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Pro Stock Kovalchuk stick?

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Yeah, I agree with $m0k3. You mentioned that you have trouble shooting with a 100 flex, but that's what you just ordered with a much different style of toe curve.

I have to agree with both of these guys on this one. You're 14, so i'm assuming, unless you are tall for your age, (Kovalchuk is 6"2) you will then need to cut down the stick so it will seem as stiff as a board to you. Also as both of those guys mentioned it is a much different style of curve, while Ovi's is an open toe wedge, Kovalchuks is a more closed toe hook. I hope it works out for you in the end, but i highly doubt you'll be able to get your true shot potential from this stick.

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Im 5'10" and i usually keep my stick long, im not a wimp either. i have always shot harder than anyone my age. i more less collect sticks. i make a ton of money selling those mini sticks i make and have no other hobbies and play no other sports. so why not? i tought myself to be ambidextrious a while back and i even have a couple lefty malkins. people tell me im more accurate lefty but im not sure i agree?

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Really? Why are you picking on a 14 year old who wants a Kovalchuk pro stock. Maybe he will have a wicked shot with it! Maybe he will not. But that is his to figure out. He asked a question on here because that is what the forum is for and this is what he gets in return. I hope you are 14 too. When I was 14 I was using full length stick in the 95+ flex range, maybe he does too.

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Really? Why are you picking on a 14 year old who wants a Kovalchuk pro stock. Maybe he will have a wicked shot with it! Maybe he will not. But that is his to figure out. He asked a question on here because that is what the forum is for and this is what he gets in return. I hope you are 14 too. When I was 14 I was using full length stick in the 95+ flex range, maybe he does too.


With the number of people who are in here who buy high end pro equipment even though they're truly unlikely to wring the true potential out of (and I am surely one of those), I find this kind of attitude obnoxious. The member posted a question. Answer it. Whose business is it but his how he spends his money or whether he can shoot with it?

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Really? Why are you picking on a 14 year old who wants a Kovalchuk pro stock. Maybe he will have a wicked shot with it! Maybe he will not. But that is his to figure out. He asked a question on here because that is what the forum is for and this is what he gets in return. I hope you are 14 too. When I was 14 I was using full length stick in the 95+ flex range, maybe he does too.

Heck, I was 14 to start the season and used a pro stock 105 flex and had a rocket from the point. Some people are just flat out stronger than others at their age and can get the most out of a higher flex stick

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Heck, I was 14 to start the season and used a pro stock 105 flex and had a rocket from the point. Some people are just flat out stronger than others at their age and can get the most out of a higher flex stick

I'm not disagreeing that maybe it works out for him, i just found it odd that after he loved his 77 flex ovechkin pro stock, he gets a severely stiffer stick with a severely different curve.

Wildcat85, Update us with some pics when you get it and how you like it, as i said before i hope it works out for you, even if it doesn't it's always a good stick to have to show off to your buddies and use on the pond/for shinny.

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Really? Why are you picking on a 14 year old who wants a Kovalchuk pro stock. Maybe he will have a wicked shot with it! Maybe he will not. But that is his to figure out. He asked a question on here because that is what the forum is for and this is what he gets in return. I hope you are 14 too. When I was 14 I was using full length stick in the 95+ flex range, maybe he does too.

i was replying to this comment

Im 5'10" and i usually keep my stick long, im not a wimp either. i have always shot harder than anyone my age. i more less collect sticks. i make a ton of money selling those mini sticks i make and have no other hobbies and play no other sports. so why not? i tought myself to be ambidextrious a while back and i even have a couple lefty malkins. people tell me im more accurate lefty but im not sure i agree?

his justification for buying a kovalchuk pro are his own. he could of stopped after the first sentence and that would of been enough for me. i found the rest a bit unrelated and even unnecessary, does that not tie into the little article i posted?

i'm not trying to pick on the kid, and i'll retract my statement if it is so offensive.

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i was replying to this comment

his justification for buying a kovalchuk pro are his own. he could of stopped after the first sentence and that would of been enough for me. i found the rest a bit unrelated and even unnecessary, does that not tie into the little article i posted?

i'm not trying to pick on the kid, and i'll retract my statement if it is so offensive.

I understand where you are going. To the original poster do not take offense to this, but he is 14!!!! He is making and spending his own money! Let him enjoy it! And further more if he can use it awesome! If not he will find out the hard way and sell it! And if he is as good a player as he said, let him brag a little. Why cut him down?

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The reason i brought it up in the first place was i was going to make a few suggestions because he said he liked his Ovi one95 in a 77flex, but was thrown off by the fact that he is buying the Kovy in the first place. Hard to make a suggestion without narrowing down what he is really looking for.

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I ordered them....they just havent come in yet.

I bought most of their Kovalchuk pro stocks, but they were way to stiff for my style.

Yes, I sold a lot of them on Ebay for a pretty penny.

I have already posted before with pictures of the pro stocks.

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I love the Kovalchuk prostock but they are hard as hell to find in Canada, and if you find them on ebay they are over priced (for me anyway).

I have used the XXX version and it was my favourite and now use a dolomite which is good but I don't like it as much as the XXX I had.

This past weekend I walked in to my LHS and was looking at the pile of prostocks on sale and came across a dolomite with a similar curve. I picked it up and bought it. It has "Blake" as the player on it.


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On the Right - My current pro stock Kovalchuk dolomite and left - is the new dolomite "Blake". They had a similar curved labeled Gionta (Not the retail) that had a little more mid curve and a little less toe but still had a decent toe curve. I didnt splurge and buy two as I do not go through many sticks.

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Where in Canada are you that has an LHS that sells pro stocks?

I know the Pro Hockey Life in Vaughan Mills has a bunch of pro stock Warriors but they're mostly flatter curves (and they charge an arm and a leg)

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Where in Canada are you that has an LHS that sells pro stocks?

I know the Pro Hockey Life in Vaughan Mills has a bunch of pro stock Warriors but they're mostly flatter curves (and they charge an arm and a leg)

The "mainstream" stores/franchise stores tend to be over priced and have s*** selection imo. They seem to have a lot of the current gear but at high prices and only have the public released stuff. When they have prostock stuff it tends to be over priced and the crappy curves.

I check out Dukes Source for Sports. Yes it is a franchise, but they often have sales on prostock stuff. This is where I got the stick mentioned above. They also have some older gear which is good for some folks. The prices seem to be fair for the prostock gear, but for regular stuff they are at the same prices as the other stores.

Another store I check out is Majer Hockey. I have never found a toe curved stick (prostock) that I liked but they tend to have good prices and lots of sales. It is really hit/miss and most of the time it is miss.

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Where in Canada are you that has an LHS that sells pro stocks?

I know the Pro Hockey Life in Vaughan Mills has a bunch of pro stock Warriors but they're mostly flatter curves (and they charge an arm and a leg)

some teams like the oilers consign their pro return sticks to local shops. totem sports exchange in edmonton is where you would find their sticks.

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This was touched on in the first page of the thread...

I like that super-boxy shaft that some of those pro-stock Dolomites have. Someone mentioned the '09 ST, and it was said that there is nothing in retail to compare it to, but does anyone know of any other sticks/shafts that are somewhat close to that shape?

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This was touched on in the first page of the thread...

I like that super-boxy shaft that some of those pro-stock Dolomites have. Someone mentioned the '09 ST, and it was said that there is nothing in retail to compare it to, but does anyone know of any other sticks/shafts that are somewhat close to that shape?

The new AK27 shaft is about as boxy as it gets in my opinion!

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