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Speeding tickets

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yah well I'm chinese so I can just say I'll give them chicken fried rice if they let me go...

what does being black have to do with not being able to talk your way out?

You're obviously not from the US. Find a Jersey State trooper and tell him you saw a black guy behind the wheel of a car. He'll chase it down faster than you'd believe. Same for most state troopers, actually.

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yah well I'm chinese so I can just say I'll give them chicken fried rice if they let me go...

what does being black have to do with not being able to talk your way out?

You're obviously not from the US. Find a Jersey State trooper and tell him you saw a black guy behind the wheel of a car. He'll chase it down faster than you'd believe. Same for most state troopers, actually.

Tell him the car cost more than $30k and they'll call in a swat team too.

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I'm black.



Sucks being a minority lol.... I'm half pakistani so if I got pulled over they'd probably search my car for like Anthrax and weapons of mass destruction... lol (esp I havent shaven in a few days)

Then when I go to airports they won't let me on the plane... it's horrible... :(

I made the fatal mistake of going to my sister's wedding in Oct 2001 with a full beard. Flew out of MCO fine, when I flew out of JFK to go back home I was stopped and searched three times.

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You're obviously not from the US. Find a Jersey State trooper and tell him you saw a black guy behind the wheel of a car. He'll chase it down faster than you'd believe. Same for most state troopers, actually.

yah I'm not from the US, I'm Canadian. Didn't realize racism was still prevailent (sp?) down there...what happened to the whole MLK and his dream thing?

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That's the biggest shock I had when I moved down here from Canada...Up there everyone hates their pet minorities equally...it's just there are so many minorities...no one group gets singled out....I really never encountered any true racism before I moved to the US, because the general population is often so diverse on a local basis. I had a good friend(black) in college up in Toronto from Detroit (busy avoiding Vietnam), who was into "black power". At the time..no one new what he was talking about...and he could never understand why everyone simply laughed at his antics...those issues didn't exist for us.

It's not really a "holier than thou" thing, in Canada, but there has never really been a single large enough minority (except maybe Quebec at times lol) for the whole country to hate based on skin color...the issues with Quebec are somewhat different...but can be just as hateful. I was English living in Quebec, but fluently bi-lingual, so I never really felt the brunt of the problems up there.

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I get pulled over doing 90 down the I-90.

I'm from PA I need to be careful when I do that on 90. I've been pulled over for speeding 3 times, 2 of them in NY. No points on my license on any of them. Actually I got pulled over on the way to a game once and the cop let me go. I apologized and told I was having a bad day(dog I grew up with was put to sleep that day) and he let me go.

I have to use the 90 to get to most of our opponents' barns, and it's REALLY easy to just kinda zone out and then catch yourself doing at-least 20 mph over the limit. Tonight, for example, we're in West Seneca: the majority of the trip (about 40 minutes) will be down the 90, until the last five minutes or so when I exit onto the 400. The game it at 8:00, I have to be there by 6:30, so I'll probably leave around 5 just to make sure I don't have to hurry at any point. Hell, maybe I'll get off at Millersport and make a 5 minute stop at Great Skate.

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FU*K!!! :angry:

I just got a ticket on campus. He said I was doing 40 in a 25 but he said something like "I was nice and wrote it as 30 in a 25..." Damn... this sucks. It's a $105 ticket and 2 pts. :(

I swear the cops around here are such @ssholes, yes I know I was speeding I'm not going to deny it but they pull ppl over all the F**king time. Right after I got done dropping my friend off, no more than 5 mins later I pull up in front of my dorm and the same cop has someone else pulled over... <_< Oh, he also tried to write me up for some clear/white aftermarket lights I had on my car... I had to actually get out and show him that those actually werent my turn signals.

I've had my license a year now and this is my 1st ticket. My friends I've talked to so far told me to fight it and since it's my 1st time I might be able to get away without any points on my record. That's all I care about, I'll pay the ticket, I just dont want any points on my license. Maybe they'll let me take some class or something... I hope. I was already stressed out about all my classes this week and now this. Can anyone give me any advice? It would be greatly appreciated...

