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What are the better current wheels?

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Roller hockey player for 14 years here and I've used RinkRat Hotshot wheels for about a decade of that time (or whenever they first came out). I was working at a hockey shop at the time and the rep brought them in for us to try. Anyways, I love the grip they offer, as well as the feel, but I think I'm ready for something different. Been through a ton of sets of Hotshots and I hear something every now and then about newer wheels being so much better.

What are the better current wheels on the market? Best combo of grip and longevity?

Thanks for any help you can provide gentlemen.

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  On 8/6/2010 at 4:31 PM, Scotty said:

Roller hockey player for 14 years here and I've used RinkRat Hotshot wheels for about a decade of that time (or whenever they first came out). I was working at a hockey shop at the time and the rep brought them in for us to try. Anyways, I love the grip they offer, as well as the feel, but I think I'm ready for something different. Been through a ton of sets of Hotshots and I hear something every now and then about newer wheels being so much better.

What are the better current wheels on the market? Best combo of grip and longevity?

Thanks for any help you can provide gentlemen.

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I've used Rink Rat Hot Shots, MB816s, Blue Flames and Revision Variant Wheels. They're all good wheels, but in my experience the Revision Variants provided a bit longer wear and I've never had those seperate from the Hub on me like has happened with some of the Rink Rats in the past. With that said, when I did have problems with the Rink Rats (not recently, a few years ago) they were replaced very quickly through a warranty claim...I received a Fedex shipment in 2-3 days.

I've read (both here and other places) and heard a lot of good things about the Labeda Addiction wheels. According to several people, the Addictions are the current leaders in grip/durability. I haven't had a chance to try those yet.

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  On 8/6/2010 at 5:50 PM, Scotty said:

Those Addictions seem to be tops from what I'm reading, but good Lord are they expensive.

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Yes, they're certainly expensive, but if they actually last twice as long as some of the other top wheels they may be worth the price. I'm still hoping to come across a good deal on some before my current stock of Revisions and Rink Rats is depleted.

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+1 for Revision Variants. As far as durability: I'm a svelte 240 lbs, skating on 76A-76A-76A-74A 3 nights a week and I'm only on my second set in 4 years.

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I want to try the Addictions, but I can't drop $110+ on wheels at the moment. I think I'm going to give the Variants a try.

However, I normally use 76A in RinkRat HotShots and have for years. I'm about 175 lbs, but have used them since I was 135 lbs as well. I do a lot of agility stuff and quick stops and they've always worked wonderfully, however, Revision considers 76A to be their hardest wheel for the biggest guys. Should I just stick with that hardness or go softer?

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  On 8/10/2010 at 5:07 PM, Scotty said:

I want to try the Addictions, but I can't drop $110+ on wheels at the moment. I think I'm going to give the Variants a try.

However, I normally use 76A in RinkRat HotShots and have for years. I'm about 175 lbs, but have used them since I was 135 lbs as well. I do a lot of agility stuff and quick stops and they've always worked wonderfully, however, Revision considers 76A to be their hardest wheel for the biggest guys. Should I just stick with that hardness or go softer?

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I use all Bronze (76a) Revisions and have no problems with grip on Sport Court at all, however; I'm about 210lbs. Revision has a wheel matrix on their site. It suggests someone at your weight should be using either an inside Gold (74a), outside Bronze (76a) combo for max speed, Platinum/Gold combo for max grip, or all Gold for a balance of speed and grip. I think it also depends on the chassis you're using - I'm using Sprungs and find they provide a bit more grip compared to others I've used so use the hardest wheels I can without sliding out. The harder Addictions are something I'd love to try as well, but it's also not in my budget and my indoor roller season is over for this year anyway...hopefully I can find a deal on the Addictions between now and next season, but if I can't the Revisions are certainly a good wheel that I've been happy with from both a performance and durability standpoint.

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  On 8/10/2010 at 5:38 PM, althoma1 said:

I use all Bronze (76a) Revisions and have no problems with grip on Sport Court at all, however; I'm about 210lbs. Revision has a wheel matrix on their site. It suggests someone at your weight should be using either an inside Gold (74a), outside Bronze (76a) combo for max speed, Platinum/Gold combo for max grip, or all Gold for a balance of speed and grip. I think it also depends on the chassis you're using - I'm using Sprungs and find they provide a bit more grip compared to others I've used so use the hardest wheels I can without sliding out. The harder Addictions are something I'd love to try as well, but it's also not in my budget and my indoor roller season is over for this year anyway...hopefully I can find a deal on the Addictions between now and next season, but if I can't the Revisions are certainly a good wheel that I've been happy with from both a performance and durability standpoint.

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I'm about 215, and save for filling in a few times a year I pretty much just ref, so I shouldn't be as hard on wheels as most skaters.

My last two sets of revisions (72-76-76-80, all bronze) chunked apart in less than 25 games. Granted, I skate pretty hard for a ref, but I should be getting more than 25 games out of a set of wheels.

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  On 8/10/2010 at 6:11 PM, hehatemefrisbee said:

Revision is the best wheel out there right now. Nothing can touch the Variant.

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I do like my Revisions, but with several people raving about the Addictions I've been thinking of trying those. Have you had a chance to try those and if so, how did they compare?

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I've still gotta go with the Addictions. I got my first set (came on the Tabu) in November and replaced them around March-April, and I've been on set number 2 since. By far the longest lasting, while keeping their high performance level, wheel I've had. A set of wheels lasting 5 months and still performing has been unheard of in my past use. I'm about 200-210 lbs range and skate 2 to 3 times a week so the Addiction is the wheel for me. I totally understand the price range of the Addiction is not for everyone, but as far as durability and performance, I think the price is worth it.

