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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok OPS on Ebay

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The genious used geocities to host his pics and of course they've all exceeded their transfer limit of one download per hour.

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I just saw that....I wondered how long before it ended up on here...I put it on my Watch list, just to see what it ended up going for....watch the price sore now *L*

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Arent the Reebok OPS just a Koho Revolution OPS? Someone correct me if im wrong.

Aren't Revolutions more of a Price Point stick? Canadian Tire carries them and a couple weeks ago they were like $64.99 (Senior). Only had Jagr pattern.

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This is the one I am talking about.


Not sure which stick the Reebok is, Im not 100% sure but I think that this Koho OPS is the new Reebok OPS.

That looks exactly like what CT had....*shrug* I think the regular price was 99.99 and it was down to 64-74...something like that, I may have the price slightly off...but I know it was way cheaoper than hockeymonkey

CT also had Easton Havocs (Modano/Sakic) for 150 and Vapor V's (Hossa) for 99.99...

Alright, scrap all that...they've obviously updated there pricing...I just found this:


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Theo, what are you stupid, the NHL always sends me sticks when I break them. Jim Ramsey actualy delivers them to my house

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Theo, what are you stupid, the NHL always sends me sticks when I break them. Jim Ramsey actualy delivers them to my house

The Rangers equipment manager is Acacio Marques. Unless you meant breaking that other stick.

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Arent the Reebok OPS just a Koho Revolution OPS? Someone correct me if im wrong.

Koho use the K flex system so I'm thinking this is one of the RBK-Kohos.

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Briggy, ya they had those at Cruddy Tire for $65 bucks a while ago. I was not at all impressed.

The ones at Canadian Tire are 4470s, the top of the line with grip is the 4490. I actually liked the grip and the blade, better than the Vector IMO.

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