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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ripped Tendon Guard

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Can a ripped tendon guard be sewn back together or repaired in anyway? Not ripped completely off, just a little slice less than half way across.

I taped mine and its good as new, but im sure you can get it stiched up or something.

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I believe that there are several repair shops that do that. Your LHS may be able to do it as well...I'm not sure whether Peaches or Georges does that, but I am pretty sure that I saw some store do it..Jake's or something? Sorry, can't remember a specific name.

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I do that repair all the time. Depends on how bAd it is. If is just a slice then I use a speedy stitch which you can get at any hardware store for less than ten bucks. Probably the beat investment I've made for repairs. If it's bad just us a strip of heavy leather to reneforce. I wouldn't so it as bad as those vapors but If you like a stiff skate I could see it. I'll try and get some pictures today and show

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Great photos, thanks. Is there a method to the madness in the stitching pattern, especially on those VAPOR 10s? Seems pretty slipshod, but there must be a reason behind it.

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Great photos, thanks. Is there a method to the madness in the stitching pattern, especially on those VAPOR 10s? Seems pretty slipshod, but there must be a reason behind it.

You see a pattern there? I see kind of a mess. I would think the idea is to have a bunch of stitches on both sides of the tear, so reinforce the area as well as possible. Doesn't look like a ton of effort was put into making the repair look neat and clean.

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This stitching primarily running vertically will be stiffer as it is perpendicular to the way it is stressed..... Back in the days of non-plastic reinforcement in boots we would get the quarters and particularly the hinge area between 3rd and 4th eyelet stitched. They stitched it in a grid or zigzag that gave us another season out of the boots.

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Thank you.

I've seen on here a picture of Marty St. Louis' Vapor XXXs, they had that stitching between the eyelets on the quarters, looked like a couple yards of thread stitched spider web style, but I can certainly see how it reinforced the boot.

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yep.... I'll see if I can find my old Daoust 501'a or Bauer Comps for a pic. Those were the last ones I had done like that... the new stuff seems to work up to the point that it suddenly dies and becomes unusable (at least in my experience).

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you would think that manufacturers would make tendon guards that were more than just plastic.. i used to tape my shins to the back of the guard, and yes it does cause a lot of strain on the guard.. also i used to bang the toe of my skates holding onto only the tendon guards to get ice off mys kates... again that was bad and a lot of strain to the guards.. needless to say those skates are now retired and have a set of inline chassis on them.. my new one100 skates, i now have my socks behind the guard and dont tape my shins to my skates... since my tongues on my one100 are stiffer, i dont need to do a crazy tape job around my ankles anymore!

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I prefer flexible tendon guards, but then I'm old school on my skating style with a long stride and toe extension (some call it a flock) at the end. I get low and long enough that I get a worn spot on the inside top front surface of the toe cap.

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Here are some additional resources to help future people out:

Great youtube video of how a pro would fix it:

My great experience going to a shoe cobbler in Vancouver in Vancouver (Hugo's Shoe Repair):


Pictures: http://imgur.com/a/70tzS

Good luck... it's fixable and way cheaper than buying a new $400 pair of skates.

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