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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Prostock vs Retail?

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The possibilities are plenty. I mean you have your basic blade pattern, to things like the way the shaft in constructed (certain weave for example), some sticks have different flex profiles along the shaft. Another example is a player may use intermediate size shaft with a stiffer flex than available at retail. Basically customized to whatever players preferences are. I imagine that the "custom" aspect of all the specs is the main reason why there is no warranty.

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For the most part it's not too hard to identify a stick

This is true- but half the time you are guessing based off of cryptic descriptions by a retailer or pixel peeping shitty ebay photos in the hope you can discern if that s19 really has an elliptical taper, if that one95 has the right weave, or if that is REALLY a who-name-here pro pattern.

You have to know your stuff. Even companies that claim to know what they are selling have been known to get it wrong.

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This is true- but half the time you are guessing based off of cryptic descriptions by a retailer or pixel peeping shitty ebay photos in the hope you can discern if that s19 really has an elliptical taper, if that one95 has the right weave, or if that is REALLY a who-name-here pro pattern.

You have to know your stuff. Even companies that claim to know what they are selling have been known to get it wrong.

judging an stick online can be quite difficult........thankfully I live near tsr so I can check out sticks in person.

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On prostock one95s with the G3 code, does this 'custom flex profile' mean that it is custom to each player or custom in the sense that it isn't available at retail. Directly, are all G3 sticks the same?

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Because the NHL Players go through so many sticks and tend to abuse them a lot more than a consumer would, it wouldn't make sense to offer to replace their sticks whenever they break one.

On the other hand most have a contract with NHL teams as far as equipment sales and would not waste their time sending a stick to get replaced when they have hundreds in the equipment room.

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judging an stick online can be quite difficult........thankfully I live near tsr so I can check out sticks in person.

yup, well 2 hours away. but if i break both my PS sticks fast enough, i'll need the two hours to cool off :laugh:

Cams has it correct. i try to walk in knowing its a educated guess. But the real idea is getting a 175-$220 stick for $115ish with just a basic understanding of the bauer numbers, and i got a Easton lesson on my last trip to tsr so I think i could handle that now awell.

i would like to know how the sticks come about? does the player call up and ask to try something new, and send them back? or do they order say 100 sticks and pick the 50 that feel the best to them?

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On prostock one95s with the G3 code, does this 'custom flex profile' mean that it is custom to each player or custom in the sense that it isn't available at retail. Directly, are all G3 sticks the same?

from what i have gathered "G3" is the generic code for custom flex profiled sticks. one player may have 2 different flex zones and blade pattern on his stick than another player with totally different specs yet both will be a G3.

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