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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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My BASE Stick

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I was able to have a sheet to myself for over an hour today. The stick is both soft and responsive something that is difficult for most composites to achieve. I was able to produce some of my most useful snappers, but the whippier stick hampered my wrist and slapper. After experimentation I think certain swing adjustments would remedy this, and I get the feeling I would be more pleased with performance in an actual game setting.

I am concerned however with what I released from the shaft after I got off the ice, pictured in the links. After about 40 minutes on ice I started hearing a rattling located right around the fuse point and blade. From previous experiences I believed this to be some glue shaking loose from the joining of shaft and blade. The fragments are actually of a harder nature, and though it might be tough to glean from the pictures are more substantial than slivers. BASE said it's just some their epoxy shaking loose. Naturally I'm a little concerned about the integrity and longer run durability of the blade and lower shaft portion.



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Honestly, really can't say enough good things about Nikki.

My BASE stick has been ordered today. Went with the grip coating, sharkskin blade and BM 19 (P92/Sakic). 75 flex. I talked to Nikki at BASE and she was super nice and said the stick will be out in 5-7 days. Excited to try this and compare it to my X60's and Easton twigs.

It'll be nice to get some opinions from another player with a different stick usage history.

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I hope to have a pretty lengthy write up on this here shortly. Question on you getting your stick, I talked to Nikki at 11AM (CST) and she said 5-7 days. I wonder if it's 5-7 days it will be in my hands OR 5-7 days + the 3 days shipping?

The material from your stick, I wonder if its some sort of fiber/composite or blade material that shook loose. Or like you said, it could be some sort of epoxy or resin/glue that shook loose. It is a intermediate 75 flex and maybe some of it shook loose after it sounds like you put the stick thru its paces. So once you get your "actual ordered" stick then it will be better. BASE(no pun intended)ed on your stick, how does the blade react for you on passes. Does it cushion itself like advertised? I use a x60 OPS for my sticks and if I don't treat the puck like a egg then its 3 strides in any opposite direction. It was a pain in the beginning but I've actually grown to like it.

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5-7 business days until arrival.

Like I said soft but responsive in relation to the feel, it was pretty promising and that is one of the aspects of the stick I could evaluate independent of the flex issue. I really enjoyed playing with XXX Lites and most people believe that is a shaft with a ceramic paddle affixed to it. And as for my actual sticks, I'm not too entirely sure when they might arrive ph34r.gif. Shit yeah, always wanted to use the ninja guy.

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5-7 days until its in my hands? THAT's pretty sweet.

Do you feel the stick is worth its price tag of $130 or does it feel more or less than the cost of the stick. (I know you don't have the real thing you ordered but based on what you have used, what is your opinion?)

BTW, another thing to ask...which stick had the debris come from it? Which builder? Could be one builder in particular :ph34r: (Boom. Just used the N1nja)

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Epoxy/resin/glue coming loose is something that nearly every manufacturer's stick can have. Whether from the blade end as extra glue from insertion to the shaft or the older OPS that still had butt-ends, they've all had it. Nothing to worry about.

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The INT is same exact construction and materials as a SR, just four inches shorter. It's tough to assess what I would be willing to pay, I'd say $160-$170 for the stick, but that's my cap for any stick, I have not had the inclination to buy any recent top of the line sticks which are all above that price point. I believe that stick technology has not progressed that substantially over the past four years, and certainly not significantly enough over the previous season's models which can be had on closeout at or below my stick price cap. Take into account that figure does not include money I'd be willing to spend in order to get it to my specifications, as I believe the modification ability to be something worth the extra cash outlay.

The stick with the debris was built by Ricardo.

EDIT: was typing while Scotty posted.

Epoxy/resin/glue coming loose is something that nearly every manufacturer's stick can have. Whether from the blade end as extra glue from insertion to the shaft or the older OPS that still had butt-ends, they've all had it. Nothing to worry about.

As I said I'm familiar with this minor composite stick quirk from past stick experiences. But the pieces loosed are different than any I'd seen before, which spurred my concern. If you saw the pics, it'd be reassuring if you've witnessed similar pieces come out of other sticks.

