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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior KGB stick

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I saw someone posted this link on here a little bit ago: Just pick LH or RH. I'm sure there are others out there too.


Hey bro. Are you LH or RH? Cause www.prostockhockeygear.com has some right handed tapered ccm composite blades with Ovi's pattern in stock I believe. If you are left handed these blades won't be in stock until late December. The site will also offer Easton tapered wood blades and regular wood blades in that pattern late December both LH or RH. Hope that helps you out.

I'm a righty. I wonder why they only have these in wood. Too hard to make a composite blade look like that?

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^^^^^^^^^ Are you refering to the regular hosel Easton wood blade? because the ccm tapered blades are a composite blade. However they have a fibreglass wrap. They are the same type of blade as on the original ccm vector one pieces from back in the day. I repeat they are not wood, only the Eastons are wood.

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i thought that too - but the more i got used to it - the more i started to like it - it definitely makes it easy to shoot really hard but you run the risk of shooting really high

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i loved mine. the only thing is, once you break it, replacements are hard come by. so until they come out with a lot of these sticks for retail, im going to stick to getting the same curve on all my stick. it was definately a great curve to use though. my accuracy actually improved with it. i did a review in the ops review section. check it out. it may help

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I'm really tempted to try this. I feel like every shot I took would go into the rafters though lol. Anyone have any experience with one??

I'm using a pro stock Hossa clone on my BASE stick, which is relatively close to what an Ovie pro is, and really its not that bad. I was coming from a Sakic, and if you can use a Sakic you can use the big open Ovie/Hossa curves. For me, there wasn't much of an adjustment period with it. Backhand passes, especially saucer passes, require a little more work and some getting used to, but I have no problem doing it. Occasionally you flub one, but that might just be me as a bad hockey player. The good thing is if you can raise a backhand with one of these, you can do it with anything.

I don't mind the backhand drawbacks as I use my forehand much more. I play the off-wing and like to shoot the puck, so the way it handles snapshots and toe drags is a big plus for me. It might take a while to tame one if you're not used to open curves, but if you stick with it you'll probably love it. Personally I like being able to keep my follow through really low, but putting pucks upstairs.

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guys, these exact topic has been covered in the original thread. http://www.modsquadh...__1#entry821991

not to be a jerk, but try the search feature first before starting a new thread.

In my defense (lol) I did use the search feature, however I was more interested in the curve and where you could buy a replacement blade then the actual stick itself.

I'm using a pro stock Hossa clone on my BASE stick, which is relatively close to what an Ovie pro is, and really its not that bad. I was coming from a Sakic, and if you can use a Sakic you can use the big open Ovie/Hossa curves. For me, there wasn't much of an adjustment period with it. Backhand passes, especially saucer passes, require a little more work and some getting used to, but I have no problem doing it. Occasionally you flub one, but that might just be me as a bad hockey player. The good thing is if you can raise a backhand with one of these, you can do it with anything.

I don't mind the backhand drawbacks as I use my forehand much more. I play the off-wing and like to shoot the puck, so the way it handles snapshots and toe drags is a big plus for me. It might take a while to tame one if you're not used to open curves, but if you stick with it you'll probably love it. Personally I like being able to keep my follow through really low, but putting pucks upstairs.

Good insight. See my problem is that I use a PM9 or Zetterberg (Forsberg) curve so it will be a lot different.

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is prostock hockey the only place you can buy the blade? I feel like if anybody stock these, people would be all over them

no company offers an ovy pattern on a retail level, so anyone who has blades ordered them custom. There have been some smu's(kgb, ovy U+7 I think)though. No one besides pshg has orderd up blades to my knowledge.

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I have 2 Kovalchuk Pro Stock Dolomites as well as a Afanasenkov Pro Stock Dolomite, and all the shafts feel the same except for the flex of course. The blade on the KGB is the same large checkered weave that Warrior uses. The blade is hot and the shaft has the same pop as my other Dolomite shafts have. All my Dolomites are the first or secon generation black with green and orange graphics. I'm going to get another KGB and some replacement blades as well

Is there anyway that you can get the kremlin in a replacement blade.

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Saw it in personal at Total Hockey last weekend. Very good looking stick. Same as the "old" KGB though. The new paint is just the clear-finish version. Feels almost identical to the Hitman stick.

