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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Straight Curve Pattern

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Looking for a curve that is relatively straight with little curve, something similar to the one Crosby uses. Doesnt nessecarily have to be a Crosby though. The Vishnevski was also to my liking but I can only find it in Easton CNT which I dont want. Any suggetions?

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Looking for a curve that is relatively straight with little curve, something similar to the one Crosby uses. Doesnt nessecarily have to be a Crosby though. The Vishnevski was also to my liking but I can only find it in Easton CNT which I dont want. Any suggetions?

The flattest retail curve you can get is probably the Easton Zetterberg (formerly Forsberg). Others that are basically identical are the Bauer Malkin and Reebok Hamrlik.

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If you're RH and use tapered blades I can send you one of my pattern. It was copied from one of Steve Sullivan's TPS "A" pattern sticks. Since I can't find any more P31/P72 blades I've been thinking of going back to it and getting more wood blades made up.

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Bauer PM9 & TPS Tkachuk are relatively straight. Sher-Wood Bouchard too but I'm not really sure

I'm gonna say not as much. I had a RM9 w/Bouchard, it was a bit more of a heel curve along with a closed face.

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I've tried to lend extras of my customs to guys who wanted to use something straight but they didn't want them with the amount of shovel I have on mine. For retail I'd try to dig up an old wooden Easton Hull.

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I've tried to lend extras of my customs to guys who wanted to use something straight but they didn't want them with the amount of shovel I have on mine. For retail I'd try to dig up an old wooden Easton Hull.

Where do you guys have your custom blades ordered? Ive been meaning to have this for a while

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warriors vanek.. it is very similar to the crosby but less aggressive.

I was just about to write the same thing!

I compared the Warrior Savard (same as PM9, Zetterberg, etc) and the Vanek back-to-back. The Vanek has much less depth to it. The curve begins right at the heel and there is a lot of flat blade area. It is a slightly open blade though where as the Savard was closed.

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I found pictures of all the blades except the wooden easton hull, and none were really what I was looking for. I currently use the Bauer PM9 and sometimes a Zetterberg, both pretty much the same thing. But I want something almost dead straight, with just a slight curve on it. So essentially a less aggressive PM9 or Zetterberg.

Im left handed, I'm ok with the idea of getting some wooden straight tapered blades and curving them myself, but I'd way rather find a OPS with a straight or slightly curved stick.

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if you don't mind wood, you might still be able to find some of those sherwoods with a completely flat blade. i mean completely flat. there's one small shop in edmonton i know that still has a couple.

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Yeah I never really thought about totem, I stopped going there cause I didn't like their retail selection of Bauer sticks which I use. Ill see if they have any blades though.

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of all the retail modano clones, the rbk and tps are the straightest (or at least they used to be). if you like the flex, look for actual modano pro stock. they are more straight than the retail versions. i've used modano clones religiously.

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Where do you guys have your custom blades ordered? Ive been meaning to have this for a while

Try your LHS tho there may have been a store or two online that offered customs. I know Christian and Ballistik have been used around here.

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