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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Thinking of moving from Vapor XXX to X:60 - opinions?

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Hey all, been a long time for me around these parts, site is looking great. :)

I ran a bunch of searches but kept running into trouble because the keywords were too short; but if anybody knows of some previous discussion on the topic, I'd love some links to do a bit of reading.

Anyway, story is I've been using the Vapor XXX's since they came out....Supreme 4000's before that....so I'm not a guy who changes his skates often. Luckily I happen to also be a fairly light skater, and despite average size (6'0, 180) I guess I'm just not hard on my skates. The XXX's are actually still in good shape, but I had two rivets fall out of the holder last game, and the recent email I got from hockeygiant today saying the X:60's are on sale for $399 has got me wondering if maybe it's time to make a switch.

Can anybody comment on the fit between the two skates? I saw a cryptic comment somewhere on here with someone saying 'ask JR if you think the XXX and X:60 fit the same'...but I was unable to find any reference to that comment.

I have painfully ordinary feet, slightly narrow, low volume probably higher than average arch, size 9.5-10 in street shoes. Back when I bought my XXX's I was younger and stupid, and got them in a 9D, and I've always thought they are probably a half size too big. Other than being a tiny bit too big, I think they fit me like a glove, no pain or blisters since day 1 (of course I have no other frame of reference really, maybe they don't fit so well). I've also never experienced lace bite at all, not just in these skates, but in any skate (and I play a lot of roller hockey as well). Although one weird thing that has been happening to me a lot the last couple of years is my feet will get very very cold, often to the point of being numb and very sore, during a game. I thought this maybe has been happening because the skate has broken down more and allowed me to tighten it too much, cutting circulation, but I really don't know. I wear socks when I play.

As for going to the LHS to see what feels best, I will for sure....but I have been literally wearing only Bauer for my entire life, so it's going to be very difficult for me to change, and to be honest, from everything I read, the Vapor fit is best for my foot type (I think).

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I have a narrow, low volume foot also and am in X:60's now. I like them a lot. Fit me better than the Supremes, U+ or Reeboks. If your seriously looking to get the X:60's at the reduced price don't wait long. Many places are already out of popular sizes.

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X60's fit just like the XXXs so I think you should go for it. Before you buy them online print out a copy of the webpage and show it to the LHS. Maybe they will match the price and give you the opportunity to support them.

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X60's fit just like the XXXs so I think you should go for it. Before you buy them online print out a copy of the webpage and show it to the LHS. Maybe they will match the price and give you the opportunity to support them.

I found that XXXs fit a little different than 60s do. I tried on XXXs when they first came out and could hardly get my foot in the boot, I bought XXXXs and the pain was really bad in them so I sold them. I thought I'd give the 60s a shot and they fit me perfect. It could just be me, but make sure you try them on before you buy anything.

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The price on the x60's might drop even further if you wait until the release of the Vapor APX. Could find retailers knocking another $50 off of them.

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The price on the x60's might drop even further if you wait until the release of the Vapor APX. Could find retailers knocking another $50 off of them.

I do figure they'll drop a bit further...but I'd rather just lock up a pair now beacuse I've got a pretty common sized foot. I'll have to get down to my LHS to try on a pair, see how they feel compared to my XXX's. I'd like to try and support the local store if I can, but around Toronto there are no real 'local' stores...it's all just huge chains, and I think the X:60's are still at least $599, if not $699 around here....maybe even higher! Plus 13% tax, it's not a good scene.

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I'd sure like to find an X60 LE pair in 11D size like I've seen priced for $399!!! Anyone seen any?

I guess I should be careful what I wish for! :ph34r:

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Hey all, been a long time for me around these parts, site is looking great. :)

I ran a bunch of searches but kept running into trouble because the keywords were too short; but if anybody knows of some previous discussion on the topic, I'd love some links to do a bit of reading.

Anyway, story is I've been using the Vapor XXX's since they came out....Supreme 4000's before that....so I'm not a guy who changes his skates often. Luckily I happen to also be a fairly light skater, and despite average size (6'0, 180) I guess I'm just not hard on my skates. The XXX's are actually still in good shape, but I had two rivets fall out of the holder last game, and the recent email I got from hockeygiant today saying the X:60's are on sale for $399 has got me wondering if maybe it's time to make a switch.

Can anybody comment on the fit between the two skates? I saw a cryptic comment somewhere on here with someone saying 'ask JR if you think the XXX and X:60 fit the same'...but I was unable to find any reference to that comment.

I have painfully ordinary feet, slightly narrow, low volume probably higher than average arch, size 9.5-10 in street shoes. Back when I bought my XXX's I was younger and stupid, and got them in a 9D, and I've always thought they are probably a half size too big. Other than being a tiny bit too big, I think they fit me like a glove, no pain or blisters since day 1 (of course I have no other frame of reference really, maybe they don't fit so well). I've also never experienced lace bite at all, not just in these skates, but in any skate (and I play a lot of roller hockey as well). Although one weird thing that has been happening to me a lot the last couple of years is my feet will get very very cold, often to the point of being numb and very sore, during a game. I thought this maybe has been happening because the skate has broken down more and allowed me to tighten it too much, cutting circulation, but I really don't know. I wear socks when I play.

As for going to the LHS to see what feels best, I will for sure....but I have been literally wearing only Bauer for my entire life, so it's going to be very difficult for me to change, and to be honest, from everything I read, the Vapor fit is best for my foot type (I think).

As with many newer skate, they will be much stiffer than the xxx's you currently wear. The stiffness will cause initial pain in your foot and will make them hard to break in. A lot of people have trouble when they switch from xxx's to 40's or x60's because of this. However once you learn how to utilize the stiffness in the boot it can help you with your speed tremendously. If you have to get a new skate then I would definitely recommend these.

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As with many newer skate, they will be much stiffer than the xxx's you currently wear. The stiffness will cause initial pain in your foot and will make them hard to break in. A lot of people have trouble when they switch from xxx's to 40's or x60's because of this. However once you learn how to utilize the stiffness in the boot it can help you with your speed tremendously. If you have to get a new skate then I would definitely recommend these.

How long the new skates take to break in can have a lot to do with the weight of the skater.

And I didn't get any pain going to a much stiffer skate. I'm using Supreme One95s, and switched from 1975 CCM Super Tacks, a much more radical change that almost anyone makes these days.

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