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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok Edge Pro Stock Socks

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I think L is 28", XL is 30", and XL+ is 32". XL is the same length as the retail adult size. Not sure why they break the sizes down like that.

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My retail L is longer and wider than my pro-stock L's, enough where I think I could drop down to a retail M (or intermediate).

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My retail L is longer and wider than my pro-stock L's, enough where I think I could drop down to a retail M (or intermediate).

Exactly, the retail L is equivalent to the Pro Stock XL.

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I have prostock L's and while the width is fine, they're extremely long for me. I'm 5'7". I was thinking of trying retail small or maybe dropping down to intermediate.

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I have prostock L's and while the width is fine, they're extremely long for me. I'm 5'7". I was thinking of trying retail small or maybe dropping down to intermediate.

I'm 5'9" and wear intermediates with my 14" shin pads with no issues. I tuck my shins and flop my tongues. If I was wearing 15" shin pads, and put them over my skate tongues, the intermediates wouldn't be long enough for me.

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I'm 5'9" and wear intermediates with my 14" shin pads with no issues. I tuck my shins and flop my tongues. If I was wearing 15" shin pads, and put them over my skate tongues, the intermediates wouldn't be long enough for me.

Sorry to be a but OT, but I'm 5'9 and wear 14" shins. I have to wear my shins over my tongues, because if i try to flop the tongues, I cant get my skates laced up all the way tight and the bottom of the pad kinda digs into the top of my foot a bit. Should I go down to 13" if I want to flop?

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Sorry to be a but OT, but I'm 5'9 and wear 14" shins. I have to wear my shins over my tongues, because if i try to flop the tongues, I cant get my skates laced up all the way tight and the bottom of the pad kinda digs into the top of my foot a bit. Should I go down to 13" if I want to flop?

It's hard to say:

1.) I may be 5'10" and that extra inch may make the difference. I don't really know exactly how tall I am.

2.) I wear Graf 707's. Since Grafs tend to have a lower lace pattern and are a shorter cut boot, that may make a bit of a difference for me. I could never flop prior to wearing Graf's. Have you tried not lacing your top lace? that may make all the difference. The 707's + flopping give me amazing ankle mobility. I continually think of changing to the newer technology in skates. . . but they are just so damn stiff around the ankles I feel like it would hinder my skating. I think my pair of skates will be some sort of custom project with Graf that could be a mix between the 707 and the new ultra g series (just got off topic with my skate rant. . . sorry)

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