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Teen Hoops Star Dies After Scoring Winner

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Sad story. I hate to say it but after seeing the coach talk about how dedicated this kid was in the weight room, I have to wonder if the use of supplements, or worse, could perhaps have caused his passing.

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  On 3/4/2011 at 4:48 PM, chippa13 said:

Sad story. I hate to say it but after seeing the coach talk about how dedicated this kid was in the weight room, I have to wonder if the use of supplements, or worse, could perhaps have caused his passing.

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Isn't kind of sad that we live in a society now where we actually have to ask this question??? I don't want to bring up the topic of roids in sports really but when a 14-15 yr old kid sees a successful athlete get busted for ped's and basically get slaps on the wrist do you blame them for thinking hell if he can do it and make it maybe I should too.....

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  On 3/4/2011 at 8:50 PM, AIREAYE said:

Cause his heart was too big...oh the irony. RIP :(

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+100. Rest in peace. Sad to know that people just my age are dying like that, just out of the blue. Scares me some times

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At Canisius College we had a very good player collapse and die just after being taken off the court. Same thing, enlarged heart. I know Len Bias was the same sort of thing, but cannot remember if there was more to that one.

A sad story. I hope his family finds some peace soon.

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That's terrible. Now that I think of it, this happened before I believe. Anybody remember that movie Glorie Road? One of the players had a condition where his heart was to big...I dunno whether he died or not.

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