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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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stick quesion

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Its about that time of year and I am ready to make my "in bulk" order of sticks. I am going to order a six pack. My quesiton is strictly on durability which is better a Sr synergy ( regular silver) or an Xn10?

thanks for you replies


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Go with xn10 they are way more durable.....Last years synergy reputation have been no where near good. From what people have said and from my personal expreience, its pretty durable

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I've found the R+ to be more durable than the XN10, it could just be the ones I've used though.

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Hey guys thanks alot for the comments. Aparently it is unanimous that Xn10 have better durability so I will go with thoes. now does TPS have any curves cloes to a modano? i am most concerned with the lie but i woudl like a close curve also


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Hey guys thanks alot for the comments. Aparently it is unanimous that Xn10 have better durability so I will go with thoes. now does TPS have any curves cloes to a modano? i am most concerned with the lie but i woudl like a close curve also


Tkachuk is the same as Modano.

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The Nash is similar to Easton's Sakic...

And in my opinion, the R+ aren't that much more durable the new Synergys. The 2003's definitely had issues, but 2004's appear to be improved.

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thanks alot guy but i have just one last quesiton. how does a Nash patter compare to the tachuck?


I have heard that the Nash is close to the Easton's Sakic pattern. The Tkachuk isnt an exact clone on the Modano it is more of a mid-curve than a than a mid-heel.

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The Tkachuk has alot longer blade too. Also the blade isn't as tell.

From the two Tkachuk blades I have they are the same length as the Madano I have.

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2 Modono Synergys, a Tkachuk XN10, and a tapered Fedorov Inno blade that I have (all retail) are all exteremley close in curve, lie & blade length. I'd call them clones.

Incidentally, in that Federov blade, you could see a tag molded deep inside the hosel that said "Modano".

Any idea why?

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The shafts of the stick are different. They are both concave, supposedly the XN10 is more concave. The R+ uses kevlar/aramid for shaft strength and the XN10 uses TPS's 'XN10' material which is lighter than aramid and they say is as strong

Essentially the XN10 is lighter but people here say the R+ is more durable

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