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Snap shot tips

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I cannot get the hang of snap shots. Every couple tries I can get a good one off, but most of the time they suck. It seems like a lot of time I have trouble getting the elevation I want. I can feel that I did something wrong when I shoot, but Im just not sure what it is. When I watch people who have good snap shots, it looks like they are barely doing anything at all and get this wicked shot off. Anyone have any pointers/tips?

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i'm no snap shot expert, but mechanics are everything here... the snap shot is effective because of the synergy between your form and the function of the stick. maybe the best thing to do is to find a good video example of a player who is taking a great snap shot and watch it in very slow motion. frame-by-frame.

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No coach here but you'd be surprised how much elevation and accuracy you can get when you have your head up and looking at where you want the puck to go. And when you follow through, point your blade at where you should be looking for the puck to go to.

I have noticed in the pass that if I have my head down looking at the positioning of the puck on my blade and shoot...it's a chest shot every single time. But, when I feel comfortable with the puck on my blade and look where I want the puck to go, 4/5 times it's where it needs to be.

They don't say head up for nothing. Start by keeping your head up and looking where you're going to pass to. Don't look down to pass. The game is ever-changing and it will help tremendously with your accuracy. (You'll probably fan on a couple of shots/passes but after a session or 2 you will get the hang of it.

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It all depends on what you call a snap shot. It seems to encompass everything from a no windup wrist shot to a half slap shot, depending on who you talk to.

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lets pretend its a no windup wrist shot :D

i can get a wrist shot off fine but my snap shot is very week, kinda flubs no matter if i go high or low

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I think the most common mistake people make with snapshots is they tend to try to do it to fast. Slow down the motion of your snapshot in warmups or practice next time. Focus on stepping through the shot, and make sure your follow through is good. Speed it up progressively.

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Just work on snapping the puck off. Push it ahead of you then just hit it (for lack of a better term) on net....over time you will be able to shoot faster and harder

sorry for the vague description haha

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I think the most common mistake people make with snapshots is they tend to try to do it to fast.

And they use a stick that's too stiff. The Kessel Video is pretty good at showing an NHL quality snap shot

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And they use a stick that's too stiff. The Kessel Video is pretty good at showing an NHL quality snap shot

What flex do you think he is using?

For all the guys that think they need a 100 flex, I am 6'7 300 lbs and I have never felt better or shot better than switching to a 102 flex instead of the heavier flex sticks. And I lay into my slap shots too. Stick holds up very well!

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What flex do you think he is using?

For all the guys that think they need a 100 flex, I am 6'7 300 lbs and I have never felt better or shot better than switching to a 102 flex instead of the heavier flex sticks. And I lay into my slap shots too. Stick holds up very well!

What do you think the flex is down to, with the extension you add?

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What flex do you think he is using?

For all the guys that think they need a 100 flex, I am 6'7 300 lbs and I have never felt better or shot better than switching to a 102 flex instead of the heavier flex sticks. And I lay into my slap shots too. Stick holds up very well!

He was using 75s when he broke into the league

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What do you think the flex is down to, with the extension you add?

I do not know. I use a 4 inch carbon plug. I would guess 90ish. This is why I was interested in the flex test Chadd was talking about. I recently tried the 110 flex ak shaft and all I can say is I am glad to go back to the lighter flex. My joints are happier, I score more, and my shooting and passing are more consistent.

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I do not know. I use a 4 inch carbon plug. I would guess 90ish. This is why I was interested in the flex test Chadd was talking about. I recently tried the 110 flex ak shaft and all I can say is I am glad to go back to the lighter flex. My joints are happier, I score more, and my shooting and passing are more consistent.

I didn't know what to get, ended up with a hundred, and it doesn't seem to flex much. I have no clue if it's my technique. I'm thinking to try a 75 next, just to see what that's like. I do wrist shots mostly, occasional snap, but hardly ever a slap shot.

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I didn't know what to get, ended up with a hundred, and it doesn't seem to flex much. I have no clue if it's my technique. I'm thinking to try a 75 next, just to see what that's like. I do wrist shots mostly, occasional snap, but hardly ever a slap shot.

What length are you using it at and what stick are you using? I have tried other sticks at the lower flex and have struggled. The total one at this lex really work well for me. I used a one85 last year at the same flex and it was great for 3 weeks and then it was whipped out.

