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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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muscle milk

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Muscle Milk is a crappy protein choice with mediocre taste at best. Only time I drink it is if I'm in a bind and have to pick up a premixed version at a gas station or similar for daily macronutrient ratio needs.

If you're looking for a quality protein with great taste that won't break the bank, look into Gaspari's Myofusion. Chocolate or Banana are sheer perfection in terms of whey protein choices.

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I love the taste of it... I'm just confused about when to take it, some people, including the muscle milk label, say to take it as a post work out drink, others claim it's point less to take after a workout cause it doesn't absorb into your body quick enough. Either way..... I'm not looking to gain weight. Just stay in good shape.

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Postworkout would be optimal if you'd been weightlifting, but it wouldn't hurt after a game. Their old formula had tons of fat in it, which would indeed hinder its ability to digest as quickly as possible after a workout. They're a bit better with it now though.

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You can also try Dymatize Elite Whey protein. Many flavors to choose from and comes in either 2 or 5 lb. containers so you can try different flavors. Muscle Milk has a lot of sugar and other stuff, this does not.

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Or just fat-free or low-fat chocolate milk. Search out brands that don't contain high-fructose corn syrup.



I have just heard this several times before and googled it. Sounds like it's just as good as engineered drinks and cheeper. Might want to take it with a grain of salt though - "The studies were supported by a grant from the National Dairy Council and National Fluid Milk Processor Promotion Board."

Or talk to a dietitian.

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You can also try Dymatize Elite Whey protein. Many flavors to choose from and comes in either 2 or 5 lb. containers so you can try different flavors. Muscle Milk has a lot of sugar and other stuff, this does not.

I stopped using Dymatize years ago when they failed label claims more than once (meaning the amount of protein or other ingredients in the product was less than what they said it had). Their flavors were good, but there's better out there.

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I use "Pro complex" by ultimate nutrition, rich mich chocolate flavor. Its pretty good. I also have "isoflex" from allmax nutrition, and they have some really good flavors (peanut butter chocolate smells great, tastes ok, and chocolate mint mixes great with milk).

If its just after a game, chocolate milk will be just fine. If lifting weights, get some good protein powder.


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I stick with Rivalus' Protein. It's made specifically for athletes, and is passed through doping tests and the like, as is all their products. It's passed for both amateurs and pros. Mixes well, tastes great! Not to mention it's a local brand. Very worth looking into. I swear by their supplements.

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Whoever told you not to drink it right after a work out is full of it. After any workout you have a 15-20 minuet window where everything is absorbed QUICKER than usual. SO drink your protein or gatoraids in that window. Also, if your taking straight WHEY protein than it absorbs even quicker. My protein of choice is Gold Standard. Its won best protein like 10 years in a row or something stupid like that. Tastes great too. Plus, if you really like it you can get a 10lbs bag :D .

However; like people have said, if your only playing hockey chocolate milk would be your best choice.

I havent tried muscle milk but to me it seems like the frat boy beef cake protein. You would most likley want lean muscle mass, not beef cake muscle mass.

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Go with chocolate milk instead. Cheaper and I assume a much better taste.

Im not saying muscle milk is the best but if you compare a cup of chocolate milk with a cup of Muscle Milk light, the muscle milk has 2 and a half times the protein, less fat and almost 7 times less sugar then chocolate milk.

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I love the muscle milk light. Keeps the fat low and still offers you a solid protein source.

The primary muscle milk drink more closely resembles a meal replacement accounting for 12% of your daily fat allotment.

Ideally, take post workout like the guys above said.

A great secondary option for you, if your just looking for protein that tastes good. Jay Rob makes an egg white protein (which isn't ass efficient as whey but tastes SOOO much better) that is pretty good.

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Im not saying muscle milk is the best but if you compare a cup of chocolate milk with a cup of Muscle Milk light, the muscle milk has 2 and a half times the protein, less fat and almost 7 times less sugar then chocolate milk.

True, as I understand it, the balance between carbohydrates and protein is key. Chocolate milk has the appropriate balance and is cheaper and readily available.

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All these recommendations of chocolate milk in here are ridiculous. TheGasMan above is correct in his thinking.

First, figure in the fact that there are several kinds of chocolate milk: You can make your own using chocolate syrup or buy a pre-made version in a bottle/carton. However, both are horrible for you nutrition-wise. Yes, I've seen the "studies" showing that such a drink could be decent after a workout, but consider those sources. Traditional methods of thinking and information have shown that carbohydrates are best when combined with protein in an appropriate ratio immediately PWO. Why? Carbohydrates stimulate an ensuing insulin spike that supposedly effectively carries the protein and nutrients to the necessary cells. While true that carbs do indeed stimulate that response to insulin levels in the blood, it isn't quite that simple. Additionally, more recent research has shown time and time again that such an idea of a PWO insulin spike isn't completely necessary or as useful as previously thought.

In general, chocolate milk has FAR too much fat (especially the pre-made versions or if you're using 2% or whole milk to mix it yourself) and incredible amounts of sugar while lacking severely on protein. The average 8 oz glass of milk has only 8 grams of protein while packing 12 grams of sugar. Figure in that many portions are larger than this, especially pre-made bottled versions, and you're taking in far too little protein to outweigh the negatives of all the sugar and fat.

I'm not saying that a whey or blended protein supplement is completely vital for all hockey players immediately after a game, but don't go drinking some crap like chocolate milk and think that it's doing great things for you. Same goes for Gatorade and most sports drinks: sugar, sugar, and more sugar. Stick to water unless you're playing an extended tournament or running a marathon.

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Once, during lunch, I bought a carton of Cookies 'n' Cream flavored Muscle Milk. It made me gag so hard I felt it in my taint.

At this point, I usually just eat a Detour Lean Muscle Cookie Dough Caramel Crisp bar post-workout. Taste great, decent source of protein.

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