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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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wood sticks

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hey guys, i need to know what your suggestions are on the most duarable wood stick, because i love wood sticks but they go too fast to get your moneys worth. i would be appreciated if you could give me some input

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where do you generally have issues with durability on these sticks? would you be open to a graphite shaft/ wood blade combo? Maybe Tri-core to keep a wood feel in your hands?

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Z-Carbons are nice and light but the durability is crap. I've only used mine a few times and already the blade glass is cracking, and it's lost quite a bit of stiffness. Not great feel with those things either.

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Z-Carbons are nice and light but the durability is crap. I've only used mine a few times and already the blade glass is cracking, and it's lost some stiffness. Not great feel with those things either.

Yea, the cracking is the only problem I'm seeing on mine but my blade is still in tact with the stick. I have the 95 flex version but it's very whippy and I like it = )

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Z-Carbons are nice and light but the durability is crap. I've only used mine a few times and already the blade glass is cracking, and it's lost some stiffness. Not great feel with those things either.

I was lucky to get more than two sessions out of one stick. Even at pro shop pricing they were getting expensive. I was playing 4-5 games a week and going through them like water

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I'm using Sherwood PMP 9950's and the Bauer 6000 with Stick'um Grip. Both have been great for me, haven't broken a shaft on any of them yet, and only one blade has worn out on a 9950 after about 2 months.

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Try any wood stick that's ridiculously stiff or heavy. Those will last you the longest for obvious reasons. Try the Sher-Wood PMP9950. Those aren't that heavy and are of superb quality.

Hmmm, actually I tried out one of those yesterday, first woodie I've used in a really long time, and I have to say, I really like it, I would say it is the best out there, really light and durable...I really like it my one timer is coming off crazy, and my slap shot is somehow better too...

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I'd agree with LetsGoWings, Montreal sticks are great(in my opinion). Also, my store sells a lot of Sherwood 5030's, so either they're great sticks, or they are breaking and people keep buying them. But we havn't had any complaints about them. Just my 2 cents worth. :)

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I just ordered some 5030's I should get them on tuesday I'll let you know what i think, since I was in the same position as you last week.

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I just ordered some 5030's I should get them on tuesday I'll let you know what i think, since I was in the same position as you last week.

welcome to the club

i got some 5030 sops too

do you like them?

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Got my 5030's yesterday leclair curve. Nice sticks good weight and decent flex for a wood stick. Nice grip too. I'm going to try them out at pick up tomorrow can't wait .

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Out here in California we have been selling a ton of wood sticks lately. Maybe with the prices of OPS going through the roof, some people are trying wood again. Our best sellers have been the Sherwood 5030, Bauer 6000 & 3030, and Easton Z-carbon. We have been getting a lot of good feedback about the Bauer wood sticks.

I went back to a Z-carbon for a week, but broke the blade.

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I know this is kind of hard for a woodie, but which one do u guys think has the most "kick".... I tried a muskoka and it felt kinda dead kick wise....nice stick though....

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the problem is hes not talking about shaft probelms the shaft on his woodies are fine. its the blade keeps cracking and spliting. im not sure if he can do much about that when it comes to wood sticks. i think that bauer he was using actually lasted awhile for being a woodstick.

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