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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The End of T'Blades?

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Trying to find somewhere to buy more T'Blade runners. Seems they're not available in my size from HM. The store doesn't sound optimistic that they will be getting any more in. Is this the end or are they available elsewhere?

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They make the opposition deaf. As well as teammates. So it's kind of a wash.

i liked them. Only went through two pairs a season. Never even noticed the sound. Always the same radius and hollow. Boo-hoo. :sad:

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Got it, thanks. They seem to have only the weirdo hollows left. Guess t'blades are yesterday's news. :sad:

M-13 is pretty basic. S-9 or L-15 would be ''weirdo''.

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It says on their website that they're back to 100% shipping.

So I guess there might have some production or shipping break during the summer.

Which website did you get that from? The German one? Can the runners be ordered directly?

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They make the opposition deaf. As well as teammates. So it's kind of a wash.

Listening to t'blades is equivalent to listening to an African tribe speak Khoi-Khoi.

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You can't have a thread about t'blades without having people bitch about the sound or the looks, this is getting old guys, get over it.

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Tblades are a defencemans best friend, there is no way a forward is sneaking past you wearing them.

You could be blindfolded and still know where they are. :laugh:

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Thanks for your help. Had my friend confirm that they can only be delivered in Europe.

Actually I emailed them and they said they can deliver to Canada, but that they now have a North American distributor.

So I asked them if I could order directly from the distributor.

Will let you know once they get back to me.

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Actually I emailed them and they said they can deliver to Canada, but that they now have a North American distributor.

So I asked them if I could order directly from the distributor.

Will let you know once they get back to me.

Thx. Will wait to hear.

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What is the attraction to t'blades? With LS2s...the ability to take my blades off and send them out for sharpening only takes me about a minute or two...so I never understood that argument.

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It's to have a constant feel on the blade, for people in areas that don't have a good sharpener.


I don't have a single LHS around that does FBV...so I send mine out...that's why I am still confused. With Bauer selling the steel removal tool retail and the single bolt to hold in any LS2, 2.1, or fusion steel...I don't understand it's value prop.

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