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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vector Pros

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I have had my Vector Pros since the beginning of September, and they have softened up a lot, quickly. I think that they were over heated, due to the glue that has melted and covers some of the boot. Also, in places the boot is about a mm or 2 off the insole. Im pretty angry about this because I spent a lot on these skates, and I really did not want them to breakdown so fast. Should I contact CCM? Or should I go and argue with my LHS about them over heating the skates?

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One year warentee on them, my lhs did the same thing to mine, but they have held up.

Vapor, how much have yours softened? I've found that the lower part of the skate has softened a lot, so that i can push it in quite a bit. Also, at the ankle, I can squeeze the skate so that opposite sides touch. When I first got the skates, I wasnt able to do that.

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I've had mine on an inline frame since august, which would generally put more stress on the boot than the eblades, and they have softended up a bit, but not so much that its a problem, i like the fit now better than when i first tried them on. If only the person who mounted my skates didn't do a crappy job on the left skate.

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Ok, I managed to get some pictures.

http://img54.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img54ℑ=Picture850.jpg this is one area where the glue melted

http://img35.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img35ℑ=Picture1204.jpg more glue. this is what it looks like on both skates, only on the inside side.

http://img52.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img52ℑ=Picture903.jpg shows the seperation between the boot and outsole

http://img52.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img52ℑ=Picture904.jpg this one shows the softness at the top of the boot.

http://img52.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img52ℑ=Picture904.jpg the circled area is wavy (thats the only word I can think of to describe it)

Also, everything shown in the pics has happened on both skates.

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first thing if ur soles separating from the boot just abit its from the composite material itself not sticking well too the actual boot. 2nd the vector boot does get soft right between those two pieces of plastic i find on the sides since u have plastic then material then plastic again. Also your talking about a high performance skate, its not supposed to last forever like the older skates were back in the day

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I had a pair of vector pro and they turned to mush very quick. Its sad that the quality of retail skates have gone to complete junk. My advice would be to get LHS or CCM to replace the skates then go and look for true pro stock skates or just have a company like graf make a custom skate for you. Then you can have a nice quality skate to play hokcey in that will last for a long time and a new pair of vector to sell or use as backups or somethin like that

good luck


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but did he maintain them well though i.e drying them out, removing the insole stuff like that.

Even if you treat them poorly there is no reason for any skate to last less than two months.

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One year warentee on them, my lhs did the same thing to mine, but they have held up.

actually the boot only has a 90 day warranty its the holder and runner thats a year warranty. If he has problems with durability he can get custom grafs or vectors but I think custom 8090s are a great skate. The 8090 when made custom is built in canada not china

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My old pair of Pro Tacks lasted almost 3 years of playing 4 times a week (3 practices and 1 game) and they still even had some life left in them but my foot outgrew them. I had to replace the blade and holder many times over those 3 years but the boot held up perfectly.

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but did he maintain them well though i.e drying them out, removing the insole stuff like that.

Absolutely. With my old skates, v12s, I didn't take great care of them (ie take the insoles out) and lets just say I learned my lesson. The vectors have been put out to dry with the insoles out after every ice time.

Oh yea, and I did buy them from JH.

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My boot is a little bit disformed, I can bend them a bit, but they are still stiff enough for me, Im not a stiff boot fan, so they are fine for me.

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I have had my Vector Pros since the beginning of September, and they have softened up a lot, quickly.

Beginning of September? Jeez, compared to that, each of my many pairs of XXs could have been consisdered "durable."

If I were you, I would take them back to the shop you got them from and see what they can do. If they don't feel inclined to help, then you should probably contact CCM and give them a shot. Other then that, I really don't know what else to tell you. Good luck.

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I have had my Vector Pros since the beginning of September, and they have softened up a lot, quickly.

Beginning of September? Jeez, compared to that, each of my many pairs of XXs could have been consisdered "durable."

If I were you, I would take them back to the shop you got them from and see what they can do. If they don't feel inclined to help, then you should probably contact CCM and give them a shot. Other then that, I really don't know what else to tell you. Good luck.

Judging by Sean's responses, make sure you take them back when he's online and not working.

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If I were you, I would take them back to the shop you got them from and see what they can do.  If they don't feel inclined to help, then you should probably contact CCM and give them a shot.  Other then that, I really don't know what else to tell you.  Good luck.

Judging by Sean's responses, make sure you take them back when he's online and not working.

I thought that was implied ;)

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