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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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skate tongues

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I have a pair of 11k's, I love em, but the tongue is dead. I've tried to get RBK replacement but I can't find em anywhere.

I do have new skates like vapor xxv and ccm tacks. Could these be used instead? I was looking at the toe cap of each and they appear to be abit different.

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I've thought about putting the tongues off my old One55 skates (black/felt) on my old pond skates for comfort reasons. Those old CCM Kevlar 952s are shot

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call up tsr https://www.tsrhockey.net/cgi-bin/commerce.cgi?display=home i am sure they could help you out

i have a pair of brand new rbk tongues, just bought em and havent done anything but take em out of the bag dont know if i'll get around to using them size xl i think for like a good flop on 10-11size skates, i'm excited for them but no one in arizona is wanting to do it, not even local cobblers which kills me

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i have a pair of brand new rbk tongues, just bought em and havent done anything but take em out of the bag dont know if i'll get around to using them size xl i think for like a good flop on 10-11size skates, i'm excited for them but no one in arizona is wanting to do it, not even local cobblers which kills me


This is all you need. $10 at REI or order online. Might want to buy black or white waxed thread to match, though.

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Bump: Any chance of being able to purchase the APX tongue for my X:60s? I'm assuming no. I wear a Jr. 5.5, but really like the idea of the lacebite protection that the APX has. The boot of my x60's is decent so I don't want to buy 7.0 just because the tongue on my x60's are horribly creased.

I guess an alternative option is getting another replacement. Are tongues with hard plastic inserts better for lace bite compared to white felt?

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Bumping this thread too...it seems a good place for my question.

I wear Bauer Flexlite 4.0 Pro's and they have been great for about a year and a half, but all of a sudden I'm getting really bad lacebite issues, and I think it is from the tonuges of my skates. I've had to start using strips of mouse-mat under each tongue to try to help the problem, but it's not really working for more than one game (in the league I play in we play 2-3 games per game day). So I have come to the conclusion that I need new tongues.

My question is what are the best tongues to go for? Like GSH13 said above, I like what I have seen of the APX tongue, so I'm thinking of trying to get some. Are they easy to find? Is this a good option? Or would I be better looking into another type of tongue.

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