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Reversible hockey jerseys - blank practice jersey

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So I've finally decided to buy a reversible hockey jersey for drop in shinny. Preferably black/white one.

Does anyone on msh have one And can comment on it? I've read some reviews on sites that sell them. Some mention how the white is really grey, etc.

What brand or site should I consider getting one from?


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I have this black/white one. It's two jerseys sewn together.

You can find them here.


I don't think you're going to have any luck finding a true single jersey with white/dark sides, just because I'm not sure it's plausible to knit thin fabric without the dark visually "bleeding" into the white.

How does it compare to the Easton?


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I think thats the "Grey" he was takling about?......

It could be the grey puckhoggy was talking about, but I wondered if anko had seen it.

As to the IW picture, based on everything there, it doesn't appear that the lighting's good enough to really see the color.

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I played on a team that used the AKs for beer league play. Took the iron numbers fine on both sides, I'd imagine would do the same for silk-screen. A few things we did notice is that they did seem to fit tighter than a normal jersey (I'd recommend going up one size from normal) and that they were a tad hot, but otherwise the team is still using them 2 years later with no issues.

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Doesn't it make more sense to just carry around 2 jerseys and wear the one you need rather than wearing a jersey made of 2 layers of fabric? The latter is like wearing 2 jerseys, unnecessarily warmer and heavier which might be OK if your playing outdoors. What are the advantages?

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Doesn't it make more sense to just carry around 2 jerseys and wear the one you need rather than wearing a jersey made of 2 layers of fabric? The latter is like wearing 2 jerseys, unnecessarily warmer and heavier which might be OK if your playing outdoors. What are the advantages?

The main advantage is not having to carry an extra jersey to the bench, and keep track of it, and keep it from getting too messed up. You can switch teams/jersey color very quickly there or on the ice, to even up teams, for quality, quantity, or both.

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Damn. Are your dressing rooms that far away???

Hey, ice time's expensive!

And sometimes guys leave early, so others may have to change more than once.

Speaking for myself, I put on my white jersey, and keep it on. They don't have to worry about which team I'm on, I'm not good enough to create an imbalance.

To answer your question, sometimes a hike, but where I almost always play, four steps will take me from the dressing room door to the rink door behind the net.

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I've seen the Easton in person, the "white" side is greyish for sure.

As was mentioned, it's nice to be able to turn it inside out instead of running to the locker room. I wear a short-sleeve tshirt, no shoulderpads, so the bit of extra warmth works out just fine. It's certainly heavier/warmer than a single mesh jersey, but I find it to be similar to the Reebok Edge jersey that I wear for one of my teams.

I spent some time researching before I bought the AK, if you want white and dark it's either the AK or two individual jerseys.

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I just grow tiresome going back to the changeroom to switch colours. Plus, I hate having to bring an extra jersey to the bench, especially knowing at some point a random will ask to wear it.

I'm mainly looking for one due to the fact when the teams start thinning out, and someone needs to make a change to the other team. No one ever really switches so This will help save some time :) also helps when late players arrive with the wrong colour.

Unless the jersey is overly heavy, I have know problem getting one.

If there is another brand besides the AK I'm all ears, or else I will grab one soon.

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I guess I'll be the first to say it. Shirts vs. skins. :biggrin:

You're not the first, but it's usually suggested only when there are women playing, too.

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I have this black/white one. It's two jerseys sewn together.


You can find them here.


I don't think you're going to have any luck finding a true single jersey with white/dark sides, just because I'm not sure it's plausible to knit thin fabric without the dark visually "bleeding" into the white.

What size jersey did you get? And how do the sizes run?

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My Large is 25" pit-to-pit, 24.5" from the bottom of collar to the bottom of the jersey, and 21.5" from the shoulder seam to the end of the sleeve.

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My Large is 25" pit-to-pit, 24.5" from the bottom of collar to the bottom of the jersey, and 21.5" from the shoulder seam to the end of the sleeve.

thank you!

BTW did you ever find it to shrink at all, or no?

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