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Speeding tickets

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Soo...some friends and I are goin home from a movie we all had our own cars and one of my friends got pulled over and got a ticket. His dad is my travel coach and his mom blames me for him getting the ticket...its kinda stupid but I was just wondering if anyone here has gotten any tickets before?

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$550 ticket for passing a schoolbus with the stop sign open, only it wasnt me. My dad. I havent got a ticket yet.

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$550 ticket for passing a schoolbus with the stop sign open, only it wasnt me. My dad. I havent got a ticket yet.

This kid I know didnt get a ticket but he got his school parking pass taken away for passing a school bus

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$550 ticket for passing a schoolbus with the stop sign open, only it wasnt me. My dad. I havent got a ticket yet.

Around here they take your license away for doing that.

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got my license last christmas. since then 7 tickets. 6 fought off in court. so it hasnt been bad i guess.

hasn't been bad!!! 7 tickets in 11 months... what are you doing... cuz its gotta be something wrong...whether you fought em off or not. ive been driving for 10 years and i haven't been pulled over 7 times. :o

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$550 ticket for passing a schoolbus with the stop sign open, only it wasnt me. My dad. I havent got a ticket yet.

Around here they take your license away for doing that.

A girl I know just got a $150 ticket for passing the bus with the sign open.

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I got one five or six months after I got my license. 83 in a 70, and I was able to take a defensive driving class and get it taken off my record.

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Haven't got a tickey but I've been pulled over twice. Once for doing 13 over but I got let go. It didn;t help either that I was out past curfew and had too many people in my car. The other time I was doing 16 over up north and got let go as well.

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Biggest I got was a 68 in a 35.  LOL...

THAT'S INSANE! I live in a 30mph zone, and have thrown basketsball, footballs, rocks and even have shot a SmartHockey ball (got the back bumper with that one - didn't lead the guy enough) at cars going that fast. There are alot of kids (even younger than myself) that live in my neighborhood; it'd be terrible if one got hit.

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...certainly understandable. I know I get a little crazy behind the wheel after a bad game - frustration doesn't stay at the rink. I haven't gotten nailed for it yet (I've only been driving about 11 months), but the day may come when I get pulled over doing 90 down the I-90.

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I get pulled over doing 90 down the I-90.

I'm from PA I need to be careful when I do that on 90. I've been pulled over for speeding 3 times, 2 of them in NY. No points on my license on any of them. Actually I got pulled over on the way to a game once and the cop let me go. I apologized and told I was having a bad day(dog I grew up with was put to sleep that day) and he let me go.

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I'm black.



Sucks being a minority lol.... I'm half pakistani so if I got pulled over they'd probably search my car for like Anthrax and weapons of mass destruction... lol (esp I havent shaven in a few days)

Then when I go to airports they won't let me on the plane... it's horrible... :(

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yah well I'm chinese so I can just say I'll give them chicken fried rice if they let me go...

what does being black have to do with not being able to talk your way out?

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