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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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nhl gatorade squeeze bottle

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Yeah the bottles are great. For some reason no matter how hard I try either hand washing or in the dish washer the bottle just has a soapy after taste no matter how much I flush out the cap or the bottle itself.

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I've been using the G Series Pro 02 Perform powder for the past two weeks. Picked it up @ GNC a few days before it was "officially" released. Not bad. Definitely can taste all of the extra sodium. It's basically salty gatorade. I do notice that I'm not guzzling water when I get back to the bench or after games/pickup.

A little expensive though.

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For those who didn't know already, you can get the Gatorade powder mix in grocery stores and mix it to your strength, and it's about 1/10 the cost of bottles of Gatorade.

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You working for UCF?

I used to get the pro mix powder from the Solar Bears and then from the Magic.

When the Bears were around, they normally had 3 coolers - full strength, half water/Gator and water. I prefer half and half.

But you are exactly right. All of this stuff existed before - it is just a rebranding.

I am a Athletic Training student at UCF, I have internships with multiple sports at UCF. Unfortunately, the opportunities to work with hockey are very small in FL. I am going out of state to work a Pro/am camp this summer. UCF Football will do for now...

I also train for triathlons, it is much easier managing nutrition for endurance sports. Hockey is a hard sport to maintain your glycogen stores because of the fast shifts. Your intestines never gets a chance to absorb glucose. A player needs to be careful not to ingest too much sugar. The optimum mix would have moderate electrolytes, and low carbs. And the powder is always better, no high-fructose corn syrup and you can mix your own.

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I picked up one of the green containers without the 02 on its at Dick's Sporting Goods. I think it was $3. If you can't be a pro, might as well look like one!!!

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So.....this works better than RedBull?

Might stop by GNC this week just to check it out taste-wise as I'm on the shelf for another month or so. G1 pouches might not be a bad thing to sell.

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The only decent one is the 3 series Recover drink due to its addition of protein. The 1 and 2 are simply too full of sugar: 25g of carbs, 23 of which are pure sugar? That's crap. And the 2 series is 14g of sugar PER 8 OZ. That's 56g of sugar in a single bottle. They should simply turn their "low cal" version into the regular.

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The only decent one is the 3 series Recover drink due to its addition of protein. The 1 and 2 are simply too full of sugar: 25g of carbs, 23 of which are pure sugar? That's crap. And the 2 series is 14g of sugar PER 8 OZ. That's 56g of sugar in a single bottle. They should simply turn their "low cal" version into the regular.

Some of the reason for the addition of sugar to the 2 is due to the Sodium (Na+) and Glucose (aka sugar) co-transporter found in our small intestines which needs sugar to transport the sodium which carries water with it as seen here: http://www.biochem.arizona.edu/classes/bio...lcNaSymport.GIF

So some minimal sugar is helpful for slightly improved hydration but I totally agree with you that it has way too much sugar. I'd prefer the lighter version myself, just showing you one of the reasons they thought to add the sugar, aside from energy needs and taste. But in general plain water is better for hydration unless you work out at an high level for more than 1-1.5 hours, thats when the eletrolytes in the sports drinks can help

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I picked up one of the green containers without the 02 on its at Dick's Sporting Goods. I think it was $3. If you can't be a pro, might as well look like one!!!

or get a 6 pack of them for 8 bucks off gatorades website.

did that about 4 years ago, gave two away, lost one, broke one, and still have two i rotate....

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or get a 6 pack of them for 8 bucks off gatorades website.

did that about 4 years ago, gave two away, lost one, broke one, and still have two i rotate....

actually it's 8.99 and they charge 9.34 for shipping. so $3 + tax for 1 from dick's isn't looking so bad.

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I got four off of Tool Barn ($1.45 each). I lost two of them right away. Should put in another order for six or so.

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