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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Grass Trimmers - what do you have

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So our household just bought a new gas-powered grass trimmer since our previous one finally went ka-put.

I have the Echo GT-200R and now that I am setting it up I realized it doesn't have the bump feed and I am pretty pissed since I know how much the bump feed is better that stringing in line like I have to do with this new trimmer.

So before, I begin use on this trimmer, I wanted some input on what is out there and what you use. I read good reviews on the one I now have, but purely hate the fact it isn't a bump feed.

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Echo 210. I never touch the thing without safety glasses and just about always wear pants unless I'm doing something really light. Couldn't be happier.

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I've been using a Troy Bilt for the past 3 years now and it has honestly been fantastic. Takes that attachments such as a tree trimmer and roto tiller (which I have both) which for most homeowners lawn/tree grooming needs it does great. Also, mine is a 4 stroke engine, so there is no need for mixing 2 cycle engine oil and I have to say that I feel that this is what makes the trimmer to easy to start, even after being left idle for 5 months at a time.

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I ended up buying a homelite for $70 at the cheapo depot. Much better than the old Ryobi. Since I'm only using it at home it was a good buy. Starts easy, etc...but runs through gas like crazy.

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