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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Suggestions on hockey pants?

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I currently have a junior XL CCM Vector 6.0. It's a bit short now, and I'm looking to get a senior size pant. I have no complaints about the Vector 6.0, but I wanted to get your opinions. Do you guys think I should stick with CCM and go with a U+? Are there any other brands/models of pants that I should consider? I'm looking for quality as well as protection, and price is no issue.


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If CCM works for you and fits you right, stick to the U+. It's a good high end pant with plenty of protection. You won't find too much on the market that gives you more and the price is very reasonable for what you get.

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I really liked the U+ Fit09 and the Reebok 9k, but bought a pair of Tackla 9000's as I wanted the pants to last as long as possible and really liked the European style fit.

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Used the 9000's tonight...HOLY CRAP. Felt like I wasn't wearing pants, but I know there's a lot more padding than my old pants. Love the uppers too, got to wear them much higher than normal and they stayed put very well. Really like these pants.

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Used the 9000's tonight...HOLY CRAP. Felt like I wasn't wearing pants, but I know there's a lot more padding than my old pants. Love the uppers too, got to wear them much higher than normal and they stayed put very well. Really like these pants.

2nd the recommendation for the Tackla Air 9000. I have the 9000Z model with leg zippers. Been using the since beginning of summer season when I switched from a pair of V08s. IMO, the Tacklas are a big upgrade in weight, protection, and freedom of movement. By comparison, the V08s felt almost like a girdle.

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To my knowledge, you've got regular 9000's (Air, whatever) and the 9000z, which have zippers on the legs.

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What's the difference, if any, between the Air 9000 and regular 9000? On the Tackla website, it's called Pro 9000 now. Are these all the same?

That "Pro 9000" model on the Tackla website (actually it says "Pro 9000 XBU HB") is not the same model I was referring to. Looks like that model has a higher spine protector than my 9000Zs, which are basically straight across the back.

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Used the 9000's tonight...HOLY CRAP. Felt like I wasn't wearing pants, but I know there's a lot more padding than my old pants. Love the uppers too, got to wear them much higher than normal and they stayed put very well. Really like these pants.

Welcome to the club, wait until they break in.

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These guys are right. Tacklas are great pants but the fit is different from North American made pants which is the reason I suggested you stick to CCM's,because it's what your accustomed to. Tacklas will be much tighter around the waist and then go wider as you go down to the thigh areas. If your willing to change, by all means go to a Tackla pant, I highly recommend them.

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My vote also with Tackla's. I have the 951's and they are awsome! Like someone else mentioned, nice tight waist and looser in the legs. And also you can get +2 or -2 inch extra lenghts.

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