottles..but were in the green water bottle plastic. Any info on what those are?

I saw them as well. Normal shaped 32oz bottle but looked to be made of the green plastic in squeeze bottles.

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I have talked to a few athletic trainers in professional sports. And I currently work in college sports.

The mix used by most teams is usually extremely watered down. Sometimes even cut in half. Of course, if a professional athlete wants full strength he can get it.

But its all marketing, research shows what you ate 8-4 hours before your game is much more important than 15 mins before.

Those bottles are the shizzle though...

You working for UCF?

I used to get the pro mix powder from the Solar Bears and then from the Magic.

When the Bears were around, they normally had 3 coolers - full strength, half water/Gator and water. I prefer half and half.

But you are exactly right. All of this stuff existed before - it is just a rebranding.

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OT but... what's that stuff that Cammalleri drinks?

Cammalleri drinks Biosteel.

Check their website. RIDICULOUSLY expensive ($58 per container before shipping) and simply plays into the marketing ploy of the rest of the supplement industry. May be a great product, but they don't even tell what's in it or have a nutritional label up on the site. If you want something similar, look into Scivation Xtend or any other BCAA drink.

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Cammalleri drinks Biosteel.

This is off topic but I googled Biosteel and got a bunch of info on silk made from the milk of genetically modified goats.

Your right though, they dont give you much info on the site except that you need to have it.

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