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Shell over regular pants?

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Do many people wear a shell over their regular hockey pants? (as opposed to a girdle) If so does it get extra hot inside? or otherwise a PITA at all?


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I used to use shells over my pants back in the day when team colors were important. I always felt they restricted my movement more, but it could have been more fit...or in my head. I did not really notice an increase in heat.

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I recently tried a shell over my pants. Did not feel restricted at all or any hotter for that matter. However, it is very important to try on different shells. I tried 3 brands before I found an Easton shell that fit my Warrior pants like I wanted. Just take your pants to the store with you and try them on.

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I wore a shell for about 2 years and it never felt too tight or like it restricted any movement. I wore size L pants and an XL shell, I kept my leg zippers open on my pants too and everything fit nice. The shell wasn't too baggy and didn't sag everywhere. It bugs the hell out of me when people where shells 2 sizes too big and they are swimming in them.

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I've been thinking about this lately too. I'm starting up ice soon after 10+ years playing inline, and don't really feel like buying a whole bunch of new gear when I could just easily use my inline gear. I use a girdle, similar to this (but quite a few years old, so a little bit of the bulk has worn out of it, but still mission). I had a couple of questions:

1. Would they provide enough protection for ice? I'm not too worried about this, i'm a competent skater and i'm going to be playing a fairly low-level of hockey while I get started.

2. Would you recommend getting a proper pair of pants, or just get a shell to go over these? If yes to the shell, what kind of size should I be looking at? My girdle is a senior small. (I don't get the chance to try on much gear down under so I can't really judge for myself, also I haven't found anywhere around here that actually sells shells).

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Flea I would recomend against it that inline girdle is similar to a referees girdle with primarily open cell foam and little to no serious protection from a hard frozen rubber ice puck. If you like the feel and freedom of a girdle there are several good ice girdles out there but I would seriously think twice before stepping out in an inline girdle even with a padded ice shell over the top. Otherwise pick up a cheap pair of ice pants and you can look to upgrade later.

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Do many people wear a shell over their regular hockey pants? (as opposed to a girdle) If so does it get extra hot inside? or otherwise a PITA at all?


I wear one all the time. No annoyance, no extra hotness, if anything it increases slightly your pant's life expectancy!

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