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So now there is a KGB shaft as well. Is it an SMU or just a repainted Dolo or what? Miseaujeu, can you comment on what the main differences between this and the Dolomite shaft are? The two differences I can pick out are that the KGB is 10 grams heavier and uses "carbon deluxe" as opposed to "carbon elite" on the Dolomite. My favorite Dolomite shaft just broke, and I was looking to buy another 75 flexer. How will this shoot and handle compared to the Dolomite?

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Question for Miseaujeu...

Is the 'new' KGB (clear) the same weight as the previous offering? Same construction? Only reason I ask is bc a site has the first gen model listed at 475g and the new model listed at 499g. As an aside, I've told quite a few people to disregard the weight completely on the first gen KGB because IMO the balance of the stick makes the stick play much lighter. I think it's absolutely one of the best values on the market.

I am intrigued by the 75flex offering in the KGB clear and am wanting to give it a rip.

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So now there is a KGB shaft as well. Is it an SMU or just a repainted Dolo or what? Miseaujeu, can you comment on what the main differences between this and the Dolomite shaft are? The two differences I can pick out are that the KGB is 10 grams heavier and uses "carbon deluxe" as opposed to "carbon elite" on the Dolomite. My favorite Dolomite shaft just broke, and I was looking to buy another 75 flexer. How will this shoot and handle compared to the Dolomite?

I have zero inside info obviously, but since the OPS KGB is basically a Hitman (slightly lower end than the Dolo) with a unique curve and different paintjob, I'd guess this shaft is basically a Hitman shaft (which I don't think ever existed?), and not a Dolo shaft.

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So now there is a KGB shaft as well. Is it an SMU or just a repainted Dolo or what? Miseaujeu, can you comment on what the main differences between this and the Dolomite shaft are? The two differences I can pick out are that the KGB is 10 grams heavier and uses "carbon deluxe" as opposed to "carbon elite" on the Dolomite. My favorite Dolomite shaft just broke, and I was looking to buy another 75 flexer. How will this shoot and handle compared to the Dolomite?

The KGB Shaft is very similar to the Dolomite, but slightly heavier with a little more fiberglass content. It is a very good construction for the price.

Question for Miseaujeu...

Is the 'new' KGB (clear) the same weight as the previous offering? Same construction? Only reason I ask is bc a site has the first gen model listed at 475g and the new model listed at 499g. As an aside, I've told quite a few people to disregard the weight completely on the first gen KGB because IMO the balance of the stick makes the stick play much lighter. I think it's absolutely one of the best values on the market.

I am intrigued by the 75flex offering in the KGB clear and am wanting to give it a rip.

You're correct on all counts. Balance is far better than a posted weight. It really is one of our best "bang for your buck" products.

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The KGB Shaft is very similar to the Dolomite, but slightly heavier with a little more fiberglass content. It is a very good construction for the price.

Great, thanks for the feedback. Is it safe to assume then that they perform similar as well in regards to kickpoint/feel? Oh and is the shaft shape similar to the Dolomite as well? If the weight really is only a 10 gram difference I'm not worried about that, just how it shoots and feels.

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I had the first gen KGB and posted a review in the OPS review section. If you are interested in buying the stick i suggest you check it out. Overall i was very impressed with the stick as to me it truly did feel like the old dolos, and the heavier weight over high end sticks was not that noticable to me.

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The KGB Shaft is very similar to the Dolomite, but slightly heavier with a little more fiberglass content. It is a very good construction for the price.

I have a question that's slightly off topic, but related to this post, and you seem like you'd be a knowledgeable/great person to ask . . .

My understanding of composite sticks is that they're essentially made of layers of both carbon fiber fabric (weaves of thin carbon fibers) and sheets of fiberglass, with the layers being held together and made rigid with epoxy (and sometimes also with a sheet of kevlar as the outermost layer to protect from impacts). More fiberglass and less carbon fiber makes the stick a bit heavier (and also makes the "feel/snap" a bit worse?), but it reduces costs (as fiberglass is cheaper than carbon fiber). As you move up from cheaper to higher end sticks, you generally get less fiberglass, and more carbon fiber (such as your example of the KGB having a bit more fiberglass than the Dolo), but do the "creme de la creme" sticks, like the Warrior Widow, actually have zero fiberglass, or just less? Do you always need some fiberglass in there, maybe for durability or some other reason, or are the true top of the line sticks made of nothing but carbon fiber, epoxy, and sometimes kevlar?

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Not a curve I'd personaly use but I say to bad for CCM not to think to do this themselves. They came out with the GR8-0VI line. Why not take it a step further? Besides it's not on a top end Warrior stick anyhow.

They Have a Curve it's called the Crazy Ovie

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