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Go to court.

If he shows up just plead no contest.

If it is your first ticket, chances are the judge will let you go.

I don't know what the law is over there, but here, you can only go to school 5 times in your lifetime unless you are court-mandated.

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Sounds like people don't learn if they're always pulling pulling people over. Most of the time you know where the hardasses are and you watch the speedo in their area. If they let you off easy and you fight it, he won't let you off next time. So, make sure you're a lot more careful around there next time.

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I might as well chip in, over 3 years ago I had a bad stretch I got pulled over 3 times, first was a warning, second was 89mph in a 65mph I think, and the 3rd was 85 in a 65mph. I got them all on Rt 68 in MD. I have since sold that car and now I'm a good boy 3 years later.

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FU*K!!! :angry:

I just got a ticket on campus. He said I was doing 40 in a 25 but he said something like "I was nice and wrote it as 30 in a 25..." Damn... this sucks. It's a $105 ticket and 2 pts. :(

I swear the cops around here are such @ssholes, yes I know I was speeding I'm not going to deny it but they pull ppl over all the F**king time. Right after I got done dropping my friend off, no more than 5 mins later I pull up in front of my dorm and the same cop has someone else pulled over... <_< Oh, he also tried to write me up for some clear/white aftermarket lights I had on my car... I had to actually get out and show him that those actually werent my turn signals.

I've had my license a year now and this is my 1st ticket. My friends I've talked to so far told me to fight it and since it's my 1st time I might be able to get away without any points on my record. That's all I care about, I'll pay the ticket, I just dont want any points on my license. Maybe they'll let me take some class or something... I hope. I was already stressed out about all my classes this week and now this. Can anyone give me any advice? It would be greatly appreciated...

Fight it! Go to court and explain its your first time often times they will let you go with a warning, or at least they will reduce the fine and throw out the points. If you pay out your insurance will go up and that sucks. Call once and change the court date sometimes you can screw the cop that way and he won't show up, and then it's tossed immediately. But if he does show up ask for lienency and explain it's your first time, you won't be able to use that excuse again. And be respectful.

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Yep, thats what I plan on doing. Any other advice you can give me? Like what to say and stuff? I'm new at this and not sure how the whole process works. I read a lot of stuff on the internet though. Some things Ive learned is to dress nice (I dont have a suit, but I'll wear something nice I guess) and just be respectful and usually when you show up in court it almost always helps you. You either lose the points (what I want) or at least get the fine reduced. I think the statistic I read was only about 3% of people go to court to fight tickets (I found that suprising) and when people go to court, over 80% of the time the penalty gets reduced. Anyways, Thanks for the help... I need it, lol.

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Well it's been quite a few years since I was stopped for speeding, but I used to be quite adept at getting caught. My "fondest" recollection of those days (play background dreaming / reflection music now)...

I used to go to school in the U.S. and drive home to Montreal every weekend. One Friday, I'm flying up the interstate toward the border (maybe going 85 mph or so) and spot a trooper on the median as I go by. I start to panick. Being on a college budget and all, and somewhat of a quick driver in those days, let's just say I've got a few unpaid tickets sitting in the glove box. So I see an exit up ahead and figure, "what the hell, it's worth a shot", and bolt off. Unfortunately, the flashing lights follow me off the exit. I'm reckless, but not an idiot (debatable), so I pull to a stop at the base of the exit ramp, at which point I explain to the trooper that I wasn't trying to get away, but pulled off so it would be "safer than on a dark highway". Nice try, smartass. Bottom, line I get a $200 ticket and he tells me my license is already suspended as a result of the other unpaid tickets I have. So he says, "you are free to go (to appear in court at a later date), but either you get somebody to come get your car, or I'm having it impounded, but you can't drive outta here". So I call my friend and get him and his father to drive 30 miles to come get me. Do I head home to my dorm? No way, man. I convince them to drive me and my car to the border so I can get to Montreal. A mile or so before the border, we make the transfer and I cross over to the homeland. As I approach Montreal, I grow increasingly annoyed that I now have another $200 liability and a suspended license / court case to boot. Annoyance turns to anger, which seems to somehow translate into pressure on the gas pedal. A few minutes later, BAM! Stopped again - another $200.