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  On 8/10/2010 at 7:48 PM, althoma1 said:

I do like my Revisions, but with several people raving about the Addictions I've been thinking of trying those. Have you had a chance to try those and if so, how did they compare?

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why doesnt anyone look at my wheel review where i compare all the wheels on the market against eachother?

it seems like every 2 days someone is starting a new tread to ask the same questions about the same wheels... :blink:

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  On 8/12/2010 at 6:27 AM, whizbang said:

why doesnt anyone look at my wheel review where i compare all the wheels on the market against eachother?

it seems like every 2 days someone is starting a new tread to ask the same questions about the same wheels... :blink:

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I did read your wheel review thread and it was very helpful. Thanks for taking the time to put that together. I was only looking for additional input from others.

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Revision Variants (Gold) should be here Wednesday. I normally use the 76A RinkRat Hotshots, but reading about Revision's wheels made me understand why they recommend softer ones. So I went with the 74A Variants. I'll try them Thursday night and see how it goes.

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Is there anyone out there skating on the new quad pour eschelon wheels?has anyone gotten any feed back?Ive tried all the top brands .Revision,rink rat hornets,Labeeda Addictions.All three wheels are very good and of course each one of us has had some good and some bad experiences with each wheel,But I would like to give the quad pour a go before I go back to my wheel of choice.

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Myself and the Roux brothers are on them in Pittsburgh. I'd highly recommend them. The grip on them is great, they actually wear, instead of cracking down the middle. I'm sticking with them, I haven't been this fond of a wheel since the Red Star Sniper.

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  On 8/26/2010 at 1:25 AM, Invert said:

Myself and the Roux brothers are on them in Pittsburgh. I'd highly recommend them. The grip on them is great, they actually wear, instead of cracking down the middle. I'm sticking with them, I haven't been this fond of a wheel since the Red Star Sniper.

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Ahhhh the Red Star sniper what a wheel thats all I use to rock. At this point I've tried revision variants and the labeda addictions and hands down I like the addictions much better. The downside to the addiction wheels is def the price. Right now I have 2 addictions up front and 2 revisions in back since i'm too cheap to buy 8 wheels at a time lol. Either way I don't think you can go wrong.

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  On 8/26/2010 at 1:25 AM, Invert said:

Myself and the Roux brothers are on them in Pittsburgh. I'd highly recommend them. The grip on them is great, they actually wear, instead of cracking down the middle. I'm sticking with them, I haven't been this fond of a wheel since the Red Star Sniper.

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Have you also used the Addictions and Variants? If so, you still prefer the Eschelon wheels?

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Well I know inline warehouse has the wheels so I guess I"ll go for it.My new season starts up 2nd week in sept so I"ll see how long these last compared to some of the other high end wheels.thanks guys.

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  On 8/26/2010 at 5:55 PM, althoma1 said:

Have you also used the Addictions and Variants? If so, you still prefer the Eschelon wheels?

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I've used the Gold (Liked) & Platinum (Way too soft) Variants in the past and prefer the Eschelons to them. Addictions were too pricey for me, and I'm not on Tabus, so I haven't tried them.

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  On 8/27/2010 at 3:36 AM, Invert said:

I've used the Gold (Liked) & Platinum (Way too soft) Variants in the past and prefer the Eschelons to them. Addictions were too pricey for me, and I'm not on Tabus, so I haven't tried them.

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Ive used the addictions.gone through two sets.the one thing ive noticed with the addictions is when they start to crack and chunk they hold together,they dont explode apart.I really like the wheels but they are to much money and (as for me)they didnt last as long as i thuoght they should have.I ordered a set of Eschelon wheels last night.$75 and change from inlinehockeywarehouse.(with discount code)I dont know how long these wheels will last,but I"ll give them a chance just like I did the addictions.

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Hey guys,

I have been skating on the Eschelon wheels for a while now and love them. I have skated on many of the other high end wheels and they all do compare, but I've always believed that every skater has different preferences on a wheel based on how they skate. Just like ice, different skaters like their skates sharpened a certain way. The new Apocalypse series of wheels works great with my skating style and I have heard the same from many others. Now if you like the Rink Rats or Labedas or Revisions and you feel the same way I do, great. I'm not here trying to convert anyone, but if you haven't had the chance to try the Eschelon wheels, try them and see for yourself. For those who are not fans of the pink, keep your eyes peeled for new colors coming soon. Any questions, let me know. Thanks.


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Ive also heard lots of good things about the addiction, but cant justify paying that much. My local play it again has a basket of wheels that are "discounted" for whatever reason. I just stocked up on a ton of NEW 80mm MB816 for $5 each, which I cant couldnt find anywhere online (in 80mm) and what do you know I found them local. They feel the same as hornets to me, nothing tops hornets but they wear pretty fast, but for $5 a wheel its great.

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  On 9/1/2010 at 7:31 PM, ncbrock said:

Ive also heard lots of good things about the addiction, but cant justify paying that much. My local play it again has a basket of wheels that are "discounted" for whatever reason. I just stocked up on a ton of NEW 80mm MB816 for $5 each, which I cant couldnt find anywhere online (in 80mm) and what do you know I found them local. They feel the same as hornets to me, nothing tops hornets but they wear pretty fast, but for $5 a wheel its great.

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I agree with what youre saying.one of my favorite wheels are the rink rat hot shots,to me thats the best bang for the buck.the mb816 wheels are great also.and for $5.thats the best deal hands down.I do like to try new wheels when they come out and at least give them a chance.Im pretty stoked on trying the Eschelons just like when I first tried the Addictions.Its just like what TeamEschelon22 said,trying to find the right wheel and grip for my style. right now I have two Addictions in the front and two xx hot shots in back.

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