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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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M2 Availability in Toronto

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Do you think original stiX has them? How much did you pay for yours slapper snipper 73?

I don't think Original Stx is carrying Mission anymore (at least sticks) but give them a call, and I haven't seen them at Just Hockey. Maybe try National?

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all the national sports are giving out the tps woodies with the purchase of a clearance shaft...i dont know if you can buy them, they have the tricore, redlite, 1100 all on sale

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I'd goto Nationals, if they don't have if there, ask them if any of their stores carry it. They'll generally order it in no problem for you.

If you feel like going for a little bit of a trip, Als sports in Burlington had them. I haven't been in a while, but they did have them a few months ago.

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How much is the 1100 at National? I'll trade anyone my m-2 85 flex if you could pick one up for me, or even a whip Redlite. PM me if you wanna work something out.

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ill try to check, the one by me had a few 0-300 and 5-260 1100s (i think) but i didnt pay attention to the tricore...and the team-comp flyweights are $50

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