What I dumbass I was in those days.

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lol damn

One thing I hate is how some cops will just sit in certain areas for hours waiting to give out a ticket. I know some of the places where they usually hide back home but I'm not familiar with out here. Now that I've gotten my ticket I've noticed where he sits. Last night I was out pretty late, I left to go to a friends house around 1 in the morning and sure enough he was sitting in his spot. I come back at 4:30 in the morning and he's STILL there. I had to walk by him to get to my dorm and he gave me a nasty glare... motherfu*ker. I got my ticket at midnight on a Sunday night when the road was empty, no other cars were anywhere in sight. I understand that they have a job to do but how the fu*k are they suppossed to deal with SERIOUS crimes that are being committed when they spend hours sitting on their @ss waiting for somebody to go a few miles over the speed limit. Pisses me off.

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I think they have certain guys designated for tickets. I is pretty cheap though, they only sit at the bottom of hills where the speed limit changes here. Your coming down the hill on an 80 Km (where everyone's goin 100) then it changes to 50 Km and they are under the bridge where the line it. Sneaky bastards. I've never gotten a ticket, but remember my first night driving with my G2. Some friends and I were coming down the hill....yes going 100 on the 80, guy pulls up beside us, obviously my friends being idiots, flip him off, he pulls out a bardge, rolls down the window and tells us to slow down. That was the beginning of that night :(

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my dad got one for going 87 on the highway on the way to one of my tournaments cuz we were running late and he faught the ticked cuz it was his first ticket and he is like 63 years old the points got tooken away and everything

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We (my 2 friends and I) were coming back from the OAR concert at Clemson last night, we got pulled over by UClemsonPD doing 62 in a 45. She dropped it to 54 in a 45, still like a $70 ticket. It could have been worse, the driver didn't have his license with him and we had a few "things" in the back of the car.

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Well, I've got my addendum to the topic, unfortunately. A couple nights ago heading back home from the supermarket I got pulled over. Cop caught me at the bottom of a hill after the descent while she was driving the other direction. She turns around, pulls me over, and slaps me with a 49 in a 35, being a total bitch the whole time. I was pretty sure that I wasn't going that fast, but didn't say anything at that point.

Fast forward a day...My buddy who got ticketed by the same cop went to court, and talked to a couple other guys on the docket who she pulled over as well. They all claim that she added MPHs onto what they were going...

Now, I can't prove that she fudged mine, but it just pisses me off. Anyway, I got a ticket 3 years ago (83 in a 70, going down another hill) in another state with a license from a third state. I was able to do defensive driving school to take the ticket off my record. With that being said, do I have a chance to do defensive driving for this ticket? I'm not sure exactly how to play this out right now.

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I didn't get the ticket but I was in the vehicle.. Buddy got a ticket for 127 mph in a 55. In a pickup truck :ph34r: We didn't call it the blue beast for nothin' (454 modified with posi in an old stripped down chevy). We were young and real dumb (16-17 at the time).

In the end it probably wasn't worth losing his license (for 90 days) and STILL not beating the folks' curfew... but the idiot did frame the ticket with the speed circled in red.. lol

To top it off, the Sheriff was his neighbor, and he was about 5 minutes from finishing his shift when he got us..

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I didn't get the ticket but I was in the vehicle..  Buddy got a ticket for 127 mph in a 55. 

:o Holy shit! What kind of fine did he get slapped with?

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Bringing back sort of old topic but ouch I just got a speeding ticket and I've only had my license for a few weeks. I was late to hockey and going 50 in 30, my insurance is going to be insane. Any advice for trying to get out of a ticket in court?

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Bringing back sort of old topic but ouch I just got a speeding ticket and I've only had my license for a few weeks. I was late to hockey and going 50 in 30, my insurance is going to be insane. Any advice for trying to get out of a ticket in court?

Hire a traffic lawyer. It might cost you 3 times the cost of the ticket, but the 2000 dollars you might save on insurance in a year is worth it.

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