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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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sakic blade?

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ive been using a coffey pattern since high school... about a year ago it became too much curve for me, i switched to a sakic blade...i am happy with it but i wish the blade was a bit shorter and the toe was more squared off? im fine with the curve and the lie... does anyone have any suggestions for me?? i like a mid or heel/mid curve (please dont suggest a zetterberg/modano lol)

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Not very open and fairly long and deep. It has a round toe. I'm pretty sure its deeper than the sakic, but I haven't used an open blade for a while. The p14 is a fairly large curve, it may be too extreme for you. If you can deal witout the open blade, look at a heatley. Short blade with a square toe

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any thoughts on the p88?

I use the p88 and I really like it. I did happen to switch from the sakic to that one and it does take a little getting used to but I like it a lot better. The toe is square too.

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im thinking of buying a shaft and jst trying a whole bunch of blades until i find one that works for me... any suggestions on shafts? especially one that will take a variety of blades

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You could get a bunch of Harrow 300 blades and a shaft and save on shipping plus use the 20% off code. That would be the cheapest way to do it, unless you went wood.

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ive been using a coffey pattern since high school... about a year ago it became too much curve for me, i switched to a sakic blade...i am happy with it but i wish the blade was a bit shorter and the toe was more squared off? im fine with the curve and the lie... does anyone have any suggestions for me?? i like a mid or heel/mid curve (please dont suggest a zetterberg/modano lol)

If you're fine with the curve of a Sakic then the P14 should be exactly what you're looking for, since its a very similar curve that is a shorter blade and a more squared toe. It is a lower lie but I imagine you'd still be able to make it work

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Try the Datsyuk curve. I think that should fit your description fairly well. Its almost like the sakic but with a more squared toe

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