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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pro Stock Kovalchuk stick?

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The more I look the more i think the Langenbrunner I have is a Kovalchuk. He must of been trying te Kovy curve bc it's a box shaft Shaved heel agressive toe curve. My search

For another one of them looks like it might of just gotten a little easier

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It was made that way. 99.9% chance Kovalchuk himself never touched these sticks.

For sure. Just wondering if someone at warrior shaves them or if it comes out of a mold like that. I am guessing doing it yourself would weaken the blade too much.

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For sure. Just wondering if someone at warrior shaves them or if it comes out of a mold like that. I am guessing doing it yourself would weaken the blade too much.

I had some Dustin Brown Warriors from a few years back and he had the heels shaved down too. They looked like they were done by hand by either him or the EQM. All of the blades broke where they were shaved. The toes were shaved too, you could see inside the blade on the forehand side of the toe. These were on the 1st generation Dolos I also had a newer Dustin Brown Dolo and the heel looked like it was shaved at the factory. This one was a lot more durable.

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I had some Dustin Brown Warriors from a few years back and he had the heels shaved down too. They looked like they were done by hand by either him or the EQM. All of the blades broke where they were shaved. The toes were shaved too, you could see inside the blade on the forehand side of the toe. These were on the 1st generation Dolos I also had a newer Dustin Brown Dolo and the heel looked like it was shaved at the factory. This one was a lot more durable.

He probably tried it on a few sticks then sent one in that didn't break because he liked it that way

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What's the purpose\value of the shaved heel?

Somebody said its to cup the puck better. I don't see how that works with the angle its shaved at but I don't know for sure.

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I could see that if it went further along the bottom of the blade, but where it looks to be, you'd need to have the stick near parallel to the ice for it to matter much.

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does the shaved heel make the curve Legal? With the heel shaved you can have a larger curve and still fall within the "rules" once the blade is placed into a gauge with the heel and toe lying flat (the heel becomes lower than the toe) . After i removed the blade from the shaft I showed it to a couple of ref buddies and they were thinking the same.

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The limit is now 3/4" which gives you a lot of room to play with...... Plus, the gauge would be against the shaved area - effectively reading 1/8" to 1/4" LESS curve as long as the shave was done in a way that the straight edge cleared the front of the shaved part. (edited to fix fat finger errors)

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The limit is now 3/4" which gives you a lot of room to play with...... Plus, the gauge would be against the shaved area - effectively reading 1/8" to 1/4" LESS curve as long as the shave was don in a way that the straight edge cleared the from of the shaved part.

That makes total sense! I love the moment of satisfaction you get when you figure something like this out haha

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A little. But it is still on topic. These are all questions about the Kovalchuk Pro Stock. : )

I agree, I'm enjoying this conversation too

Why are the corners so boxy? Is it because he grew up using boxy wood sticks and liked it? Other than that I have no idea..

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I agree, I'm enjoying this conversation too

Why are the corners so boxy? Is it because he grew up using boxy wood sticks and liked it? Other than that I have no idea..

Like i said before i only 1 of my Kovy pro stocks are boxy, the previous years were all really round shafts.

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I agree, I'm enjoying this conversation too

Why are the corners so boxy? Is it because he grew up using boxy wood sticks and liked it? Other than that I have no idea..

Probably something to that effect, but the bottom line is that he uses it because he enjoys the feel. Just like Shanahan liked his shafts very boxy.

I happen to enjoy very rounded and thin shafts. Just personal preference.

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Somebody said its to cup the puck better. I don't see how that works with the angle its shaved at but I don't know for sure.

to load on the wrister, IMHO

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Someone that has one... take a straight edge an lay it from heel to toe at the bottom of the blade and then use a tape measure to measure the gap at the widest point. you'd be surprised how little cure the is in some really nasty looking blades.

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If the Kovalchuk/Zherdev blades have a shaved heel to keep them "legal" why doesn't Ovechkin shave his?

no one knows for sure what the shaved heel is for, but I'm pretty sure it's not to make it legal because his curve doesn't look illegal at all.

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