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I've seen clear colored glue chunks fall out, black, browns, etc. It's just the color of the stuff they use. Maybe it has some excess material chunks in it from the end of the blade upon insertion. No biggy.

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I hope to have a pretty lengthy write up on this here shortly. Question on you getting your stick, I talked to Nikki at 11AM (CST) and she said 5-7 days. I wonder if it's 5-7 days it will be in my hands OR 5-7 days + the 3 days shipping?

The material from your stick, I wonder if its some sort of fiber/composite or blade material that shook loose. Or like you said, it could be some sort of epoxy or resin/glue that shook loose. It is a intermediate 75 flex and maybe some of it shook loose after it sounds like you put the stick thru its paces. So once you get your "actual ordered" stick then it will be better. BASE(no pun intended)ed on your stick, how does the blade react for you on passes. Does it cushion itself like advertised? I use a x60 OPS for my sticks and if I don't treat the puck like a egg then its 3 strides in any opposite direction. It was a pain in the beginning but I've actually grown to like it.

It depends when you order it. I'm not sure if anything has changed in the past couple of weeks but orders are sent to their factory in Mexico every Wednesday at Noon. Sticks will arrive at the beginning of the following week.

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Mine originated from Chula Vista, CA. Maybe for a Canadian purchaser the sticks might go to Canada before getting to the end user.

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I have a Dolo from what I believed to be their first run under the Warrior label and it has a checkerboard blade. What vintage 1100 do yo have?


I'm not sure what it is exactly, but it looks alot like those Inno RTM (I think..?) blades that appeared not so long ago. They're definitely different to the XX that I own, that to me is a really thick blade whereas this one is quite lean. It's pretty similar to the SL blade looks and feel wise for me, but they're definitely more durable.

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Got my BASE stick today and I'm happily surprised to say that I'm very impressed with the product thus far. Shot about 100 pucks with today and was shocked to see that there was really not adjustment time coming from my one95s, which I've been using almost exclusively for a year or two. The stick had great release and power on my wrist shots felt fantastic. So far, no bad news to report. Will post more details after some ice time later this week.

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Got my BASE stick today and I'm happily surprised to say that I'm very impressed with the product thus far. Shot about 100 pucks with today and was shocked to see that there was really not adjustment time coming from my one95s, which I've been using almost exclusively for a year or two. The stick had great release and power on my wrist shots felt fantastic. So far, no bad news to report. Will post more details after some ice time later this week.

How was it on slappers? It's great that wrist shots are good, but that's the one shot I'd take into most consideration when I buy sticks..

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Haven't really pushed the slap shots yet. Will get back to you tomorrow, have about 3-4 hours on the ice then and will be able to give you a more complete honest opinion.

what specs did you get?

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I ordered a LH senior 87-flex p91a (I think they call it a BH23, but I don't have the stick in front of me).

What really hit me initially was that the geometry of the shaft was identical to some of the pro-stock one95s I've been using, so it immediately felt comfortable in my hands while stick handling. Also, for being a low kick-point stick, which I usually can't shoot with at all, the puck came off really well for the first go with a new stick.

So far: Tons of pop, lightweight, and the feel for the puck is good. But, like I said above, let me get a couple hours with it tomorrow and I'll give a more complete picture of my first opinions.

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So a bit about last night. The stick felt kind of weird at first - almost like a mid line stick, not top of the line. It was a 100 flex clear coat with ztac/sharkskin blade. Had to rub some tape on the shaft to get grip. First few shots were weird, but as the skate went on I was really comfortable with the stick. Slapshots came off the stick - Fast and hard. I like it so far - just wonder how durable it is and how it holds up over the next month or so.

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So a bit about last night. The stick felt kind of weird at first - almost like a mid line stick, not top of the line. It was a 100 flex clear coat with ztac/sharkskin blade. Had to rub some tape on the shaft to get grip. First few shots were weird, but as the skate went on I was really comfortable with the stick. Slapshots came off the stick - Fast and hard. I like it so far - just wonder how durable it is and how it holds up over the next month or so.

So did it end up feeling like a top of the line?

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