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What length are you using it at and what stick are you using? I have tried other sticks at the lower flex and have struggled. The total one at this lex really work well for me. I used a one85 last year at the same flex and it was great for 3 weeks and then it was whipped out.

ST, uncut, we'll see, I'm patient.

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ST, uncut, we'll see, I'm patient.

I had a 100 flex st as well and I really struggled with it. It seemed to lack the pop I get put of the other sticks I have used. It also was really rough on my joints for some reason. The strange thing with the easton is when I went to the 115x ST which comes 5 inches longer than the lower flexes, gave me more pop. I am a bauer guy though. I would say try the one100 next time. About the same price as the ST. But I would not go below 87 flex with it.

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I had a 100 flex st as well and I really struggled with it. It seemed to lack the pop I get put of the other sticks I have used. It also was really rough on my joints for some reason. The strange thing with the easton is when I went to the 115x ST which comes 5 inches longer than the lower flexes, gave me more pop. I am a bauer guy though. I would say try the one100 next time. About the same price as the ST. But I would not go below 87 flex with it.

I got the ST for $140 or $150, as I recall, haven't seen Bauers that cheap. I think it'll be a while until I get another stick, unless I'm trying cheap used ones to try different curves and/or lies.

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I got the ST for $140 or $150, as I recall, haven't seen Bauers that cheap. I think it'll be a while until I get another stick, unless I'm trying cheap used ones to try different curves and/or lies.

You are right. The closest LHS for me is selling total ones for 209 and one100's for 159. I did not realize how good a deal I was getting!

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You are right. The closest LHS for me is selling total ones for 209 and one100's for 159. I did not realize how good a deal I was getting!

That sounds like a good price for the One100. The Dolomite DD is interesting, at $130 from Total, as it comes in a variety of lies that most Bauers don't. I'd probably be tempted to try that, if I were in the market for a new stick.

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I hurt my right thumb recently, so I can't bend it to wrap it around the shaft. I shoot left, so it's the thumb on the upper hand.

Since I've had to extend my thumb straight down the shaft, I find that my snap shots have been harder. In the Phil Kessel video it looks like his upper thumb is also straight down the shaft, and not wrapped around.

With my upper thumb extended straight down the flat side of the shaft, it seems I can get more leverage to flex my stick a little more (TPS Response Lite regular flex OPS, Hlavac toe curve pro stock). I have to close the blade a little more to compensate (point the blade's face a little more to the right) because the increased flex torques the blade open more.

Googling around, there seems to be some debate among golfers about whether an extended or "long" thumb gives greater power and range-of-motion. Any golf experts here with an opinion?

Once the thumb gets a little less sore I might try this with slappers.

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With my upper thumb extended straight down the flat side of the shaft,

I'm a dumbass, but can't quite picture this. Seems like if my top hand thumb was extended, it would be along the thin "top" plane of the shaft. When you say "flat side", do you mean the wide forward facing side of the shaft? Or the wide side facing your body? Either seems like an awkward hand position.

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I'm a dumbass, but can't quite picture this. Seems like if my top hand thumb was extended, it would be along the thin "top" plane of the shaft. When you say "flat side", do you mean the wide forward facing side of the shaft? Or the wide side facing your body? Either seems like an awkward hand position.

My top hand position has the 'V' between the forefinger and thumb, and the crease at the base of my thumb (along the palm) on the top of the shaft. So with my thumb extended it is along the wide side facing my body. If you look at the Kessel video, the position of his thumb is where mine is.

It's interesting that your top hand's thumb is more on top of your shaft; do you wrap your thumb around the shaft? Once my thumb can bend again I might try rotating my hand so that the thumb is on the "top" plane of the shaft and try shooting that way, to see if the shot power is better.

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My top hand position has the 'V' between the forefinger and thumb, and the crease at the base of my thumb (along the palm) on the top of the shaft. So with my thumb extended it is along the wide side facing my body. If you look at the Kessel video, the position of his thumb is where mine is.

It's interesting that your top hand's thumb is more on top of your shaft; do you wrap your thumb around the shaft? Once my thumb can bend again I might try rotating my hand so that the thumb is on the "top" plane of the shaft and try shooting that way, to see if the shot power is better.

Whoa there, you don't want to be learning from me. I'm probably holding it wrong. But I'm interested to hear what others say. (I'll have to look at the video tonight, can't see it from here.)

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