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Shot lost speed with 112 Flex?

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Ok so after about 3 weeks of playing with it, I'm definitely used to the One100 I picked up...

Old Stick: Easton S17 Iginla 100 Flex - Cut to the middle of my throat on skates.

New Stick: Bauer One100 PM9 112 Flex - Full length, sits at my mouth when on skates.

As you can see, not only did I have to get used to the longer length but also a new curve and flex. Took me a bit to really feel comfortable with this stick and I've noticed my passes are MUCH more accurate, my shots are more accurate and puck handling feels much better but one thing remains...

...I feel as though my shot has gotten SLOWER. Not my release, that's the same it feels but the actual speed of my shots. With my S17 I felt like my shots were bullets — inaccurate bullets but bullets nonetheless. Maybe I'm not loading the stick enough or maybe it's 100% mental.

Any thoughts? Should I keep with it or try and move back down to a 100 Flex?

(Wish I had a radar gun and some ice time to myself) ;)

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I feel like a 112 flex might be a bit much if you feel your shots are getting slower. I'd move down to a 100.

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The early S17s were rated much stiffer than they actually were, that could be a factor (or not).

My S17 was indeed one of the earlier models. Good point.

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Totally agree with Chadd and Krev...might have gone too high on the flex. Be careful with that...I develop tendonitis in my elbow when the flex is too high and that is not uncommon. Kinda like having a built-in flex indicator...painful, but it does work.

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The thing is, I felt like my lower flex sticks (One95, two diff S17's, Vector130 etc.,) were way too soft so that's why I stepped up to 112. I definitely have the strength, weight/size to flex the 112 — do you think it's that I need to just continue to get used to it???

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By that logic though, your S17 was probably an 85 flex or maybe even somewhere near the 90's; softer than the 100 it was rated it. If you felt those were too soft, and the 112 too stiff, I'd go with the middle ground of 100 flex.

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By that logic though, your S17 was probably an 85 flex or maybe even somewhere near the 90's; softer than the 100 it was rated it. If you felt those were too soft, and the 112 too stiff, I'd go with the middle ground of 100 flex.

As Chadd said, the S17's were actually known to be stiffer than what was rated, not softer. Both of my S17's were 100 flex but felt a little bit more stiff than any of my other Easton 100's.

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As Chadd said, the S17's were actually known to be stiffer than what was rated, not softer. Both of my S17's were 100 flex but felt a little bit more stiff than any of my other Easton 100's.

Gah, my bad. It's early-ish. I'd still move down in flex, regardless of my prior post.

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No, read Chadd's post again: the S17 was rated as stiffer than they were. I have a 100 flex and it's marked as a 100 after 3" are cut and even then it feels more like a 90-95 flex.

It sounds like you need to go down in flex. I'm strong enough to flex a 110 and probably a lot stiffer flex but I use sticks anywhere from 85-105 flex, depending on the stick.

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A lot of players are using a flex that is too high for the

A 112 flex IMO is not for someone who is not a world class elite player

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just to throw in my experience i used to use an Easton S17 100 flex and i currently use a Bauer one 95 in an 87 flex( i know you use the one100 but its close enough to compare). the one 95 has been a stiffer stick for me compared to the s17 even with the drop in flex. it might just be that the force you use to shoot doesn't actually load the stick to its full potential with a 112 vs a 100 flex or maybe because your using a longer stick your not shooting the same way as you were before. i don't know if that's really something to look at or not but i figured i would throw that out there. hope that helps

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Well, now I'm torn between putting it up for sale and just buying a lower flex or keeping it. My shot accuracy, my passing, my stick handling have all seemingly improved with the stick. Like I said in my original post — it could all be in my head. I dont exactly have the $200 to just go out and buy another One100.

About "world class elite players" being the only ones who should use stiff flexes — there are several B/A league and even some of the more advanced C2 players I know who are using stiffer sticks and have really great shots. They all range in size too. In fact, one of the best snap shots I've ever seen is from a guy I play with every week that uses a 112 flex.

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Well, now I'm torn between putting it up for sale and just buying a lower flex or keeping it. My shot accuracy, my passing, my stick handling have all seemingly improved with the stick. Like I said in my original post — it could all be in my head. I dont exactly have the $200 to just go out and buy another One100.

About "world class elite players" being the only ones who should use stiff flexes — there are several B/A league and even some of the more advanced C2 players I know who are using stiffer sticks and have really great shots. They all range in size too. In fact, one of the best snap shots I've ever seen is from a guy I play with every week that uses a 112 flex.

its all practice..youll get used to it, i also use very stiff sticks mostly because i can snap off quicker passes and it gives my one timer some more predictability but i did have to change up my shot selection for awhile until i got back to shooting pucks at the tennis court. also if your switching to sticks that have different flex zones that your used to it will take significantly longer to figure them out. for example i used an s19 and it took quite a while to acclimatize to the midflex.

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its all practice..youll get used to it, i also use very stiff sticks mostly because i can snap off quicker passes and it gives my one timer some more predictability but i did have to change up my shot selection for awhile until i got back to shooting pucks at the tennis court. also if your switching to sticks that have different flex zones that your used to it will take significantly longer to figure them out. for example i used an s19 and it took quite a while to acclimatize to the midflex.

I think you definitely have a point. Not only did I change flex, curve and length I'm also using a new mid point. I need to find an outdoor roller rink and get some of those shooting pads.

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About "world class elite players" being the only ones who should use stiff flexes — there are several B/A league and even some of the more advanced C2 players I know who are using stiffer sticks and have really great shots. They all range in size too. In fact, one of the best snap shots I've ever seen is from a guy I play with every week that uses a 112 flex.

More and more elite players are using softer flexes than ever before. Most of the guys using the 110 or more flexes also aren't the guys with great shots or are taller than average. More than anything you should be doing what works best for you and not what works for some guy in a C2 or B league, let alone the NHL.

No, read Chadd's post again: the S17 was rated as stiffer than they were. I have a 100 flex and it's marked as a 100 after 3" are cut and even then it feels more like a 90-95 flex.

100s were close to 85 at full length, 85s were close to 70 from what I saw on the machine.

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It depends on player style and preference. My buddy uses a PS one95 that was 117 flex before he cut it down. He loves it but I know he could have alot harder of a shot with say a 87 flex. I mean I guess it all depends on your technique and style and you said you can flex it but are you basing that off of solid ground off of skates or on the ice?

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on ice

The biggest loss in speed for me comes from lengthening a stick. Ifg the stick gets too long my clappers suffer! There is a magic point and as soon as I go past it, game over! My wrist shots definitely improve though and this is the reason I now have a stick for the blue line and a stick for playing up. : )

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